Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SPOTLIGHT (Single Point Of aTtachment communications empowered by cLoud computing and bIG data analytics running on-top of massively distributed and loosely-coupled Heterogeneous mobile data neTworks)
Période du rapport: 2019-01-01 au 2021-06-30
Towards addressing these vulnerabilities and setting the foundations of the 5G and beyond mobile data network, in SPOTLIGHT we analyze, design, and optimize the performance of a disruptive new mobile network architecture: the SPOTLIGHT architecture. This architecture aims to break performance limitations of the currently loosely inter-connected, resource-fragmented and isolated in operation mobile network ecosystem, by transforming the existing multi-layered set of attachment points to a flat coalition of massively distributed transceivers utilizing a common pool of energy, radio, computing and storage resources that are optimally handled by a cloud-empowered network core. To further reduce response time and enhance network resilience, all functions necessary for mobile communications will be subject of: i) massive parallelization in cloud platforms at the network core (cloud-empowered network management), and ii) big data analysis on-top of a virtual pool of shared energy, radio, computing and storage resources at the network edge (fog-inspired network optimization).
Training activities have been developed according to the general work schedule. ESRs have developed their own Personal Development Career Plan (PCDP) under the guidance and close cooperation of the local Principal Investigator/s (PIs) within the first two months of their contract. In it, ESRs have described their long-term career objectives, their future training activities and the targeted publication plan. During the first 24 months of the project, the consortium has organized top-notch seminars and complementary courses, according (or even ahead) of the planning: Complementary Course on “Scientific Writing and Communication Skills”, Seminars 1, 2 and 3 (“5G networks and beyond”; “Theoretical and Simulation tools for the analysis of mobile networks”; “PHY techniques, waveform design and spectral efficiency enhancements”), and the first half of Seminar 5 on “Software Defined Networking and multi-tenancy in mobile networks”.
According to the plan, three e-newsletters have been published so far. The project successfully organized its first workshop on “Communications and Information Processing in 5G and Beyond Data Networks” in conjunction with IEEE CAMAD 2018. Six conference papers from SPOTLIGHT project’s ESRs have been accepted for publication and presentation, while four more have been submitted in top-tier journals. In the view of impact to standardization and open source projects, some ESRs identified relevant activity to monitor and consider future contributions. A contribution to the distributed mobility management (DMM) group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has been accomplished in the context of a 3GPP CT4 Liaison Statement to the IETF about the evolution of the 5G data plane. The project has also demonstrated notable participation to public events, including the Marie Curie Researchers’ Night around the EU and other local public events (e.g. IoT World Congress).