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Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - C-MobILE (Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe)

Reporting period: 2020-06-01 to 2021-05-31

C-MobILE envisions completely safe and efficient transport on European roads, without casualties and serious injuries, particularly in complex urban areas and for Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), by deploying safe and reliable C-ITS services. C-MobILE provides the framework for large-scale deployment in Europe, elevating pilot sites to deployment locations for sustainable services, supported by local authorities. C-MobILE takes a common approach in order to ensure interoperability and seamless availability of services, while presenting an acceptable cost for end users and thus enhancing the business case for organisations in the supply chain.

The C-MobILE project had eight main objectives:
O1: Define a C-ITS framework in partnership with all key stakeholders for proposing robust deployment enabling solutions, including business cases, for the pilot sites as well as other cities and regions.
O2: Create a Strategic Research Agenda addressing key research and innovation areas to promote sustainable C-ITS deployments and lead towards automated transport in Europe.
O3: Assess the cumulative, real-life benefits of bundling C-ITS applications and integrating multiple transport modes in the C-ITS ecosystem.
O4: Demonstrate an open and secure large-scale deployment of C-ITS applications in complex urban environments interoperable across countries involving large groups of end-users.
O5: Provide an open deployment platform towards C-ITS sources by creating open access, secure software libraries, and development platforms to support deployment of applications on commodity devices.
O6: Define an operational process for large-scale deployment of sustainable C-ITS services in Europe.
O7: Release testing methodologies to evaluate C-ITS architectures and the effectiveness of applications.
O8: Demonstrate the added value and economic viability by means of a comprehensive Cost-Benefit Analysis and impact assessment.
List of the work performed and main results achieved (M1-M48):

-C-ITS Framework implementation finished (CO-UMP portal released).
-Activities related to the involvement of stakeholders continued. Virtual City Pool meetings organised. New local stakeholders identified and engaged.

-A living agenda of events was active during the project.
-Strategic Research Agenda (D4.8) was defined for key research and innovation areas that promote sustainable C-ITS deployment and work towards automated transport in Europe.

-Ex-ante CBA (D6.5) and impact assessment (D6.3 and D6.4) of the cumulative real-life benefits of clustering C-ITS applications and integrating multiple transport modes into the C-ITS ecosystem.
-Final business models updated in the last period with the collaboration of different partners and external stakeholders, according to validations and business and exploitation plans.

-C-ITS architecture delivered in M13.
-Software modules for end-user devices (D5.2) and the rest of modules in the architecture (D5.3) submitted. The verification of interoperability done and reported in D5.4.
-Large-scale deployment of interoperable services achieved.

-C-ITS reference architecture delivered in the first period.
-A new D3.5 containing a new architecture update delivered in M31.
-CO-UMP website released.

-Operational procedures guidelines (D2.4) delivered in M18.
-Documentation of the C-ITS apps (D5.6) and operational processes for large-scale deployment (D4.4) validated and submitted.

-Impact assessment methodology submitted in M9.
-Analysis of the compliancy of the defined methodologies and solutions with global standards (D4.7) including lessons learnt and recommendations to SDOs.

-Impact assessment (D6.3 and D6.4) and the ex-post CBA (D6.5) were submitted in M48.
Innovation capacity and replicability
The approach of C-MobILE is expected to significantly contribute to increased innovation for the value chain of all involved stakeholders (i.e. products and services, business development and exploitation, policy, and processes).

Standards and new knowledge integration
The use of harmonised standards will be a guiding principle for all C-MobILE services and applications.

Competitiveness and market growth
C-MobILE will directly provide benefits to the European private sector entities that are active in the transport and mobility domain, by supporting the development of innovative products and services. Applications bundling will allow them increase their competitiveness by extending relevant markets and speeding up roll-out pace (at national, EU and global levels). Public and private stakeholders involved will have competitive advantages as compared to other actors also by being part of an integrated C-ITS framework (or ecosystem), realised by C-MobILE and brought forward beyond the project life span by city-led business partnerships.

Economic Impacts
C-MobILE achieved significant impacts at macro and micro-economic level. At macro level, the overall improvement of transport operations (i.e. safety and efficiency) will contribute to more sustainable economic activities and better economies of scale, also at local level. C-MobILE shall also contribute to increased return on investment for transport technologies and infrastructures, primarily for the public sector. At micro level, C-MobILE developed economically viable products, services and applications, which will be commercially exploited.

Social Impacts
C-MobILE aimed to improve transport safety and efficiency through the provision of C-ITS services as novel bundles of applications for a variety of use cases and end-users, including VRUs. As a result, the project had significant social impacts in: 1) the reduction of traffic related incidents, accidents and fatalities, 2) the improvement of road traffic flows for people and goods in complex urban areas and of all the major mobility related parameters, such as reduction of travel times and delays, increased average speed.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact
C-MobILE had a direct and positive impact on sustainability and the environment, since a major aim of the project was to reduce traffic induced emissions and pollutants through reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Results show up to a 20% less energy and fuel consumption, depending on local deployment configurations and applications bundling. The reduction of CO2 achieved by C-MobILE will also contribute to the mitigation of climate change.
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