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Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology 2016/2017 - The New Generation of Innovators

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FAWORIT 2016-2017 (Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology 2016/2017 - The New Generation of Innovators)

Reporting period: 2017-01-01 to 2017-11-30

The main objectives of “FAWORIT 2016-2017”, the European Researchers’ Night in Hungary in 2017, consisted of:
• Showing the public how innovative solutions, new products, services, inventions affect our daily lives;
• Presenting the creators of innovative solutions: the researchers, their work and career, their personalities, daily life and hobbies with a view to support their public recognition;
• Encouraging the youth – with a special focus on girls – to embark on scientific careers by involving young innovators in our programmes;
• Highlighting how rewarding it is to change the world, to make real impact on our everyday lives with showing attractive career paths to young innovators.

For such a purpose, a very intensive awareness campaign was undertaken. Our main target group was students between the age of 8-20 but we organised programmes for younger children and for their parents, too, as they considerably influence the career decision of children.

Most activities, taking place in over 51 different cities, more than 186 different venues with over 2.500 different programmes, focused on the researcher seen through their career and the lively experiences of their scientific life, completed with lots of connected partners, their venues and knowledge and experiences in science.

We addressed the lessons learnt from previous Researchers’ Nights by using new, novel methods and solutions. We have experienced in the last years that our activities usually attract well-educated citizens living in larger towns. Therefor we widened the circle of our target group by organising spectacular events on the street, in public places (“Science in the City”). This kind of activity started before the event as part of the awareness raising. This way we could attract another type of audience to our activities, too. By involving contributing partners as the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Google Ground in our project, we also aimed to reach out to more young people.

All the programmes’ and communication strategy’s purpose consisted of illustrating that being a researcher is cool and creative and researchers and young innovators are amongst us.
We intended to raise awareness of the European engagement in R&I, therefor in the European Corners and at each venue related programmes of the European Union (FP7, H2020, especially MSCA) were visible.

Our visitors’ numbers increased from year to year, and as we attracted this year more than 17.600 people, and with the strong communication strategy we could reached about 1,000,000 people with our message. More than 300 researchers were involved in the activities, 18 of these benefitted from MSC schemes and 33 of these benefitted from EU support (FP7, H2020) other than MSCA.
Overview of the results
- Conception, production and display of promotional material: posters, roll-ups in each venue (entrance), general leaflet (2000 copies, priority programmes in each venue), specific programme in specific leaflet in each venue;
- Direct mailing (over 600 schools, announcement of the event and offer of visit for providing further information) with posters and personnel communication;
- Publication of a national press release (journalists and major news agencies);
- Publication of local press releases in Szeged, Miskolc and Debrecen;
- Public advertisement on No. 17 tram, which has one of the longest route through Budapest and in two of the most frequented metro stations in Budapest (Blaha Lujza Square and Deák Square)
- Sending of invitations to over 600 schools (announcement of the event, posters);
- Organisation of a national press conference (4 days prior to the event; 26/09/2017), Round Table discussion (15 days before the event; 14/09/2017);
- Organisation of 3 Science Cafés and 1 Flash Mob;
- Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website and the other websites, and (information and programme provided in English);
o Links with relevant EU, institutional and other popular websites;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profile (Facebook, namely;
o Setting up and updating YOUTUBE-SCINEWS channel with the main spot, interviews with young researchers, children, reports and other interesting info about the event
o sharing Links to other ERN videos: such as
o 21.964 FB-followers;
o several press releases, TV and radio spots
o Publication of over 390 articles, interviews, videos … etc in both on and off line press;
o Airing of video news, interviews, on several radio and TV stations;
o Reports on several TV and radio channels reported about the event (source: National Audiovisual Archives, as well as printed and electronic news portals;
o Over 1.500.000 people made aware of the Researchers' Night and its objectives.

Overview of the results

o Offer of the activities as described in the Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:
• Interactive workshops;
• Demos and hands-on experiments;
• Treasure hunting with cell phones;
• Quizzes and games;
• Lectures and presentations;
• Guided labs visits;
• Hobbies of researchers;
• High tech and creative programmes;
• Beating Guinness record (drawing robots made at home);
• Archaeological exploration;
• Display of science movies and 3D movies;
• Awarding ceremonies for competition winners;
o Specific programmes addressing kids (kids’ corner);
o Specific activities focused on women scientists a science careers for girls;
o Activities focused on space research, planetarium shows;
o Science shows, molecular gastronomy show;
o Exhibitions (computer technology, project in cooperation with German partner school);
o Laser technologies show;
o Specific activities for the celebration of the Night's tenth anniversary;
o European corners;

o Active involvement of more than 300 researchers, of whom:
o 18 having benefitted from MSCA schemes;
o 33 having benefitted from FP7/HORIZON 2020 support;

o 17.600 visitors having actively taken part in the activities offered.
Overview of the results
o Collection, analysis and processing of 4002 feedbacks contact and 1001 on-line questionnaires;
o Main conclusions:
• Typology of visitors: aged 21 in average, balanced gender representation, mots having a university degree, employed and residing in capital city, mostly families with young kids, schools with teachers, young people;
• Overall positive feedback regarding the event itself (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, locations and venues, scheduling, concrete organisation);
• General intention expressed to take part in a similar future event;
• Most successful activities: science presentations, presentation of technological innovations and results, new inventions;
• Improved public opinion about researchers, their work and its potential societal impact;
• Increased interest for science and science careers expressed by young people respondents;
• Increased general awareness about research's impact on citizens' daily lives;
• General wish expressed for a longer duration event.
Researchers' Night Awaireness Raising
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Roll up
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Science Café
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Awaireness Raising
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity
Researchers' Night Activity