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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 4

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Report of second year brokerage event on KETs (Germany)

JÜLICH will be responsible for the event somewhere in Germany in 2018 and deliverable D2.6. InnovateUK will co-ordinate with MATIMOP – ISERD for NMP TeAm stand presence at these events in collaboration with Task 3.3.

Report of first training. Agenda, list of participants, presentations

Task leader CEA will be responsible to organise the first training seminar / workshop in Brussels and report the deliverable D1.1, with the assistance of APRE and FORTH / PRAXI Network.

Report of first year webinars. Agendas, presentations

Task leader FCT will be responsible to organise the first two remote trainings (webinars) for new NCPs and report the deliverable D1.5, with the assistance of FORTH / PRAXI Network and APRE.

Report of first year twinning scheme

Task leader RPF will be responsible to coordinate the twinning scheme and report deliverable D1.7, with the assistance of APRE and FCT.

Guidelines «Combining H2020 and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for NMBP projects», with good practices

Task leader FORTH/PRAXI Network will be responsible for the creation of the Guidelines and the research for the best practices and deliverable D2.9. FORTH/PRAXI Network will be assisted by FCT and APRE.

Report of first year brokerage event on KETs (France)

CEA will be responsible for the events on the KETs in France in 2017 and D2.5. InnovateUK will co-ordinate with MATIMOP – ISERD for NMP TeAm stand presence at these events in collaboration with Task 3.3.

Report of second year twinning scheme

Task leader RPF will be responsible to coordinate the twinning scheme for the second year and report deliverable D1.8, with the assistance of APRE and FCT.

Feedback methodology for services to NCPs

Task leader APRE will be responsible for developing the feedback methodology for services to NCPs and for deliverable D1.15.

Report on second period website and social media activity

Task leader IPPT will be responsible for the maintenance of the website. JÜLICH will be involved for the integration of the PSF to the website. Details on website activity for the second year will be contributed to Deliverable D3.2.

PSF tool online with user manual

Task leader JÜLICH will be responsible to coordinate the further development of the partner search tool and report deliverable D2.2, with the assistance of IPPT (integration with website) and FCT. A Manual on “How to use the Partner Search and Matchmaking Facility” will be created on the base of the NMP TeAm 4 – version improved by a description of the new functionalities.

Report on feedback analysis of first year activities for clients & stakeholders

Task leader FCT will be responsible for developing the analysis of the results of first year activities for clients & stakeholders and reporting deliverable 2.11. FCT will be assisted by FORTH/PRAXI Network.

Report of first year activities with other initiatives and networks. MoUs, common events, cross-references etc. with plan of proposed synergies for second year

Task leader APRE will be responsible for establishing links with other initiatives and networks, maintaining an active and continuous interaction and relationship during the first year, and reporting in deliverable D3.6 with the active participation of FORTH/PRAXI Network and IPPT.

Report on regions with KETs in their RIS3 priorities & relevant stakeholders and proposed synergies and joint activities.

Task leader FORTH/PRAXI Network will be responsible for identifying the regions with KET priorities in their RIS3 and stakeholders with large regional outreach. They will establish further links with these stakeholders, maintaining an active and continuous interaction and relationship and reporting these activities of the first year in deliverable D3.8. FORTH/PRAXI Networkwill be assisted by APRE, IPPT, FCT, InnovateUK and CEA.

Report of second period virtual events for clients

Task leader FCT will be responsible for co-ordinating this task with the active assistance of FORTH/PRAXI Network and JÜLICH and report deliverables D2.8.

Guidelines «Setting up a cooperation platform between NCPs and regional and national authorities on H2020 and ESIF synergies for the NMBP themes», with good practices

Task leader FORTH/PRAXI Network will be responsible for the creation of the Guidelines and the research for the best practices and deliverable D1.12. They will be assisted by CEA, FCT and JUELICH.

Report of third year brokerage event on KETs (France)

Report of first year brokerage event on KETs (France)

Report on second year brokerage events during presidency conferences

Task leader MATIMOP – ISERD will co-ordinate the activity and will be responsible for deliverables D2.4, with the active assistance of FCT and FORTH/PRAXI Network. InnovateUK will co-ordinate with MATIMOP – ISERD for NMP TeAm stand presence at these events in collaboration with Task 3.3.

Report on evaluation of communication

Task leader FORTH/PRAXI Network will be responsible for the evaluation of communication activities and for reporting this activity through deliverable 3.10. All project partners will contribute to the evaluation procedure.

Report on second period stand activity

Task leader InnovateUK will co-ordinate the participation of NMP TeAm 4 with a stand at at least four (4) large events. MATIMOP – ISERD will assist in the cases of the events of Task 2.2. Deliverable 3.4 refers to the second period activity.

Report on first year website and social media activity

Task leader IPPT will be responsible for the maintenance of the website. JÜLICH will be involved for the integration of the PSF to the website. Details on website activity will be contributed to Deliverable D3.1.

Report of first year micro-learning activity

Task leader APRE will be responsible to coordinate the activities that will lead to the choice of the modules to be developed. APRE will be responsible for submitting the messages through e-mail and Twitter during the first year and will be responsible for D1.10. APRE will be assisted by FORTH/PRAXI Network.

Report of first year virtual events for clients

Task leader FCT will be responsible for co-ordinating this task with the active assistance of FORTH/PRAXI Network and JÜLICH and report deliverable D2.7.

Report on first year brokerage events during presidency conferences

Task leader MATIMOP – ISERD will co-ordinate the activity and will be responsible for deliverables D2.3, with the active assistance of FCT and FORTH/PRAXI Network. InnovateUK will co-ordinate with MATIMOP – ISERD for NMP TeAm stand presence at these events in collaboration with Task 3.3.

Report of the capacity building event targeted to NCPs from widening countries

Report of the capacity building event targeted to NCPs from EU-13 and Third Countries. Agenda, list of participants, presentations. Task leader APRE will be responsible to organize the capacity building event and report the Deliverable D1.18, with the assistance of IPPT, FCT and RPF.

Report on first year stand activity

Task leader InnovateUK will co-ordinate the participation of NMP TeAm 4 with a stand at at least four (4) large events. MATIMOP – ISERD will assist in the cases of the events of Task 2.2. Deliverable 3.3 refers to the first year activity.

Report of the awareness raising campaign

APRE will be responsible to describe the awareness raising events organized in selected EU-13 countries aiming to assist and inform NMBP stakeholders about the EC framework programmes.

List of targeted networks (NCP, EEN, other), stakeholders and proposed synergies

Task leader APRE will be responsible for establishing links with other initiatives and networks and for the deliverable 3.5.

Report of second training. Agenda, list of participants, presentations

Task leader CEA will be responsible to organise the second training seminar / workshop in Brussels and report the deliverable D1.2, with the assistance of APRE and FORTH / PRAXI Network.

Report on feedback analysis of first year activities for NCPs

Task leader APRE will be responsible for the analysis of the results of the first year activities for NCPs and for deliverable D1.16. APRE will be assisted by FORTH/PRAXI Network.

Report of second year webinars. Agendas, presentations

Task leader FCT will be responsible to organise the final two remote trainings (webinars) for new NCPs and report the deliverable D1.6, with the assistance of FORTH / PRAXI Network and APRE.

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