Periodic Reporting for period 4 - STePLADDER (Solving The Pathway of LADDERane biosynthesis)
Reporting period: 2021-12-01 to 2023-05-31
We began by establishing the various methods needed for the project. After production of several interesting lipid-synthesizing proteins from ladderane-producing bacteria, we set up methods to bind various lipids to them, and for their analysis. This gave us insight in several of the proteins' structures, and into how they work. Moreover, we have been studying the production of ladderanes inside living cells. All of these results will be combined to yield insight into how ladderanes are produced.
Using biophysical methods, we have determined the structures of several of these proteins to a level of detail where we can see how their individual atoms are arranged. This allows us to precisely determine how lipid molecules are bound and modified by these proteins. Among these is the structure of a “complex” of two proteins and a lipid, which shows how the two proteins work together to modify the lipid. Moreover, unexpectedly we found that two other proteins, which were thought to work separately, form a tightly intertwined "complex" with one another, where one protein probably regulates the function of the other. Moreover, of yet another protein we now know the function.