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European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials Nanotechnologies

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Initial dissemination plan

Description of the foreseen dissemination, and communication activities of the project.

Initial and Final Report on the EC4SafeNano networks

Draft version M12 Final version M36

Initial and final Proposition for a structure and its governance

Reporting on the mapping and the choice of governance rules and management mechanisms for a sustainable Centre. A first draft will be deliver at M20 and a final version will be deliver at M35.

Report on mechanisms to overcome barriers to collect and make available the data

Report on mechanisms describing the Public access to nanosafety data in general and how to overcome barriers in order to access to data publicly available.

Mechanisms to keep the service provision up-to-date

Subsequent to the case studies the provided services will be validated in terms of the observed capability to give a collective answer of high technical relevance and satisfaction of the customers. This validation step will enable the identification of underperforming services and leads to further recommendations for an update of the related inventories and of the services offered by the Center. Validation results will be presented as a written report.

Initial and final Commented inventory of available tools, methods, approaches, best practices

A library (a) on the EC4safenano platform including tools, methods, standards trainings, best practices categorized following developed quality criteria. A first version will be deliver at M10 (a) After WP4 where the update mechanism is implemented and tested, the deliverable will be updated at M35 (b)

Initial and final Description of current needs of Member States, European Commission & EU Agencies, private stakeholders and NGOs

Report describing the current and foreseen needs of Member States, European Commission & EU Agencies, private stakeholders and NGOs, clustered and consolidated themewise (Testing and analysis, Conformity assessment and certification, Consultancy and studies, Training, Methods and tools, other) to feed into WP3. A first version will be deliver at M8 (a) After WP4 where the update mechanism is implemented and tested, the deliverable will be updated and a Final Version will be deliver at M35 (b)

Initial and final Commented inventory of the competences, equipment and services

Report (a) of the initial and updated inventory of competences, services and infrastructure relevant to nanosafety assessment and management, as a result of an online survey distributed in the EU, and partner countries (e.g. USA, Brazil and South Korea). It will contain the qualitatively evaluated and structured data as an input to WP3. After WP4 where the update mechanism is implemented and tested, the deliverable will be updated (b) Draft version M10 Final version M35

Synthetic report on the case studies

Based on the reports delivered as D4.2 and 4.3 (and also those of case studies resulting from the envisaged Joint Call based activity) a overarching public document will be prepared considering, besides summarizing technical results on a more common level, also non-technical aspects as, e.g., realistic time scales for handling requests and appropriate reporting formats.

Economic legal entity mapping and Legal structure possibilities identification

Reporting on the mapping of already existing or tentative of legal entities (eg. Norman, LSurf and European platforms), their constraints. Identification of possible legal entities for a sustainable structure for the Centre.

Ranked list of questions from the three targeted stakeholder groups

Reporting on the list of relevant questions from all stakeholder, ranked as regard to their pertinence but also as regard to the capability to perform some case studies (answering the questions using the defined services) within the project or through a joint call.

Workshop promoting international collaboration (proceedings and summary)

Proceedings of the workshop focusing on describing and promoting the EC4SafeNano concept will be organized, outside Europe in association with a large international scientific nanosafety/nanotechnology event. The target group includes the key international stakeholders and collaborators of EC4SafeNano, but also others interested in the topic are welcome


Designing a sustainable European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Na- nomaterials & Nanotechnologies (EC4SafeNano)

Author(s): Wolfgang Unger, Emeric Fréjafon, Benoît Hazebrouck, and the EC4SafeNano Team
Published in: 2018
Publisher: German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)

Inventory of available tools, methods, approaches and best practices on nanomaterials/nanoechnologies

Author(s): Duuren-Stuurman B.1, Manzo S.2, Reale P.2 Scalbi S.2, Witters H3., Duschl A.4, Stockmann-Juvala H.5, Berezniak T.6, Fornara A.7 1TNO, Utrechtseweg 48, 3704 HE Zeist, The Netherlands 2ENEA, Lungo Tevere Thaon di Revel, 76, 00196 Rome Italy 3VITO, Belgium 4PLUS, Austria 5FIOH, Finland 6NRCWE, Denmark 7SP, Sweden E-mail contact:
Published in: Proceeding SETAC Europe 28th annual meeting, 2018
Publisher: SETAC Europe

Risk Assessment of nano materials: Innovative approaches and application of recent research development to regulatory science

Author(s): Laurence Deydier Stephan, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); Sonia Manzo, Italian National Agency for New Technologies Portici Research Centre (ENEA); Simona Scalbi, Bologna Research Centre (ENEA); and Doris Voelker, German Environment Agency (UBA)
Published in: SETAC Rome Session Summaries 14 June 2018|Categories: 2018, Session Summaries, SETAC Rome, Volume 19 Issue 10, Volume 19 Issue 11, Volume 19 Issue 6, Volume 19 Issue 7, 2018
Publisher: SETAC publications

A survey on the state of nanosafety research in the European Union and the United States

Author(s): Albert Duschl, Gabriele Windgasse
Published in: Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Issue 20/12, 2018, Page(s) 1-5, ISSN 1388-0764
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s11051-018-4434-9

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