The main objective of this action is to empower the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for Small medium-sized enterprises - SMEs and Access to risk finance (SMEs, ARF) under Horizon2020, by promoting a systemic service and knowledge provider for SMEs, industry and ARF community. Such knowledge and service provider will include collaboration and networking with relevant networks in thematic areas across the three Pillars of Horizon 2020, as well as networks focusing on SMEs such as the Enterprise Europe Network - EEN.
Special attention will be dedicated to strengthening the knowledge of less experienced NCPs from Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) in order to deliver professional cross borders know-how including the EU, National and regional level The Network will address the real needs of European SMEs and industry, notably newcomers , established in the MS and AC with a view on stimulating, encouraging and facilitating a more effective participation of European companies into the several funding opportunities included in Horizon 2020.
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
00184 Roma
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Participants (13)
28001 Madrid
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1090 Wien
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Participation terminée
61500 Tel Aviv
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51147 Koln
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0283 Oslo
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94710 Maison Alfort
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70013 Irakleio
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D03 Dublin
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1249 074 Lisboa
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Entité juridique autre qu’un sous-traitant qui est affiliée ou juridiquement liée à un participant. L’entité réalise des travaux dans les conditions prévues par la convention de subvention, fournit des biens ou des services pour l’action, mais n’a pas signé la convention de subvention. Le tiers respecte les règles applicables au participant qui lui est lié dans le cadre de la convention de subvention en ce qui concerne l’éligibilité des coûts et le contrôle des dépenses.
4150 649 Porto
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1113 Sofia
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6812511 Jerusalem
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