Two scientific seminars (midterm and final). P9 will co-organise with other organising committees the scientific seminars that are embedded in already established European and international professional associations. The specific programmes will be discussed in consortium meetings. P1 will provide advice and will ensure that the content is fully coherent with the project’s work plan and flow of deliverables (months 24 and 44).
Scientific seminar (midterm)Two scientific seminars (midterm and final). P9 will co-organise with other organising committees the scientific seminars that are embedded in already established European and international professional associations. The specific programmes will be discussed in consortium meetings. P1 will provide advice and will ensure that the content is fully coherent with the project’s work plan and flow of deliverables (months 24 and 44).
Policy brief on resilience framework, scenarios and farm typology (month 12), containing infographic, GIF and short video. P2 is responsible in close cooperation with P1 and P12 and with input from P9 on design of the infographic, GIF and video.
Web-page and project portal, social media accounts and co-creation platformWeb-page and project portal, social media accounts and co-creation platform (month 3). P9 is responsible, together with P1.Other partners will provide comments and contribute with content (documents and scientific papers).
Business brief on opportunities for improved risk management for EU agricultureBusiness brief on opportunities for improved risk management for EU agriculture (month 30). P9 is responsible, in close cooperation with P1, P4 and P11. Consortium partners are responsible for translation and release in own country.
Policy brief on policy options for resilient farm demographics and farm structuralPolicy brief on policy options for resilient farm demographics and farm structural change (month 37). P12 is responsible in close cooperation with P3 and P4. P9 provides input on design of the infographic, GIF and video.
Business brief on farming opportunities for entrants and young farmersBusiness brief on farming opportunities for entrants and young farmers (month 36). P12 is responsible, in close cooperation with P3. Consortium partners are responsible for translation and release in own country.
Policy brief guiding principles for an enabling environment fostering resiliencePolicy brief on guiding principles for an enabling environment that fosters resilience (month 44). P3 is responsible, together with P2 and WP leaders.
Infographics delivered throughout the projectTwelve infographics delivered throughout the project. One at the start of the project, one at the end, and one per policy (8) and business brief (2). WP1-WP6 infographics are the responsibility of respective WP leaders. P9 provides the design and is responsible for the first (month 4) and final infographics (month 48).
Policy brief on the resilience of farming systems in the EU under current conditions and future scenariosPolicy brief on the resilience of farming systems in the EU under current conditions and future scenarios (month 42). P1 is responsible.
Press release on roadmaps for enabling environmentPress release on roadmaps for enabling environment (month 48). P3 is responsible, together with P2. All consortium partners are responsible for translation and release in respective country.
Policy brief on farm demographics and impacts on farm structurePolicy brief on farm demographics and impacts on farm structure (month 27). P3 is responsible in close cooperation with P12. P9 provides input on design of the infographic, GIF and video.
Policy brief on future developments in farm demographics and structural change in selected regions of the EUPolicy brief on future developments in farm demographics and interdependence with farm structural change in selected regions of the EU (month 34). P12 is responsible with support from the partners in the case study regions. P9 provides input on design of the infographic, GIF and video.
Policy brief on farmer adaptive behaviour and risk management in EU agriculturePolicy brief on farmer adaptive behaviour and risk management in EU agriculture (month 28). P11 is responsible in close cooperation with P1, P4, P5 and P9. P9 also provides input on design of the infographic, GIF and video).
Press release on resilience framework for EU agriculturePress release on the resilience framework for EU agriculture (month 10). P1 is responsible, with all consortium partners taking care of translation and release in own country.
Policy brief with a critical analysis of how current policies constrain/enable resilient EU agriculturePolicy brief with a critical analysis of how current policies constrain/enable resilient European agriculture and suggestions for improvements, including recommendations for the CAP post-2020 reform (month 38). P1 is responsible with input from all partners.
Report and submitted open access paper on farmers’ perceptions of risk, adaptive capacity and resilience. Includes a comparison across EU farming systems (month 22). P1 is responsible with input from P11 and P6 on methodological considerations and from case study partners (P1, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P9, P10, P12, P13, P14, P15) for the delivery of datasets and results sections for their respective case studies.
Open-access paper with the overall assessment of the extent to which policies enable the resilience of the diverse farming systemsSubmitted open access paper with the overall assessment of the extent to which policies enable the resilience of the diverse farming systems (month 30). P1 is responsible with input from all partners.
Implementation roadmaps for the implementation of the enabling environment principlesImplementation roadmaps for the implementation of the enabling environment principles. Consisting of actions, strategies and sequences at different time-scales and levels (month 46). P3 is responsible, with input from all case-study partners.
Report on impacts of future scenarios on the resilience of EU farming systemsReport on the impacts of future scenarios on the resilience of farming systems across the EU (month 36). P8 is responsible, with input from all partners from T5.3. Each case study partner will write a chapter on their own case study.
Report on biographical narratives exploring short- and long-term adaptive behaviour of EU farmersReport on analysis of biographical narratives exploring short- and long-term adaptive behaviour of EU farmers under various challenges (month 22). P5 and narrative partners (P6, P10, P14).
Open-access paper on the formulation and adaptation of AB models to simulate generational renewalSubmitted open access paper on the formulation and adaptation of agent-based models to simulate generational renewal in selected case study regions (month 24). P12 is responsible with support from partners in the case study regions.
Report on state and outlook for risk management in EU agricultureReport on state and outlook for risk management in EU agriculture (month 30). P9 leads the drafting of the report; P1, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P10, P12, P13, P14 and P15 will provide data on usage and penetration of actual instruments.
Open-access paper on resilience assessment of current farming systems across the EUSubmitted open access paper on resilience assessment of current farming systems across the EU (month 36). P1 is responsible, with input from all partners from T5.2
Report on current farm demographics and trends for selected regionsReport on current farm demographics and trends for selected regions (month 12). P3 is responsible with the support of all partners in case study regions.
Assessment tool (ResAT) to assess the capacity of policies to enhance the resilience of EU farming systemsAn assessment tool (ResAT) to assess the capacity of policies to enhance the resilience of European farming systems. Includes a document with the research protocol (month 12). P1 is responsible and P2 contributes as described in T4.1.
Report on combinations of conditions for successful and unsuccessful fostering of resilience in agricultural sectorsReport on combinations of conditions for successful and unsuccessful fostering of resilience in agricultural sectors (month 42). Submitted open access paper based on report (month 46). P2 is responsible, together with P3 and with input from all case-study partners.
Report on impacts of improved strategies and policy options on the resilience of farming systems across the EUReport on the impacts of improved strategies and policy options on the resilience of farming systems across the EU (month 40). P1 is responsible, with input from all partners from T5.4. Each case study partner will write a chapter on their own case study.
A project’s edited volumeA project’s edited volume to be offered online, with accompanying digital material (GIFs, posts, Video, infographics) (month 48). P1 is responsible. All partners contribute to the book..
Design of the plan for dissemination, exploitation and communication activities.Design of the plan for dissemination, exploitation and communication activities. The plan defines specific research findings to be used in different communication means, specifies the dissemination calendar for the entire project’s execution timetable and identifies target audiences and types of messages. P9 is responsible, in close collaboration with P1 (month 3).
Report on resilience assessment of current farming systems across the EUReport on the resilience assessment of current farming systems across the EU (month 30). P1 is responsible, with input from all partners from T5.2. Each case study partner will write a chapter on their own case study.
Open-access paper on comparative analysis of the resilience of EU farming systemsSubmitted open access paper on comparative analysis of the resilience of farming systems across the EU and their delivery of private and public goods, and the impacts of future scenarios, improved strategies and policy options (month 47). P1 is responsible, with input from all partners from T5.4.
Open-access paper on the implications of policies and institutional settings for farm demographics and structural changeSubmitted open access paper on the implications of policies and institutional settings for farm demographics and structural change (month 36). P4 is responsible in close cooperation with P3 and P12.
Report on roadmap implementation and protocol for implementation monitoringReport on roadmap implementation and a protocol for implementation monitoring. The report and protocol detail an indicator framework for monitoring progress in implementing roadmaps and monitoring changes in resilience. The aim is to enable stakeholders and policy makers, who will use the roadmaps after project completion, to track progress, reassess priorities and timelines, and to update roadmaps (month 48). P3 is responsible, together with P2.
Report on resilience framework for EU agricultureReport on resilience framework for EU agriculture (month 8). The report contributes to the literature by presenting a framework with resilience indicators that can be operationalised. Submitted open access paper based on report (month 12). P1 is responsible, with input from all other partners from T1.1.
Report on IA tool to assess the resilience of farming systems and their delivery of private and public goodsReport on the IA tool to assess the resilience of farming systems and their delivery of private and public goods (month 14). P7 is responsible, with input from all partners as mentioned in T5.1.
Report on scenarios for EU farmingReport on scenarios for EU farming (month 8). The report describes a set of future contextual scenarios for the EU agricultural and food system. P2 is responsible, with input from all other partners (see T1.2).
Open-access paper on the use of remote sensing-based approaches for crop and livestock productionSubmitted open access paper on the use of remote sensing-based approaches for crop and livestock production at farm, meso and macro level. Includes aspects of public-private partnership (month 28). P11 is responsible together with case study partners (P3, P12, P14) who will deliver datasets and case study descriptions.
Report with structured overview of policy options/governance strategies to improve policies’ resilience-enabling capacityReport with a structured overview of policy options and governance strategies to improve the resilience-enabling capacity of policies (month 34). P1 is responsible with input from all partners.
Report on generational renewal and on occupational choice, cross-sector mobility and spatial migrationReport on determinants and strategies of generational renewal in semi-subsistence, family and corporate farms, and on occupational choice, cross-sector mobility and spatial migration within the EU agricultural sector (including case studies) (month 24). P3 is responsible with the support of all partners in case study regions.
Case-reporting protocolCase-reporting protocol. This details reporting standards and formats for the case study description and results, so that the outcomes of WP2-WP4 can be used for the QCA (month 10). P2 is responsible, together with P3.
Report with the results of the assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the CAPReport with the results of the assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the CAP (month 18). P1 is responsible with input from all partners for the country-specific case studies.
Report on farmers’ collective learning and self-organisationReport on farmers’ collective learning and self-organisation to build resilience in the context of risks and their management (month 24). P4 is responsible in collaboration with case study partners to reflect the different farming systems.
Open-access paper on the drivers of expenditure on the Risk Management Toolkit per member stateSubmitted open access paper on the drivers of expenditure on the Risk Management Toolkit per member state (month 44). P4 is responsible in collaboration with P1. Data will be collected through national experts.
Report on participatory impact assessments in case study regionsReport on participatory impact assessments in case study regions (month 24). P1 is responsible, with each case study partner responsible for a chapter.
Five case study reports with the results of the assessments in the five regional case study areasFive case study reports with the results of the assessments in the five regional case study areas (month 28). P1 is responsible for overall assessment and methodology, P1, P4, P8, P9, and P15 are responsible for regional case studies.
Report on future farm demographics and structural change in selected regions of the EUReport on future developments in farm demographics and interdependence with farm structural change in selected regions of the EU (month 33). P12 is responsible with support from partners in the case study regions.
Report on farm typology and farming systems selectionReport on farm typology and selection of farming systems (month 10). The report describes selection criteria and characterises the typology of specified farms and farming systems. P12 is responsible, with input from all other partners.
Mathijs, Deckers, J., Kopainsky, B., Nitzko, S., and Spiller, A.
Published in:
Published in:
Published in:
Website SURE-Farm
Meuwissen M.P.M. and whole SURE-Farm consortium
Published in:
website SURE-Farm project
Hugo HERRERA, Birgit KOPAINSKY, Franziska APPEL, Alfons BALMANN,
Francesco ACCATINO, Muriel TICHIT, Federico ANTONIOLI, Simone SEVERINI,
Published in:
Website SURE-Farm
Mathijs, E., Meuwissen, M.P.M., and whole consortium
Published in:
website SURE-Farm project
Published in:
Website SURE-Farm
Erik Mathijs, Jo Bijttebier and Erwin Wauters
Published in:
Website SURE-Farm
Jeroen Candel, Katrien Termeer, Miranda Meuwissen
Published in:
EuroChoices, Issue 17/3, 2018, Page(s) 49-49, ISSN 1478-0917
Quarterly Committee of Queen's University
Willemijn Vroege, Tobias Dalhaus, Robert Finger
Published in:
Agricultural Systems, Issue 168, 2019, Page(s) 101-111, ISSN 0308-521X
Applied Science Publishers
Simone Severini, Luigi Biagini, Robert Finger
Published in:
Journal of Policy Modeling, Issue 41/1, 2019, Page(s) 140-155, ISSN 0161-8938
Elsevier BV
Daniele Bertolozzi-Caredio, Isabel Bardaji, Isabeau Coopmans, Barbara Soriano, Alberto Garrido
Published in:
Journal of Rural Studies, Issue 76, 2020, Page(s) 131-141, ISSN 0743-0167
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Mauro Vigani, Julie Urquhart, Jasmine Elizabeth Black, Robert Berry, Janet Dwyer, David Christian Rose
Published in:
EuroChoices, 2020, ISSN 1478-0917
Quarterly Committee of Queen's University
Catrien J. A. M. Termeer, Peter H. Feindt, Timos Karpouzoglou, Krijn J. Poppe, Gert Jan Hofstede, Koen Kramer, Lan Ge, Erik Mathijs, Miranda P. M. Meuwissen
Published in:
Ecology and Society, Issue 24/4, 2019, ISSN 1708-3087
The Resilience Alliance
Miranda P.M. Meuwissen, Peter H. Feindt, Alisa Spiegel, Catrien J.A.M. Termeer, Erik Mathijs, Yann de Mey, Robert Finger, Alfons Balmann, Erwin Wauters, Julie Urquhart, Mauro Vigani, Katarzyna Zawalińska, Hugo Herrera, Phillipa Nicholas-Davies, Helena Hansson, Wim Paas, Thomas Slijper, Isabeau Coopmans, Willemijn Vroege, Anna Ciechomska, Francesco Accatino, Birgit Kopainsky, P. Marijn Poortvliet,
Published in:
Agricultural Systems, Issue 176, 2019, Page(s) 102656, ISSN 0308-521X
Applied Science Publishers
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