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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics


Detector prototype

New type of beam monitor which combines thin diamond membranes and pixelated diamond electrode structures designed, built and tested. Results published in journal.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board members identified and first meeting held as part of project kick-off.

Halo Monitor

Halo monitor based on DMD designed, built and tested - journal article on lab studies published.

Comprehensive description of beam motion in ELENA and its beam lines

Numerical 3D real field model for optimization of beam transport and trap injection available and integration of selected diagnostics successfully completed.

long term beam dynamics

All relevant physics effects included in model and results benchmarked against experimental data.

Project leaflet

Distributed internationally

Project final brochure

For communication of Fellow achievements to help them secure next position.

Power supplies - final summary report

Report summarizing the experiment and facility requirements, as well as achieved and tested power supply specifications.

Optimum working parameters for controlled extraction

Paper published about simulation and experimental studies.

Roadmap towards integration of all diagnostics, experiments and rings in control system

Using input from consortium partners.

Recruitment Completed

All Fellows will start by 1 October 2017.

Data Management Plan

Will be finalized during kickoff meeting

Project initial brochure

For presentation of Fellow background and project goals - international roll-out at IPAC 2018.

Conference proceedings

Results from Fellows' projects presented at final Supervisory Board meeting and talks available online

Fellow outreach activities

All Fellows will have visited (at least) two schools and produced a short outreach video about their R&D project. This report will summarize these activities.

Improved resolution in spectroscopy measurements

Polarized hydrogen source designed, built and tested; measurements into antihydrogen ground-state hyperfine structure realized.

Ramsey technique

Optimized spectroscopy system identified through simulations and design work completed.

Collision dynamics of correlated quantum systems

Beam compression schemes for 1mm² cross section and 1-2 ns pulse length will be studied with CERN and GSI; event rates for different designs will be studied and experiment integration decided; ion extraction and imaging system to work under 10-12 mbar vacuum pressure will be developed.

Results from studies at ELENA

Halo monitor for signal levels at ELENA using proprietary DMD monitor developed and used for measurement of beam emittance and phase space tomography at ELENA.

high dynamic range beam current monitor - Prototype

Prototype installed and tested with beam

Instrumentation test stand available

Test stand available at CERN.

Cryogenic detectors for low energy particle detection

A detector system that is easier to operate, rugged under adverse conditions and has higher detection sensitivity will be built, designed and tested; tests will be completed in collaboration with GSI and CERN

Monte Carlo study into beam parameter range

Results from Monte Carlo simulations on test stand beam parameters available. These will be used to finalize the test stand design.

Improved understanding of electron beam emission and material choice

Investigations into cathode materials; optimization in test stand with GSI and STFC; develop cold electron source for cooler.

Power supplies built/tested

Power supplies with superior performance that match CERN and GSI control system specifications.

High dynamic range beam current monitor

Models characterized in simulations for sensitivity, time resolution, dynamic range and practical applicability

in situ magnetic field map for precision measurement

Measurements carried out and results published.

Full physics model of beam behavior

Effects impacting on beam stability investigated; most relevant ones included in code with TECHX.

GUI for access of readout data by lattice design code

Interface developed and able to recall all information from database.

Sympathetic Cooling of Antiprotons

Technique to cool particles without optical spectra by resonant coupling of the particles to laser-cooled ions developed and results published.

Antiproton extraction efficiency

Design and implement sensitive in-trap charge mode measurement system with UAA; develop optimized antiproton preparation and tailored extraction system for precision measurements.

Reservoir trap to deliver single antiparticles to Penning trap experiments

Trap has been built and commissioned

Liquid target-based antiproton detectors

Optimum detector geometry as identified through simulations

Relational database

With input from devices across all WPs

Outreach Symposium

Large scale outreach symposium to inform the wider public about Antimatter research.

Outreach video

Will be produced during first skills school and ready at the end of the school.

Project website

website available online with information about all projects and partners.

Final Conference

This will be open to all network partners, as well as researchers from outside of the consortium - joint organization with LEAP will be considered.


Next Generation Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) for nA Intensity Measurement

Auteurs: T. Sieber, D.M. Haider, H. Reeg, M. Schwickert, T. Stöhlker, H. De Gersem, N. Marsic, W.F.O. Müller, J. Golm, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel, V. Tympel, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko, J. Tan, G. Tranquille
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-3-95450-208-0
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2019-wepgw020

A Cryogenic Current Comparators (CCC) Customized for FAIR-Project

Auteurs: J. Golm, R. Neubert, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel, T. Stöhlker, V. Tympel, D.M. Haider, F. Kurian, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2018-wepak005

Different Versions of Cryogenic Current Comparators with Magnetic Core for Beam Current Measurements

Auteurs: J. Golm, R. Neubert, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel, V. Tympel, T. Stoehlker, F. Kurian, D.M. Haider, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko, M.F. Fernandes, , C.P. Welsch, J. Tan, H. De Gersem, N. Marsic
Publié dans: 2019, Page(s) 3431-3434, ISBN 978-3-95450-208-0
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2019-thyypls2

Progress Towards Ramsey Hyperfine Spectroscopy in ASACUSA

Auteurs: A. Nanda on behalf of the ASACUSA-CUSP Collaboration
Publié dans: Proc. 8th Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, 2020, Page(s) 201-203
Éditeur: World Scientific

Multi-objective Optimization of 3D Beam Tracking in Electrostatic Beamlines

Auteurs: V. Rodin, J.R. Hunt, J. Resta-López, B. Veglia, C.P. Welsch
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-3-95450-208-0
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2019-wepts060

First Measurements of a New Type of Coreless Cryogenic Current Comparators (4C) for Non-Destructive Intensity Diagnostics of Charged Particles

Auteurs: V. Tympel, T. Stöhlker, S. Anders, J. Kunert, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko, H. De Gersem, N. Marsic, W.F.O. Müller, J. Golm, F. Schmidl, T. Schönau, P. Seidel, M. Stapelfeld, D.M. Haider, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber, J. Tan
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-3-95450-204-2
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ibic2019-mopp008

Optimization of Antiproton Capture for Antihydrogen Creation in the ALPHA Experiment

Auteurs: S.S. Fabbri, W. Bertsche
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-3-95450-204-2
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ibic2019-wepp040

Electron Cooling Simulation Benchmarking

Auteurs: B. Veglia, J. Resta-López, C.P. Welsch, N. Biancacci, D. Gamba, A. Latina, Á. Saá Hernández
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-cool2019-tups06


Auteurs: B. Veglia, J. R. Hunt, J. Resta-Lopez, V. Rodin, C. P. Welsch
Publié dans: 9th International Particle Accelerators Conference, 2018, ISBN 978-3-95450-184-7
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2018-thpaf015


Auteurs: J. R. Hunt, J. Resta-Lopez, B. Veglia, V. Rodin, C. P. Welsch
Publié dans: 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 2018, Page(s) 2979-2982, ISBN 978-3-95450-184-7
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2018-thpaf016

Beam Intensity Monitoring with nanoampere resolution - the cryogenic current comparator (CCC)

Auteurs: D.M. Haider, P. Forcj, F. Kurian, M. Schwickert, T. Seiber. M. Fernandes, J. Tan, J. Golm, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel, T. Stoehlker, V. Tympel, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko, H. De Gersem, N. Marsic
Publié dans: 7th International beam Instrumentation Conference, 2018
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ibic2018-mopc08


Auteurs: J.Resta-López†,A.Alexandrova,V.Rodin,Y.Wei,C.P.Welsch, Y.Li,G.Xia,Y.Zhao,
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2018-tuxgbe2

Versatile Beamline Cryostat for the Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) for FAIR

Auteurs: D.M. Haider, F. Kurian, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber, T. Stöhlker, F. Ucar, H. De Gersem, N. Marsic, W.F.O. Müller, J. Golm, T. Koettig, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko, V. Tympel
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-3-95450-204-2
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ibic2019-mopp007

Comparative Measurement and Characterisation of Three Cryogenic Current Comparators Based on Low-Temperature Superconductors

Auteurs: V. Tympel, T. Stöhlker, H. De Gersem, N. Marsic, W.F.O. Müller, M.F. Fernandes, C.P. Welsch, J. Tan, J. Golm, R. Neubert, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel, D.M. Haider, F. Kurian, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber, M. Schmelz, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: JACoW Publishing
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ibic2018-mopc06

Hybrid Imaging and Timing Ps Laser Excitation Diagnostics for Pulsed Antihydrogen Production

Auteurs: R. Caravita, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, F. Castelli, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, L.T. Glöggler, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, C. Malbrunot, S. Mariazzi, V. Matveev, S.R. Müller, G. Nebbia, P. Nedelec, M.
Publié dans: Acta Physica Polonica A, Numéro 137/2, 2020, Page(s) 96-100, ISSN 0587-4246
Éditeur: Polska Akademia Nauk
DOI: 10.12693/aphyspola.137.96

Positronium for Antihydrogen Production in the AEGIS Experiment

Auteurs: G. Consolati, S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, C. Evans, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnicky, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lansonneur, P. Lebrun, C. Mal
Publié dans: Acta Physica Polonica A, Numéro 132/5, 2017, Page(s) 1443-1449, ISSN 0587-4246
Éditeur: Polska Akademia Nauk
DOI: 10.12693/aphyspola.132.1443

The AEgIS experiment: towards antimatter gravity measurements

Auteurs: O Khalidova, S Aghion, C Amsler, M Antonello, A Belov, G Bonomi, R S Brusa, M Caccia, A Camper, R Caravita, F Castelli, G Cerchiari, D Comparat, G Consolati, A Demetrio, L D Noto, M Doser, C Evans, M Fani, R Ferragut, J Fesel, A Fontana, S Gerber, M Giammarchi, A Gligorova, F Guatieri, P Hackstock, S Haider, A Hinterberger, H Holmestad, A Kellerbauer, D Krasnický, V Lagomarsino, P Lansonneur, P L
Publié dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Numéro 1390, 2019, Page(s) 012104, ISSN 1742-6588
Éditeur: Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1390/1/012104

Protocol for pulsed antihydrogen production in the AE ḡ IS apparatus

Auteurs: I C Tietje, C Amsler, M Antonello, A Belov, G Bonomi, R S Brusa, M Caccia, A Camper, R Caravita, F Castelli, P Cheinet, D Comparat, G Consolati, A Demetrio, L Di Noto, M Doser, M Fanì, R Ferragut, J Fesel, S Gerber, M Giammarchi, A Gligorova, L T Glöggler, F Guatieri, S Haider, A Hinterberger, A Kellerbauer, O Khalidova, D Krasnický, V Lagomarsino, C Malbrunot, L Nowak, S Mariazzi, V Matveev, S
Publié dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Numéro 1612, 2020, Page(s) 012025, ISSN 1742-6588
Éditeur: Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1612/1/012025

Measurement of the principal quantum number distribution in a beam of antihydrogen atoms

Auteurs: B. Kolbinger, C. Amsler, S. Arguedas Cuendis, H. Breuker, A. Capon, G. Costantini, P. Dupré, M. Fleck, A. Gligorova, H. Higaki, Y. Kanai, V. Kletzl, N. Kuroda, A. Lanz, M. Leali, V. Mäckel, C. Malbrunot, V. Mascagna, O. Massiczek, Y. Matsuda, D. J. Murtagh, Y. Nagata, A. Nanda, L. Nowak, B. Radics, C. Sauerzopf, M. C. Simon, M. Tajima, H. A. Torii, U. Uggerhøj, S. Ulmer, L. Venturelli, A. Weise
Publié dans: The European Physical Journal D, Numéro 75/3, 2021, ISSN 1434-6060
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/s10053-021-00101-y

Techniques for Production and Detection of 2 3 S Positronium

Auteurs: S. Mariazzi, R. Caravita, A. Vespertini, A. Camper, B. Rienacker, R.S. Brusa, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, M. Caccia, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, J. Fesel, S. Gerber, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, P. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnicky, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lebrun, C. Malbrunot, V. Ma
Publié dans: Acta Physica Polonica A, Numéro 137/2, 2020, Page(s) 91-95, ISSN 0587-4246
Éditeur: Polska Akademia Nauk
DOI: 10.12693/aphyspola.137.91

Imaging a positronium cloud in a 1 Tesla

Auteurs: Antoine Camper, Stefano Aghion, Claude Amsler, Massimiliano Antonello, Alexander Belov, Germano Bonomi, Roberto Brusa, Massimo Caccia, Ruggero Caravita, Fabrizio Castelli, Giovanni Cerchiari, Daniel Comparat, Giovanni Consolati, Andrea Demetrio, Lea Di Noto, Michael Doser, Craig Evans, Mattia Fanì, Rafael Ferragut, Julian Fesel, Andrea Fontana, Sebastian Gerber, Marco Giammarchi, Angela Gligorova
Publié dans: EPJ Web of Conferences, Numéro 198, 2019, Page(s) 00004, ISSN 2100-014X
Éditeur: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201919800004

Hyperfine spectroscopy of hydrogen and antihydrogen in ASACUSA

Auteurs: E. Widmann, C. Amsler, S. Arguedas Cuendis, H. Breuker, M. Diermaier, P. Dupré, C. Evans, M. Fleck, A. Gligorova, H. Higaki, Y. Kanai, B. Kolbinger, N. Kuroda, M. Leali, A. M. M. Leite, V. Mäckel, C. Malbrunot, V. Mascagna, O. Massiczek, Y. Matsuda, D. J. Murtagh, Y. Nagata, A. Nanda, D. Phan, C. Sauerzopf, M. C. Simon, M. Tajima, H. Spitzer, M. Strube, S. Ulmer, L. Venturelli, M. Wiesinger, Y.
Publié dans: Hyperfine Interactions, Numéro 240/1, 2019, ISSN 0304-3843
Éditeur: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10751-018-1536-9

Constraints on the Coupling between Axionlike Dark Matter and Photons Using an Antiproton Superconducting Tuned Detection Circuit in a Cryogenic Penning Trap

Auteurs: Jack A. Devlin, Matthias J. Borchert, Stefan Erlewein, Markus Fleck, James A. Harrington, Barbara Latacz, Jan Warncke, Elise Wursten, Matthew A. Bohman, Andreas H. Mooser, Christian Smorra, Markus Wiesinger, Christian Will, Klaus Blaum, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Jochen Walz, Yasunori Yamazaki, Stefan Ulmer
Publié dans: Physical Review Letters, Numéro 126/4, 2021, ISSN 0031-9007
Éditeur: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.126.041301

Calibration and Equalisation of Plastic Scintillator Detectors for Antiproton Annihilation Identification Over Positron/Positronium Background

Auteurs: N. Zurlo, C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, L. Gloggler, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, C. Malbrunot, S. Mariazzi, V.
Publié dans: Acta Physica Polonica B, 2020, ISSN 1509-5770
Éditeur: Acta Physica Polonica B
DOI: 10.5506/aphyspolb.51.213

Efficient 2 S 3 positronium production by stimulated decay from the 3

Auteurs: M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, S. Gerber, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, P. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lebrun, C. Malbrunot, S. Mariazzi, V. Matveev, S. R. Müller, G. Nebbia, P
Publié dans: Physical Review A, Numéro 100/6, 2019, ISSN 2469-9926
Éditeur: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.100.063414

Producing long-lived 2 3 S positronium via 3

Auteurs: S. Aghion, C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, C. Evans, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, P. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnick
Publié dans: Physical Review A, Numéro 98/1, 2018, Page(s) 013402, ISSN 2469-9926
Éditeur: the American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.98.013402

Antiproton tagging and vertex fitting in a Timepix3 detector

Auteurs: S. Aghion, C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, C. Evans, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, Ph. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnick
Publié dans: Journal of Instrumentation, Numéro 13/06, 2018, Page(s) P06004-P06004, ISSN 1748-0221
Éditeur: Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/13/06/p06004

Compression of a mixed antiproton and electron non-neutral plasma to high densities

Auteurs: Stefano Aghion, Claude Amsler, Germano Bonomi, Roberto S. Brusa, Massimo Caccia, Ruggero Caravita, Fabrizio Castelli, Giovanni Cerchiari, Daniel Comparat, Giovanni Consolati, Andrea Demetrio, Lea Di Noto, Michael Doser, Craig Evans, Mattia Fanì, Rafael Ferragut, Julian Fesel, Andrea Fontana, Sebastian Gerber, Marco Giammarchi, Angela Gligorova, Francesco Guatieri, Stefan Haider, Alexander Hinterb
Publié dans: The European Physical Journal D, Numéro 72/4, 2018, ISSN 1434-6060
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2018-80617-x

Sympathetic cooling of protons and antiprotons with a common endcap Penning trap

Auteurs: M. Bohman, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, N. Schön, M. Wiesinger, J. Harrington, T. Higuchi, H. Nagahama, C. Smorra, S. Sellner, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Wal, S. Ulmer
Publié dans: Journal of Modern Physics, 2018, ISSN 0950-0340
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2017.1404656

350-fold improved measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment using a multi-trap method

Auteurs: Christian Smorra, Pascal E. Blessing, Matthias J. Borchert, Jack A. Devlin, James A. Harrington, Takashi Higuchi, Jonathan Morgner, Hiroki Nagahama, Stefan Sellner, Matthew A. Bohman, Andreas H. Mooser, Georg L. Schneider, Natalie Schön, Markus Wiesinger, Klaus Blaum, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Jochen Walz, Yasunori Yamazaki, Stefan Ulmer
Publié dans: Hyperfine Interactions, Numéro 239/1, 2018, ISSN 0304-3843
Éditeur: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10751-018-1507-1

Realistic 3D implementation of electrostatic elements for low energy machines

Auteurs: V. Rodin, J. R. Hunt, J. Resta-Lopez, B. Veglia, C. P. Welsch
Publié dans: Hyperfine Interactions, Numéro 240/1, 2019, ISSN 0304-3843
Éditeur: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10751-019-1578-7

Single-pass non-destructive electronic detection of charged particles

Auteurs: Markus Kiffer, Stefan Ringleb, Nils Stallkamp, Béla Arndt, Ilya Blinov, Sugam Kumar, Stefan Stahl, Thomas Stöhlker, Manuel Vogel
Publié dans: Review of Scientific Instruments, Numéro 90/11, 2019, Page(s) 113301, ISSN 0034-6748
Éditeur: American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/1.5110988

A ∼100 μm-resolution position-sensitive detector for slow positronium

Auteurs: C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, P. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lebrun, C. Malbrunot, S. M
Publié dans: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Numéro 457, 2019, Page(s) 44-48, ISSN 0168-583X
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.07.015

Design of a detector to study $S = - 2$ baryon interactions induced by stopped antiproton annihilation

Auteurs: D. Alfs, D. Grzonka, K. Kilian, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick
Publié dans: EPJ Web of Conferences, Numéro 199, 2019, Page(s) 05023, ISSN 2100-014X
Éditeur: EPJ Web of Conferences / EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201919905023

Drift chamber calibration and particle identification in the P-349 experiment

Auteurs: D. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Głowacz, D. Grzonka, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink, J. Zmeskal
Publié dans: EPJ Web of Conferences, Numéro 199, 2019, Page(s) 05017, ISSN 2100-014X
Éditeur: EPJ Web of Conferences / EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201919905017

Polarization analysis of p̄ produced in pA collisions

Auteurs: D. Grzonka, D. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Głowacz, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink, J. Zmeskal
Publié dans: EPJ Web of Conferences, Numéro 199, 2019, Page(s) 05013, ISSN 2100-014X
Éditeur: EPJ Web of Conferences / EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201919905013

Velocity-selected production of 2 S 3 metastable positronium

Auteurs: C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, S. Gerber, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, P. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lansonneur, P. Lebrun, C. Malbrunot, S. Mariazzi,
Publié dans: Physical Review A, Numéro 99/3, 2019, ISSN 2469-9926
Éditeur: Physical Reviews A
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.033405

Noninvasive 3D Field Mapping of Complex Static Electric Fields

Auteurs: Andreas Kainz, Franz Keplinger, Wilfried Hortschitz, Matthias Kahr, Harald Steiner, Michael Stifter, James R. Hunt, Javier Resta-Lopez, Volodymyr Rodin, Carsten P. Welsch, Jan Borburgh, Matthew Alexander Fraser, Wolfgang Bartmann
Publié dans: Physical Review Letters, Numéro 122/24, 2019, ISSN 0031-9007
Éditeur: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.122.244801

Superconducting Solenoid System with Adjustable Shielding Factor for Precision Measurements of the Properties of the Antiproton

Auteurs: Jack A. Devlin, Elise Wursten, James A. Harrington, Takashi Higuchi, Pascal E. Blessing, Matthias J. Borchert, Stefan Erlewein, Jannek J. Hansen, Jonathan Morgner, Matthew A. Bohman, Andreas H. Mooser, Christian Smorra, Markus Wiesinger, Klaus Blaum, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Jochen Walz, Yasunori Yamazaki, Stefan Ulmer
Publié dans: Physical Review Applied, Numéro 12/4, 2019, ISSN 2331-7019
Éditeur: APS Physics
DOI: 10.1103/physrevapplied.12.044012

Measurement of Ultralow Heating Rates of a Single Antiproton in a Cryogenic Penning Trap

Auteurs: M. J. Borchert, P. E. Blessing, J. A. Devlin, J. A. Harrington, T. Higuchi, J. Morgner, C. Smorra, E. Wursten, M. Bohman, M. Wiesinger, A. Mooser, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer
Publié dans: Physical Review Letters, Numéro 122/4, 2019, ISSN 0031-9007
Éditeur: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.043201

Towards the first measurement of matter-antimatter gravitational interaction

Auteurs: C. Evans, S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fani, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lansonneur, P. Lebrun, C. Mal
Publié dans: EPJ Web of Conferences, Numéro 182, 2018, Page(s) 02040, ISSN 2100-014X
Éditeur: EPJ Conferences / EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201818202040

Rydberg-positronium velocity and self-ionization studies in a 1T magnetic field and cryogenic environment

Auteurs: M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, S. Gerber, A. Gligorova, L. T. Glöggler, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, C. Malbrunot, S. Mariazzi, V. Matveev, S. R. Müller, G. Nebbia, P. Nedelec, L. Nowak, M. Ober
Publié dans: Physical Review A, Numéro 102/1, 2020, ISSN 2469-9926
Éditeur: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.102.013101

AEgIS at ELENA: outlook for physics with a pulsed cold antihydrogen beam

Auteurs: M. Doser, S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, C. Evans, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lansonneur, P. Lebrun, C. M
Publié dans: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2018, ISSN 1471-2962
Éditeur: Royal Society
DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0274

Gravity and antimatter: the AEgIS experiment at CERN

Auteurs: D. Pagano, S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L.Di Noto, M. Doser, A. Evans, M. Fani, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lansonneur, P. Leb
Publié dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Numéro 1342, 2019, Page(s) 012016, ISSN 1742-6588
Éditeur: Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1342/1/012016

Antiproton beams with low energy spread for antihydrogen production

Auteurs: M. Tajima, N. Kuroda, C. Amsler, H. Breuker, C. Evans, M. Fleck, A. Gligorova, H. Higaki, Y. Kanai, B. Kolbinger, A. Lanz, M. Leali, V. Mäckel, C. Malbrunot, V. Mascagna, Y. Matsuda, D. Murtagh, Y. Nagata, A. Nanda, B. Radics, M. Simon, S. Ulmer, L. Venturelli, E. Widmann, M. Wiesinger, Y. Yamazaki
Publié dans: Journal of Instrumentation, Numéro 14/05, 2019, Page(s) P05009-P05009, ISSN 1748-0221
Éditeur: Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/14/05/p05009

Production of long-lived positronium states via laser excitation to 33P level

Auteurs: S. Mariazzi, R. Caravita, S. Aghion, C. Amsler, M. Antonello, A. Belov, G. Bonomi, R. S. Brusa, M. Caccia, A. Camper, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, C. Evans, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, F. Guatieri, P. Hackstock, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, O. Khalidova,
Publié dans: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, ISSN 1551-7616
Éditeur: AIP Publishing
DOI: 10.1063/1.5135827

Eupraxia, A Step Toward A Plasma-Wakefield Based Accelerator With High Beam Quality

Auteurs: P A P Nghiem, D Alesini, A Aschikhin, R W Assmann, T Audet, A Beck, A Chance, M Chen, E Chiadroni, A Cianchi, J A Clarke, M E Couprie, M Croia, B Cros, G Dattoli, A Del Dotto, N Delerue, U Dorda, A Ferran Pousa, M Ferrario, R A Fonseca, A Ghaith, A Giribono, L A Gizzi, A Helm, B Hidding, S M Hooker, M G Ibison, D A Jaroszynski, K O Kruchinin, L Labate, P Lee, X Li, F Y Li, V Libov, B Marchetti, A
Publié dans: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, ISSN 1742-6596
Éditeur: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1350/1/012068

AEg̅IS latest results

Auteurs: F. Guatieri, S. Aghion, C. Amsler, G. Angela, G. Bonomi, R.S. Brusa, M. Caccia, R. Caravita, F. Castelli, G. Cerchiari, D. Comparat, G. Consolati, A. Demetrio, L. Di Noto, M. Doser, C. Evans, M. Fanì, R. Ferragut, J. Fesel, A. Fontana, S. Gerber, M. Giammarchi, A. Gligorova, S. Haider, A. Hinterberger, H. Holmestad, A. Kellerbauer, D. Krasnický, V. Lagomarsino, P. Lansonneur, P. Lebrun, C. Malbr
Publié dans: EPJ Web of Conferences, Numéro 181, 2018, Page(s) 01037, ISSN 2100-014X
Éditeur: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201718101037

Characterization of the Cryogenic Current Comparator for FAIR*

Auteurs: D. Haider, F. Kurian, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber,V. Tympel, R. Neubert, T. Stöhlker
Publié dans: GSI-FAIR Scientific Report 2017, 2018, ISSN 2625-8692
Éditeur: GSI Helmholtzzentrum fu¨r Schwerionenforschung GmbH
DOI: 10.15120/gr-2018-1

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