Reporting period: 2018-01-01 to 2022-03-31
• smart growth, based on knowledge and innovation,
• sustainable growth, promoting a more resource efficient, greener and competitive economy,
• inclusive growth, fostering a high employment economy delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion.
MANUNET III, as a continuation of MANUNET II, is aligned with the European priorities and intends to create a smart sustainable growth in the European manufacturing sector by coordinating the research and innovation efforts in the field of advanced manufacturing with a special focus on the key areas of new production processes, adaptive manufacturing systems and technologies for the factory of the future.
The project will also reinforce the territorial cohesion through an extended collaboration network. The consortium, constituted by 8 Member States, 3 Associated Countries and 1 Third Country intends to respond to the actual economic crisis by promoting transnational research, innovation and entrepreneurship in the industrial sector, especially in the SMEs, which are the backbone of Europe's economy.
Through this strategic and integrated approach to innovation in advanced manufacturing, MANUNET III intends to maximise European, national and regional research and innovation potential.
After 6 years of network activities MANUNET has looked back to its performance, analysing the coordination of the network and the results and impact that its calls have had in the RTD community. MANUNET is a mature and experienced platform which has succeeded launching calls every year since 2007. It has provided a regular funding opportunity to the manufacturing industry, mobilising 141 M€ of public funding. Very high SME involvement in calls: 78,3% of the MANUNET beneficiaries are SMEs. MANUNET fulfils this way one of its main goals which is to support industry and particularly SMEs, by designing calls tailored made for them. MANUNET has demonstrated added value for the need for an international network, complementary to other transnational funding instruments (both national and European funding instruments. MANUNET is an easy way to apply for funding, with relatively low administration effort, large geographical coverage and relevant topics.
3 additional calls were launched, respectively in January 2018, January 2019 and January 2020, thus maintaining regularity in the call timing, well known by the potential applicants (an aspect that has always been guaranteed over the years by the MANUNET funding agencies):
- Call 2018: 66 pre-proposals, 31 full proposals, 19 funded projects.
- Call 2019: 65 pre-proposals, 34 full proposals, 16 funded projects.
- Call 2020: 58 pre-proposals, 27 full proposals, 16 funded projects.
MANUNET III one more time demonstrates that it does fill the gap between purely national or regional projects and larger European projects, making it especially relevant for newcomers to transnational RTD cooperation and SMEs.
After 6 years of network activities MANUNET has looked back to its performance, analysing the coordination of the network and the impact that its calls have had in the RTD community.
MANUNET is a mature and experienced platform which has succeeded launching calls every year since 2007. It has provided a regular funding opportunity to the manufacturing industry, mobilising 141 M€ of public funding.
Very high SME involvement in calls: 78,3% of the MANUNET beneficiaries are SMEs. MANUNET fulfils this way one of its main goals which is to support industry and particularly SMEs, by designing calls tailored made for them.
MANUNET demonstrates added value for the need for an international network, complementary to other transnational funding instruments (both national and European funding instruments. MANUNET is an easy way to apply for funding, with relatively low administration effort, large geographical coverage and relevant topics.
MANUNET is a very well managed and coordinated network. The network activities and its management (adequacy of the consortium, quality of leadership, flow of information, governance, etc.) are considered an asset by the partners and associated partners of the network.
Call applicants commend the operation of the joint calls, with clear proposal templates, guides for applicants, website, easy application procedure and constructive interaction with the national/regional funding agencies. 95% of the beneficiaries that response to que survey had obtained some kind of result after the end of the project. The type of result was commonly a process (31%), a product (27%) or method (23%), as well as license agreements, patents or publications.
Funding agencies involved in MANUNET consider that the network demonstrates a clear added value for both call applicants and regional/national programmes. Considering the need for an international network, MANUNET offers SMEs a space for innovation and boosts international cooperation not only for the RTD community but also for funding agencies. However, the Cofund scheme did not bring significant benefits compared to MANUNET I and II.