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COolest Of Labs Hottest Of Theories

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - COOLandHOT (COolest Of Labs Hottest Of Theories)

Reporting period: 2017-02-01 to 2017-12-31

The eight edition of Researchers' night project in Serbia was organized on 29th September 2017 and covered Province of Vojvodina, a multi-ethnic and multicultural area with approximately 30% of the total population of Serbia (2.2 out of 7.5 mil people)
Theme: high temperature science, with a special emphasis on educating and raising awareness about the interesting cutting-edge research and theories focused on innovations about the hottest issues in science, fun experiments about high temperatures and high energy processes (heat engines, energy production in stars, arc welding, body fever, hypothermia…) which fits perfectly within the “cool & hot” themed Researchers Night 2016/17

Main focus was on the hot topics in science existing in 2017

o Break and demystify the persistent and repeated stereotypes about researchers;
o Bring out the actual Serbian researchers, engage them publicly and increase their recognition in Serbian society, both locally and globally;
o Promote research carried out in Serbia and researchers as role models;
o Unveil the motivation for becoming a researcher;
o Entice the young people to embark on scientific careers;
o Raise public awareness about the researchers' contribution to progress and development;
o Raise public awareness about climate change and global warming;
o Highlight the importance of the EU's manifold support to researchers and scientific research work in Serbia;
o Improve networking with other national and international projects related to science popularisation, through mutual support of events and exchange of ideas, experiences and people.

o hot, attractive, futuristic, understanding, connecting, helping. At the same time these keywords perfectly describe the researchers and science.

Offer of eight Researchers Night in Serbia was balanced combination of science-linked activities (demonstrations, simulations, hands-on experiments) and festive ones (games, sport, quizzes, competitions and music), including scientific demonstrations by researchers, hands-on experiments, workshops for children, competitive, sport and music activities, as well as informal discourse on topical issues accompanied by a variety of cultural expressions.

Main idea of the event was to promote science mixed with arts, theatre, sports, and local businesses, but framed around the specific scientific topics, implying a change in the presentation concept, from many small and unconnected stands to just a few sectors, while also enabling researchers from different fields and institutions to mingle and unite as well as visitors to have more holistic understanding of specific scientific phenomena.

According to the collected data and statistical results, the project objectives were without a doubt successfully achieved. The events organised through the Researchers’ Night 2016-2017 in Novi Sad, Subotica, Sabac, Pancevo, Kikinda and Zrenjanin fulfilled their ambition and proved to be successful.
Awareness Campaign
Overview of the results
o Conception, realization and display of promotional material (over 100.000 items);
o Public advertising (billboards) and advertisement on public transport (busses, bus-stops in city centre) billboards, advertisements at bus stops, aadvertising along shopping centre BIG Novi Sad;
o Organization of a national press conference;
o Airing of news, announcements, ads and reports about the Serbian funded project and COOL&HOT project specifically on radio and TV stations, amongst which 70 radio news and announcements and 46 TV + radio shows, news and reports;
o Revamping, updating and maintenance of the project website ;
o Over 25.000 sessions and 8.000 unique visitors, average time 2.5 minutes, 3 pages opened;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles;
o Over 8.000 likes on Facebook;
o Links with popular and institutional websites (over 100 references);
o Organisation of pre-events:
o Round table discussion about a hot topics related to science;
o Over 50 visits to primary and secondary schools;
o Science Truck Tour in northern part of Serbia;
o Over 950.000 people made aware of the Researchers' night and its objectives.

Activities during the Night
Offer of the activities as planned in the Annex I part B to the Grant agreement, amongst which:
o Exhibition stands;
o Hands-on experiments;
o Demos;
o Lectures:
o Science shows, amongst which shows by both scientists and non-scientists (musicians, painters, actors) and on stage experiments;
o Competition "Hot scientific group" (researchers and science professionals);
o Storytelling about lives of hot scientific groups along with the presentation of current science results;
o Social activities with scientists (singing competition, sport, gaming, painting…);
o Interactive science quizzes;
o Hot chocolate with scientists, speed dating with researchers;
o Organisation of 3 concerts;
o Organisation of 7 European Corners;
o Active involvement of over 277 researchers, amongst which:
o 4 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes;
o 12 having benefitted from another EU support (FP 7, HORIZON 2020);

Over 36.000 visitors having taken part in the activities offered, distributed as follows:
o Novi Sad: 22.500;
o Subotica: 7.500;
o Zrenjanin: 4.000;
o Pancevo: 400;
o Sabac: 200;
o Indjija 1.200;
o Kikinda 200.
Collection and processing of 1.068 feedbacks, questionnaires and face to face interviews;
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: strong mobilisation of young people, mostly from host city, majority of female responders;
o Overall positive feedback on the event itself (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, scheduling, venues and locations);
o Increased understanding of the job researcher and its societal positive impact (60.3 % responders), consideration that researchers are interesting and have a complicated job;
o Relatively scarce knowledge about follow-up of science careers, beyond the research field (only teaching, medicine and "innovation" quoted) as well as about the societal impact of research;
o Tackling of persisting stereotypes about researchers although they still keep perceived as older and male;
o Improved results compared to previous editions of the event regarding gender, age and interest of the job;
o Increased interest in science careers amongst young people;
o Most successful activities: hands-on experiments, hot chocolate with researchers;
o General willingness expressed to take part in future similar events;
o Positive feedback regarding the impact of the event on public perception of researchers;

Clearly the European Researchers'Nights will not as such have a measurable socio-economic impact. They nevertheless can have a certain influence about the relationships between research institutions, universities etc. operating in the area and having cooperated for the project, likely to go on after it and generate further synergies and positive impact for the territory concerned.
Since the University of Novi Sad is well known on industry-research collaboration- over 130 spin-off companies established- there is always a great interest expressed from companies to be participate in the events it organsies and cosneqeuntly be offered an opportunity to show their projects and involvement.
Hands on exeperiments 2
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EU corner BIG Novi Sad 2
Hands on exeperiments 4
Lecture 1
Hands on exeperiments 3
Hot chocolate with researchers
Lecture 2
Hands on exeperiments 1
Science Quiz
Hands on exeperiments 5
EU corner BIG Novi Sad
Science Truck
Top view 1
Top view 2