Periodic Reporting for period 4 - EUROMIX (Regulating mixed intimacies in Europe)
Reporting period: 2022-05-01 to 2023-04-30
Through archival research, legal analysis and interviews with modern-day ‘mixed’ couples and families, we aim to understand what lawmakers, judges and bureaucrats believed ‘race’ was, what they believed ‘mixture’ was, how this was translated into legal practices, and how targeted couples responded.
The Euromix project’s contributes to the genealogy of racial thinking in Europe, especially in addressing the understudied role of law and legal scholarship in the social construction of ‘race’ and ‘mixture’ in an increasingly diverse Europe. Herewith, the project adds vital knowledge to contemporary debates about Europe’s past of colonialism and racism. Especially in times of increasing populism, and race-thinking returning to the public and political arena, it is vital that we take a close, and sometimes painful, look at race thinking in our own legal past and how it has influenced the laws, regulations and legal scholarship with which we work today. Especially as law is expected to play a major role in combatting discrimination and racism, it is important to understand what law has done in the past and what it can do in the present. This has profound, real-life, material effects for in the lives of individuals, couples and families affected by these laws, and for society as a whole.
Hence, the regulation of mixture was not alien to the European context, and continues to inform laws and regulations today. It exemplifies that the existence of ‘mixed couples’ should not be understood as a sign of a post-racial or color-blind area, but rather, a sign of the persistence of couples and families in spite of social forces and institutional structures trying to prevent them. The project hopes to have contributed to a change in the thinking of the role of law and legal scholars in race-thinking, both in academia (especially legal scholars) and in larger society.
The contemporary part explored whether and how, in spite of norms of formal equality and colour-blindness, ‘race’ and ‘monoracial family norms’ still play a part in the lived experiences of ‘interracial’ couples with law in their everyday lives. A multi-sited ethnography with interviews with ‘mixed couples’ in the Netherlands, Italy and the UK (Elena Zambelli) explored whether and how being a ‘mixed couple’ mattered in different domains (housing, education, mobility, and safety), and how partners’ differently racialised subjectivities reflect or challenge the enduring legacy of Western colonialism and imperialism. Finally, the project explored the understudied meanings and regulations of mixed intimacies in contemporary Europe and traced their genealogies (Guno Jones). Using colonial constructions and regulations of 'mixed intimacies' as a point of departure, it studied the external boundaries and internal frontiers that are drawn in contemporary European regulations of intimacies, and how these are connected with European citizenship and the construction of European identity.