CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Decision Support Tool implemented in VOLATILE web-page
User InterfaceUser Interface for Decision Support Tool designed
The deliverable will compile product quality requirements for the anticipated end-product to be considered during process development.
Report on Workshop and Seminar Organisation (at least 2 workshops, 2 seminars, 2 Webinars)Protocols on performed workshops and seminars.
Report on State-of-the-Art of biowaste valorisation in the test regions and beyondAnalysis of the current biowaste valorisation strategies used in the test regions and beyond
CEN Workshop Kick-Off Meeting - MinutesCEN Workshop initiated, Kick-Off Meeting performed, Minutes prepared
Outlook on Future Legislation affecting VFA based Value ChainsOutlook on legislative issues
Participation on at least two international fairsReport on fair participation.
"Up-date of ""VOLATILE at a glance"" brochure"Up-date of VOLATILE brochure taking into account project developments to be used for disemination and exploitation activities.
“VOLATILE at a glance” brochureVolatile brochure including general objectives of VOLATILE as well as partner description for general dissemination and communication purposes
Report on scientific communications (at least 4 scientific papers)Analysis of scientific publications during VOLATILE duration
Second Questionnaire Evaluation ReportAnalysis of 2nd Questionnaire send to stakeholders about stakeholder/public acceptance and determination of opportunities and bottlenecksto implement VFA platform.
Initial Situation analysis of Municipal Solid & Sludgy Biowaste treatment, valorization and bioproductsInitial Life Cycle assessment analysis of the test regions identifying current environmental performance of the implemented biowaste valorisation or treatment strategies to be used as baseline for the VOLATILE developments.
Dissemination & Communication portfolio designed - first 18 monthCompilation of all dissemination & communication tools designed and activities performed during the first 18 months
First Questionnaire Evaluation ReportIn order to develop appropriate support actions for stakeholders at different places on the value chain, questionnaires will be prepared to assess the stakeholder 7 public acceptance and to determine where lie opportunities to implement the VFAP and what are expected bottlenecks. This will help to develop the exploitation strategies.
Set-up of VOLATILE stakeholder platformReport on the initiation of the Volatile stakeholder platform.
LCA output of VOLATILELife Cycle Assessment on the final VOLATILE developments
CEN Workshop Agreement accomplishedCEN Workshop Agreement
Report on PHA based biomaterial biodegradation performanceReport on biodegradability of PHA based biofilms produced by hot-pressing.
Report on Market Demand for Biomolecules coming from biowaste valorisationMarket analysis for biomolecules using biowaste as feedstock via valorisation strategies
Fourth Questionnaire Evaluation ReportSummary and analysis of fourth questionnaire to stakeholders.
Report on Stakeholder Platform activitiesSummary of stakeholder platform activies since initiation.
Agent-based analysis of Initial Situation in Test regionsAgent-based Modelling of the current situation in the test regions to be used as baseline for the further project implementation in the test regions
Third Questionnaire Evaluation ReportAssessment of stakeholder/public acceptance and determination were lie opportunities and bottlenecks for VFA platform implementation.
Proceedings of Final ConferenceProtocol of final conference
Set-up of a regular, biannual newsletterSet-up of the first newsletter for dissemination activities to be send around to stakeholders informing them about the status of the developments.
Policy Recommendations towards sustainable bioconversion of Municipal solid and sludgy biowastePolicy Recommendations
Initial Cost Situation Analysis on Municipal Solid & Sludgy Biowaste TreatmentEconomic analysis for implemented waste treatment technologies such as incineration, composting, anaerobic digestion and MBT to be used as baseline to be compared with the VOLATILE treatment approach.
Report on EU legislative barriers/stimuli´s to VFA based value chainsAnalysis on legislative issues on European level supporting or hindering implementation of VFA based value chains.
Report on quality parameters of SCOReport laying down quality requirements to be reached during down-stream processing to obtain Single Cell Oil.
Volatile Website available in the internet
Interactive VOLATILE collaborative stakeholder platform implemented in webpageWebsite includes access to stakeholder platform
Laura Oliver, Thomas Dietrich, Izaskun Marañón, Maria Carmen Villarán, Ramón J. Barrio
Published in:
Resources, Issue 9/12, 2020, Page(s) 148, ISSN 2079-9276
Catarina Miranda, Sara Bettencourt, Tatiana Pozdniakova, Joana Pereira, Paula Sampaio, Ricardo Franco-Duarte, Célia Pais
Published in:
BMC Microbiology, Issue 20/1, 2020, ISSN 1471-2180
BioMed Central
Angelina Chalima, Angeliki Hatzidaki, Anthi Karnaouri, Evangelos Topakas
Published in:
Applied Energy, Issue 241, 2019, Page(s) 130-138, ISSN 0306-2619
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Angelina Chalima, Laura Oliver, Laura Fernández de Castro, Anthi Karnaouri, Thomas Dietrich, Evangelos Topakas
Published in:
Fermentation, Issue 3/4, 2017, Page(s) 54, ISSN 2311-5637
Sara Bettencourt, Catarina Miranda, Tatiana A. Pozdniakova, Paula Sampaio, Ricardo Franco-Duarte, Célia Pais
Published in:
Microorganisms, Issue 8/11, 2020, Page(s) 1809, ISSN 2076-2607
Angelina Chalima, George Taxeidis, Evangelos Topakas
Published in:
Renewable Energy, Issue 152, 2020, Page(s) 102-109, ISSN 0960-1481
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Marie-Aline Pierrard, Francis Meerburg, Bruno Sommer Ferreira, Alexandru Vasile Rusu, Csaba Bauer, Sebastian Hiessl, Jochen Michels, nouk Mertens, Siavash Farahbakhsh, Topakas, Vasiliki Oikonomopoulou, Christos Boukouvalas, Amaia Santamaría, Javier San José, Filip Velghe, Thomas Dietrich, Carlota Peral, Markus Neureiter, Adelheid Wiedemann
Published in:
Csaba-Laszlo Bauer, Filip Velghe, Bianca Pop, Carlota Peral, Thomas Dietrich
Published in:
DANUBE – Eastern Europe Regional Water Forum / International Conference Efficient Use and Management of Water 2018 Conference Proceedings, 2018, Page(s) 198 - 210
ARA Publishing
Sebastian Hiessl, Jochen Michels, Filip Velghe, Thomas Dietrich
Published in:
Biobasierte Chemie im Fluss, 2017, Page(s) 49
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