CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Report 1 about communication activities
Report 1 about communication activities (interim)
Presentation of Monitoring Results & Recommendations of modifications for actions - Interim reportPresentation of Monitoring Results & Recommendations of modifications for actions - Interim Report
Summary reports about cooperation efforts with ETIPs and other stakeholder groups - Final UpdateReports on highlights, facts, figures and trends in bioenergy from the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition – Final update
Reports on highlights, facts, figures and trends in bioenergy from the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition – Final report
Report 2 about communication activitiesReport 2 about communication activities (final)
Report about technical achievements and improvements of websiteReport about technical achievements and improvements of website (will be included to D5.2)
Web-dissemination reportWeb-dissemination report detailing, updating and use of website over the period of project (will be included to D5.2)
Communication planStakeholder Plenary Meeting
Stakeholder Plenary Meeting: Meeting held, report compiled, including a reader as annex
Updated overview on general information for each of the 8 topicsUpdated overview on general information for each of the 8 topics: 1. Biomass resources; 2. Supply systems; 3. Conversion technologies; 4. Biorefinery concepts; 5. End products; 6. Policy & sustainability; 7. Regional information; 8. Market demand analysis
Second list of attended conferences by the ETIPUpdate and extended SRIA to bioenergy topics
Report on barriers to biofuels and bioenergy deployment and recent developments
Proposal of action to SC promote and implement SRIA 2016
First list of attended conferences by the ETIP
List of attended conferences by the ETIP Bioenergy
Presentation of Monitoring Results & Recommendations of modifications for actions – Final UpdateReport 2 about 3 SC meetings
Final summary report “change management”
Final summary report about implemented actions regarding the “change management” implementation
Reports on highlights, facts, figures and trends in bioenergy from the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition – Interim reportReport 1 about 3 Newsletters sent
Report about minimum 6 articles published
Report about minimum 6 articles published / D 5.8 Report about articles published press-review and media coverage
Summary reports about SET Plan governance alignment implementations – Final UpdateReport about proposed actions regarding the alignment with the SET Plan governance to the EC - Final Update
Summary of 4 Reports on execution of WS/ Event4 Reports on execution of WS/ Events. Individual reports well be prepared by INCE BE2020+, FNR and ETA in M5, 10, 15 and 20
Second report on promotion activities of SIRA 20162 of 3 reports
Report 2 about 3 Newsletters sentOverview on ge neral information for each of the 8 topics
Overview on general information for each of the 8 topics (information updated and expanded): The seven topics are: 1. Biomass resources; 2. Supply systems; 3. Conversion technologies; 4. Biorefinery concepts; 5. End products; 6. Policy & sustainability; 7. Regional information; 8. Market demand analysis
Report about maintenance and content update of websiteReport about maintenance and content update of website (will be included to D5.2)
Array of fact sheetsArray of fact sheets: Five new fact sheets on e.g. biorefinery concepts, aviation biofuels, combined heat and power facilities, hybrid facilities between bioenergy and other renewable energies, marine biofuels, market demand analysis and sustainability aspects of bioenergy. Basically fact sheets will provide a more detailed coverage of a topic as defined in D3.2/D3.3
Summary reports about SET Plan governance alignment implementations - InterimSummary reports about implemented actions regarding the alignment with the SET Plan governance Interim report
Summary reports about cooperation efforts with ETIPs and other stakeholder groups IterimSummary reports about cooperation efforts with ETIPs and other stakeholder groups - Interim report
Report 1 about 3 SC meetingsLast report on promotion activities of SIRA 2016
3 of 3 reports
Membership statisticsMembership statistics: Statistics showing the geographical origin of stakeholders, and type of organisation
First report on promotion activities of SIRA 20161 of 3 reports
Databases (updated and expanded): The existing databases on: 1. Database on demonstration projects 2. Database on research projects and reports 3. Events database 4. Stakeholder database will be updated and expanded to also cover bioenergy technologies for the production of power and heat.
Updated databasesUpdated databases on: 1. Database on demonstration projects 2. Database on research projects and reports 3. Events database 4. Stakeholder database.
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