Periodic Reporting for period 3 - TROPICSAFE (Insect-borne prokaryote-associated diseases in tropical and subtropical perennial crops)
Reporting period: 2020-05-01 to 2022-04-30
Thirteen main results with exploitation potential were identified. The use of biological control agents (entomopathogenic fungi) to reduce lethal yellowing spreading was identified as a potential methodology for pest disease control. The implementation of new fast and on-site pathogen kit detection based in LAMP, qPCR, ELISA and IFAS for both lethal yellowing and grapevine yellows also are exploitable results. A new chemical control strategy, use of alternative biological control agents, new forecasting models to predict vector infestations and a new PCR were obtained for “huanglongbing”. Finally for grapevine yellows a new method to identify disease resistance gene(s) and application thereof, and antimicrobial peptides were tested for their suitability to improve the disease management.
All the information about the project results is available on the website until 2031 in English, Spanish, French and Italian. In there the final handbook of the project can be consulted and downloaded. It is also relevant to visit the project’s YouTube channel, which contains the project video and the recordings of the final conference and training sessions, among others.
The results achieved filled a lot of gaps in both knowledge and technology and contributed to:
• the identification and molecular characterization of pathogen strains, alternative host plant species and insect hosts associated to the selected diseases and crops
• new knowledge regarding epidemiological cycles and forecasting models to predict vector infestation
• find new varieties and cultivars tolerant to the selected diseases
• increase the knowledge about alternative biological and chemical control methodologies
• well-trained end-users in several countries thanks to the dissemination actions
• improve the economic impact on the agro-food chains
• increase the visibility of pest management alternative methodologies
• replicate the overall TROPICSAFE project methodology at international level in similar agronomical situations.
The research should be continued in order to fill gaps still existing for insect vector of lethal yellowing in Africa and all the other information that are evolving with the modification of environment due to the climate change.