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CORDIS - EU research results

Driving Europe’s NMBP economy - Cross-cluster innovation and value creation through validated NMBP collaborative strategies and roadmap


7 reports from the validation workshops

Reports resulting from the workshops to be delivered in 7 different countries. Each report will present the studies, its conclusions and will sum up the key recommendations.

Analysis report

Report analyzing the data collected in the mapping exercise undertook in task 1.1.

Report of EU national and regional initiatives’ mapping

Report resulting the map of EU of EU national and regional initiatives and good practices that have contributed in shaping regional RIS3 strategic priorities in NMBP related fields, notably those where cluster organisations have been involved.

Roadmap with intermediate and final targets with completion dates

A management map containing all the intermediate and final targets and milestones, including its description and completion dates.

Pilot activity portfolio, operational structure and performance indicators

A formal set of fully defined pilot activities, participating clusters, calendar for delivery of the pilot activities and assessment criteria.

Report on the web-based survey

Within the workpackage 3 the findings, conclusions and recommendations of workpackage 2 will be validated through consultation with a representative sample of the main stakeholders. A web-based survey will be launched so the maximum number of participants can be reached for the validation exercise. This deliverable will be the report of this survey.

Report on the overall inputs received for deliverables 1.3 & 2.1. Finalized and validated recommendations from WP1 & WP2 (1)

This deliverable will report on overall inputs received from the data collected under tasks from WP1 (Mapping and benchmarking of Cluster-NMBP RIS3 Good Practices) and the roadmap developed under WP2 (Roadmapping Value Chains and Clusters to Help Regional Policies).

Good practices guide

During the mapping exercise (which will result in a report of EU national and regional initiatives’) good practice cases of particular interest will emerge. Out of these good practice cases 8-10 will be selected for benchmarking. These selected cases will be gathered in a good practices guide designed in an attractive and creative visual format.

Final version of roadmap

Following the results of the pilot activities in WP4, the roadmap will be revised into its final form to incorporate the feedback received. This review will give place to the final version of the roadmap.

Sustainability roadmap for project activities and post project launch strategy

A business model for the continuation of actions and work closely with clusters from the pilot actions to determine the optimum platform for delivery post-project. This business model will also define potential routes for delivery of actions, including considerations such as the forthcoming Europe Cluster Collaboration Platform, independent delivery managed between clusters, etc.

3 posted articles

3 hosted articles in widely read publications

10 public webinars

4 webinars per year on the project and associated subjects

Brand portfolio, website and social media platform

Online and printable project brand portfolio (logo, slide sets and print templates created for flyers, posters); project website to operate as a platform for dissemination activities; and social media activities with the creation of an open LinkedIn Group for the project.

3 press releases

Release of 3 press releases over the lifetime of the project to reflect major outcomes or milestones

Presentations and other promotional contributions, minimum 12

Presentations and other written materials to be available under the project website and LinkedIn community.

Pilot activities completed

Selected actions will be pilot in order to validate the impact and efficacy of cross cluster collaborations in the support NMBP. This deliverable results from the windup of those activities.

Project closing conference

One day event at Committee of the Regions for project outcomes and launch of roadmaps, policy recommendations, mapping and benchmarking

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