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Science for Life

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SciFe (Science for Life)

Reporting period: 2016-12-01 to 2017-11-30

Main objectives of the SciFe proposal is to bring researchers to the general public, to inspire youngster to embark on scientific careers, to increase awareness of importance of research and innovation activities, with a view to supporting the public recognition of researchers creating an understanding of the impact of researchers' work on citizen's daily life. For that purpose the awareness campaign (AC) to convey messages under the slogan “Science for Life” will be used in 2016 and 2017. On Fridays 30.9.’16 and 29.9.’17 SciFe events will be organized with renewed programs in festive and fun atmosphere in Ljutomer, Maribor, Brežice, Ljubljana, Koper, Izola and Nova Gorica. All SciFe events’ activities aim at offering the public at large an opportunity to cooperate in fascinating experiments, demonstrations, observations etc., to socialize and have fun with researchers in a relaxed atmosphere. The program is appropriate for public in general, regardless their scientific program and especially designed for youngest. SciFe programs’ red line is contribution of science to life in various aspects.

The »European corner« will be prepared in the heart of every RN location: the visitors will be offered information on EC’s various actions and programs, EU material, “the Charter and the Code”, information how young people can become researchers and Framework Program witness’s experiences. Intensive awareness campaign is designed according to its main target. The rich communication mix includes active engagement of the young people through the public call targeting primary and secondary schools. Last but not least, the impact assessment will focus to measure the success and the impact of SciFe activities. All that will be achieved through consortium management of all WPs and harmonised communication mix with general public which takes into account existing recognition of the RN event in certain region and its number of inhabitants.
Awareness campaign Work Package 1
Tasks undertaken
Please see the relevant part of periodic report.

Overview of the results
Please, find the relevant information in periodic report.

Activities during the Night Work Package 2
Tasks undertaken
Locations: Brežice, Izola, Koper/Capodistria, Ljubljana, Ljutomer, Maribor, Nova Gorica

Venues and Programme of activities
Please, find information in the periodic report.


o Located in a frequented are of each venue
o EU material, “the Charter and the Code”, information how young people can become researchers;
o Display of the European flag, connections to all relevant EU websites (list to be provided by REA), demonstration about at least one research project EU-supported in the area considered, interactive activities;
o Permanent presence of personnel likely to answer public questions about EU policies and programmes, and promoting the European dimension and gender balance in research and innovation (women in science);
o Testimonials/activities conducted by researchers funded by Horizon 2020, including Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (having been abroad or being on site), who will also take part in the activities organised outside the EU corner.

Overview of the results

o Offer of the activities as planned in the Grant Agreement Annex I b, notably:
o Workshops organised in stations;
o Guided visits;
o Artistic installations;
o Scientific marathon;
o Contests (poetry film and photography);
o Astronomic observations;;
o Lectures;
o Round tables;
o EU corners;
o Active involvment of 213 researchers, of which
o 5 having benefitted from MSc schems;
o 30 having benefitted from another EU support FP7 or HORIZON 2020;
o Participation of 19.295 visitors having taken part in the activities offered, of which:
o Koper Capodistria and Izola: 1.800;
o Nova Gorica: 3.000;
o Ljubljana and surroundings: 1.800 (out of which some of the University of Ljubljana faculties, participating in the programme, reported at least 310 the visitors);
o Ljutomer: 545;
o Maribor and Brežice: 12.150.
Impact Assessment Work Package 3

Tasks undertaken
Please, find detailed description in the periodic report.
o Production, collection, display and processing of the feedback from participants , based on surveys addressing different target groups amongst which researchers;
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: over 62 % female and over 36 % male, average age 15,2 and 22,8 for the various surveys (primary and secondary school pupils for 54 % of the specific survey, 21 % university students, 20 % employees), one survey registering a smaller representation of higher education students than last year, while the other registers a higher female representation and a lower average age;
o Knowledge about the event: friends and acquaintances, followed by traditional media, such as TV, radio;
o Overall positive feedback on the events themselves (activities, contacts with researchers, venues, locations, organisation modalities, scheduling…);
o Improved perceptions of the researchers in the public: somewhat interesting, pleasant, organized, team oriented, engaged, contemporary, neither poor nor wealthy, a rather complex personality, highly intelligent, creative and active (similar results as in 2016):
o Great interest expressed by researchers for a future participation;
o Focus set by participants on the importance of ethics and moderate application of scientific discoveries in all fields, natural and social sciences. In general, science is seen as quite complicated and participants from educational, media and economy sectors emphasise the importance of presenting science in an understandable manner;
o Wish expressed to see a more active role of the researchers in the dissemination of their knowledge to the public;
o Focus on cooperation of scientific research with economy, and need for improving the links of enterprises with researchers and universities;
o Knowledge about the event: friends and acquaintances, followed by traditional media, such as TV, radio;