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Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ERNI2016 (Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel)

Période du rapport: 2017-04-01 au 2018-01-31

Ever since the European Researchers' Night project initiated, our consortium used it to strengthen ties between the academic community and the public at large, bringing scientists to meet the public at eye-level.
We are proud to say that along the years we have achieved that goal by running venues all over the country in both main cities and the periphery while partners also engaged the public by outreach activities at local pubs, cafes and community centers. In 2016/2017 we have moved forward with that important concept and opened new venues that will bring scientists to new audience to maximize the number of young people that will personally meet scientists.

project has reached its objectives and proved to be successful
o Common logo and visual identity used by all partners.
o Conception, production and display of promotional material (posters, invitations, programmers, folders);
o Publication of articles, interviews in national newspapers;
o Public advertising (public spaces, public transport);
o Airing of announcements, promotional spots, interviews on local and national radio stations;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of the project website.
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project 's social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter);
o Airing of over 148 (increase by 30 % compared to the year 2016) promotional spots, announcements, interviews on national radio, national newspapers and TV stations.;
o Over one million people made aware about the Researcher's' Night and its objectives.
o Offer of the activities globally as planned in the Annex I part B to the Grant agreement, namely:
o Various types of actives offered in each of the 15 venues amongst the national territory;
o Offer of activities (whether by university, research institute, college and science museum..) based on meetings between researchers and the public; activities also scheduled in nearby cities allowed increasing the overall audience and reaching the public that would not normally come to campuses;
o Offer of activities in several languages (often delivered by guest researchers on campuses);
o Visit of serval of the venues by the Israeli science Minister and the EU delegation in Israel;
o Increased number of researchers involved in the activities offered, necessitating a selection amongst the numerous candidatures;
o Over 300 researchers directly involved in the different activities offered;
o Attendance of 61.934 visitors having taken part to the various activities offered in the different venues.
o Collection, analysis and processing of 1.364 electronic questionnaires correctly filled in;
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of responders: 49 % female, 51 % male, major part aged 6-12, followed by 31-50, 13-18, 19-30 and over 51, over the half having no education in science;
o Overall positive feedback on the events themselves (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, schedule, venues and locations);
o Most appreciated activities: experiential science stations (followed by kids' activities, meetings with scientists, lectures old games exercise);
o Increased awareness about science, researchers and the societal impact of their job;
o Increased interest for science careers and science engagement after having taken part in the activities offered;
o Significant
Students meets researcher at Madatech-Israel National Museum of Science
Science Show at Madatech-Israel National Museum of Science
The EU site at Tel-Aviv University