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Marginal lands for Growing Industrial Crops: Turning a burden into an opportunity


Definition and classification of marginal land suitable for industrial crops in Europe

This deliverable is referring to task 2.1 that starts with a definition study, a working document to be shared with the project team and advisory board for internal consultation in order to agree on the final definition and classification of marginal land that will be further used in MAGIC.

Report with analysis of Best Practices

This deliverable will present the outcome of task 72 The methodology for analysing the development path of the Best Practices task 71 will be based on two research dimensions to address biophysical environmental economic and socioeconomic issues within the respective regions and or clusters

Handbook with fact sheets of the existing resource-efficient industrial crops

This deliverable is one of the outcomes of task 1.1 (Inventory of the data sources on industrial crops). The handbook will include information on existing resource-efficient industrial crops (those that will be included in MAGIC-CROPS) in the form of fact sheets with concrete, comprehensive and up-date information per crop and will be uploaded in the project website.

Report on Demand-driven supply and logistics plan for industrial crops from marginal lands for existing operational biorefineries

This deliverable will be the outcome of the work described in Task 54 Concrete scenarios will be developed for the supply and logistics of industrial crop on marginal land to meet the demand of biorefineries ARKEMA BTG These scenarios will include at least the followings a selection of the industrial crops grown on marginal land that can meet the required composition and quality requirements after pretreatment of the biorefineries b the required area of marginal land to guarantee sufficient supply to the biorefineries c the best harvesting methodsstrategies d the optimal logistics to guarantee a year around feedstock availability e the influence of harvesting and logistics on the biomass quality ash and mineral and moisture content and f necessary pretreatment steps to meet the quality criteria

"Report on ""Identification of low-input practices for the cultivation of the selected industrial crops on marginal land facing natural constraints"""

This deliverable will be formed to present and discuss the findings of the field trials that will be carried out in subtask 432 In total seven partners of the project will carry out these field trial and will provide feedback to this deliverable

Highlights of the findings of the national workshops

This deliverable is related to task 85 and the organization of the national workshops In the second part of the project when key outputs such as the MAGICDSS Task 14 and the guidelines for farmers will be developed Task 45 national workshops dedicated to the farmers and the industry will be carried out Each workshop will be interactive and will be a valuable tool for the validation MAGICCROPS testing of MAGICDSS and dissemination of both Additionally the guidelines for growers will be presented and discussed The workshops will be organised in Greece Italy Spain Portugal France Germany Poland Latvia Ukraine

Report with the promotional publications

This deliverable will summarize the promotional publications that will be done during the project lifetime It is connected with task 94

Report on social life cycle assessment

This deliverable will consolidated the findings of Task 65 The results of the SLCA will consist ofa comparison of costs and societal benefits from two scenarios One using the projects developments and one using the current state of affairs in each of the under study value chains and systems from task 61 a life cycle inventory for selected SLCA indicators eg number of jobs created linked to impact categories eg local employment which are related to five main stakeholder groups worker consumer local community society and value chain actors

Highlights of the second value chain events

This deliverable is connected with task 86 and the events of the project One of the foreseen events is the value chain events This deliverable will present the Highlights of the second value chain event on lignocellulosic and carbohydrate crops

Report on system description of selected value chains

This deliverable is related to the described work under task 6.1. CRES will be responsible for the quantitative data from cradle-to-biorefinery inlet gate (agriculture, harvesting and logistics). BTG, ARKEMA and NOVA will be responsible for the quantitative data for the biomass conversion stage, i.e. from biorefinery inlet gate-to-grave (see Task 6.2). Based on this, complete mass and energy balances from cradle-to-grave will be compiled by IFEU. These data sets will form the foundation for Tasks 6.3 to 6.6.

Inventory of data sources

"The deliverable ""inventory of data sources"" is referring to task 1.1 of WP1. The inventory will include at least 70 European projects, 250 national projects and 500 additional sources and will be used for the selection of the industrial crops (Task 1.3) for feeding the MAGIC-CROPS database that will be developed in task 1.2 as well as will be used for the compilation of the handbook on industrial crops (deliverable 1.5)."

"Report on ""Long-term performance of perennial industrial crops grown on marginal land"""

This deliverable will present the findings of task 42 on the longterm field trials of industrial crops on marginal land A total number of 12 partners are participating in this task since they have a large number of longterm field trials with perennial herbaceous and woody crops

Catalogue of universal QLT's (QTLome) for fiber quality

This deliverable is the outcome of the work described in task 32 subtask 321

Policy recommendations

This deliverable will present the policy recommendations as these have been described in task 74 The deliverable will first a provide an overview of the policy related areas that impact on industrial crops marginal or with unfavorable conditions land and end use markets and perform gap analysis at EU and MS level with validation at least to the participating ones in detail and the rest based on the EU databases and b prepare tailored policy recommendations for EU to inform Common Agricultural Policy Rural development Circular economy resource efficiency etc and for European regions with focus on financing mechanisms and suggestions for how to support cultivation and infrastructure for logistics at local regional level During the latter stage of analysis the regions where the best practices are located will also be analysed to understand if the use of marginal land for industrial crops has been integrated in their Smart Specialization Strategies and what their funding sources have been

Catalogue of Universal key genes responsible for oil yield and quality

This deliverable is the outcome of the work described in task 32 subtask 322

Inventory on available harvesting technologies for industrial crops on marginal land

This deliverable is related to Task 5.1. A comprehensive inventory on current available harvesting techniques and post-harvest handling of industrial crops on marginal land will be assembled based on: a) previous and/or going projects, b) scientific and technical literature and c) market research.

"Report on ""Screening-and comparison of industrial crops grown on contaminated land"""

This deliverable will present and discuss the finding of the pot trials that will be carried out in subtask 432 by four partners of the project AUA UNICT FCT UNL INFMP

Report on technologies and market volumes of the selected value chains

This deliverable is referring to the described work under task 6.2. In total, biomass conversion will be quantitatively described for at least 9 different value chains: 2 for oil crops by ARKEMA, 3 for carbohydrate and fiber crops by NOVA and 4 for lignocellulosic crops by BTG. The results of this Task are an important input to Task 6.1. The generated data will be used for the assessments in Tasks 6.3 to 6.5 and will be exchanged already during the execution of those Tasks.

Report on key findings and transferability

This deliverable is linked with the work described in task 73 Transferability and Best Practice guidelines will be provided with a structure which will allow distinguishing marginality between biophysical technical economic environmental and socio economic aspects in order to facilitate future planning policy and support formation

Final report on dissemination activities

This deliverable summarizes all dissemination activities that will be carried out throughout the project duration and is referring to all tasks that have been included in work package 8

Methodological approaches to identify and map marginal land suitable for industrial crops in Europe

This deliverable is referring to task 2.1 of WP2. The different types of marginal land now and in the future will be elaborated and the main data sources will be identified and collected. The GLOBIOM model runs will be further analysed to access land use changes, particularly in relation to agricultural land abandonment and re-utilasation.

Final list with the practice abstracts following the EIP AGRI common format

This deliverable is linked with task 84 A presentation to the EIPService point staff will take place in Brussels to arrange collaboration as closest as possible including feeding the newsletter and webpage of EIPAgri with easily understandable practical knowledge for broad dissemination in the common EIP format such us practice abstract The fact sheets of industrial crops from WP 1 as well as the farmers guide from WP4 will be shared in the EIPAgri

List with the practice abstracts following the EIP common format (version 1)

This deliverable is linked with task 8.4. A presentation to the EIP-Service point staff will take place in Brussels, to arrange collaboration as closest as possible, including feeding the newsletter and webpage of EIP-Agri with easily understandable practical knowledge for broad dissemination in the common EIP format, such us “practice abstract”. The fact sheets of industrial crops from WP 1 as well as the farmers’ guide from WP4 will be shared in the EIP-Agri.

Interim report on definitions and settings
Report on the link between MAGIC and EIP AGRI

The Report on the link between MAGIC and EIP AGRI D84 will present the link between MAGIC and EIP AGRI and its Operational Groups and is being linked with the work described under task 83 A major target of task 84 is the creation of one specific Focus Group on industrial crops on marginal land

Report on the multi actor networking

This deliverable is referring to task 84 MAGIC apart from the MultiActor Advisory Board WP9 will take into account the presence in the consortium of members linked with farmers such as members of COPACOGECA MAGIC will periodically report its findings to COPACOGECA through their Sectorial Boards of European farmers Oilseeds Protein Crops WG Cereals WG Environment WG BioEnergy WG and Rural Development WG On this sense at least 5 attendances on these boards will be planned along the life of the MAGIC project to reporting on the advances of the project and collect their comments suggestions and doubts This deliverable will present the highlights of the above mentioned activities

"Farmers' guidelines on ""How to cultivate profitable industrial crops on marginal land"""

This deliverable is referring to the work that have been assigned in task 45 Guidelines for farmers will be consolidated and will be initially set up in English and then will be translated to the hosts of the national workshops local languages

List with the selected most promising industrial crops for marginal land

This deliverable is connected with the described work in task 1.3. The most promising industrial crops, suitable to be cultivated on European marginal land facing natural constraints, will be selected at the end of the first project semester following a multi-actor approach with relevant stakeholders (Multi-actor forum). Crops selection will be carried out with a multi-criteria analysis. The set of criteria will be discussed and finalized in the project kick-off meeting Each criterion will be marked in a scale 1 to 5.

Report with profiles of Best Practice Cases

This deliverable is referring to task 7.1. A first set of Best Practices for industrial crops grown on marginal lands will be identified in the first months of the project in collaboration with the project partners, and stakeholder interview input from EIP AGRI, Copa Cogeca, etc. An online call for interest will also be launched in M2 (for two months; M3 & M4) on the project website and distributed to EU regions and clusters in order to collect a broad set of cases across European regions. The rationale behind the open call is to ensure that the best practices identified will be selected among a variety of cases that extend beyond the knowledge and capacities of the project consortium and also take into account the multi-actor approach and ensure a participatory process across the selection, mapping, analysis and formation of best practices and recommendations.

Report on “Low-input agricultural practices for industrial crops on marginal land”

A definition of the low-input agricultural practices for the selected industrial crops will be presented in this task. The long term experience of the project consortium will play quite critical role in the formation of this deliverable.

Report on Harvesting systems and densification for industrial crops on marginal land

This deliverable is connected with task 51 A report on harvesting systems and densification for industrial crops on marginal land will be consolidated based on the comprehensive inventory D51 the adhoc tests that will be carried in some of the field trials of Task 44 12 tests per MAEZ

Best Practice Guidelines

This deliverable is referring to task 73 Best Practice guidelines will be provided with a structure which will allow distinguishing marginality between biophysical technical economic environmental and socio economic aspects in order to facilitate future planning policy and support formation

Dissemination plan

The Dissemination plan (D8.1) is referring to task 8.1. The Dissemination Plan will be delivered in M6, being updated on annual basis plus ad-hoc when necessary. The Dissemination Plan will be developed outlining: (i) the overall scope and specific objectives to be achieved; (ii) project assets and messages to disseminate; (iii) the target groups to be informed and engaged; (iv) the communication tools to use for the different target groups; and (v) the detailed plan including foreseen actions, consortium resources and responsibilities and time-plan.

Data Management Plan & Support Pack

This deliverable will summarize the actions that will be taken in task 9.6. In task 9.6 Under the project’s Data Management Plan (DMP) will be developed, outlining how research data will be collected, processed or generated within the project; what methodology and standards will be adopted; whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open; and how this data will be curated and preserved during and after the project.

Highlights of the demo days

This deliverable is linked with task 85 At least three demo days will be carried out in conjunction with adhoc tests of task 51 at least one per MAEZ This deliverable will present the highlights from the demo days that will be carried out

Report on integrated sustainability assessment

This deliverable will consolidated the findings of task 66 SWOT Integrated sustainability assessment In the integrated assessment the results from the previous analyses tasks 6365 will be taken into account in order to identify and depict the most sustainable options in value chains task 61 compared to all reference systems A full SWOT analysis will be performed as well as a multicriteria evaluation software tool for the integrated assessment of sustainability covering all sustainability parameters chosen

Report on economic assessment

The report on economic assessment will be led by AUA and is the outcome of Task 64 The economic assessment will be carried out a cradletograve for selected value chains and b provision of quantitative results regarding costs and revenues from a cradletofarm analysis

Highlights of the first value chain events

This deliverable is connected with task 86 and the events of the project One of the foreseen events is the value chain events This deliverable will present the Highlights of the first value chain event on oil and specialty crops

List with the practice abstracts following the EIP AGRI common format (version 2)

This deliverable is linked with task 8.4. A presentation to the EIP-Service point staff will take place in Brussels, to arrange collaboration as closest as possible, including feeding the newsletter and webpage of EIP-Agri with easily understandable practical knowledge for broad dissemination in the common EIP format, such us “practice abstract”. The fact sheets of industrial crops from WP 1 as well as the farmers’ guide from WP4 will be shared in the EIP-Agri.

Report from the scientific publications

This deliverable will summarize the scientific publications that will be done during the project lifetime It is connected with task 94

Report on environmental assessment

This deliverable is connected with task 63 An environmental analysis will be carried out a cradletograve analysis for selected value chains and b provision of quantitative results regarding GHG emissions from a cradletofarm gate analysis This deliverable will be led by IFEU and FCT UNL will contribute

"Report on ""Comparative studies on selected industrial crops grown on large scale fields on marginal land"""

This deliverable is connected with task 44 and will present the findings of the largescale field trials on marginal land that will be carried out by seven project partners

Project website

This deliverable is dedicated to the project website that will be ready by month 3 and in which will be included the MAGIC database as well as the MAGIC-MAPS and MAGIC-DSS.

Update of MAGIC-CROPS including the information from WPs 3-5

D1.7 refers to task 1.2 and the development of the MAGIC-CROPS database. More specifically, the MAGIC-CROPS database that will be developed by month 12 will be updated with the findings of work packages 3-5. This updated version is the deliverable 1.7. MAGIC-CROPS database will formed its final shape by month 48 (deliverable 1.9).

Panel of advanced breeding lines from different industrial crops adapted to different marginal conditions

This deliverable is connected with task 3.1. A set of 10-15 promising accessions of lignocellulosic crops and oil-seed crops will be propagated to be evaluated under different marginality factors as identified in WP2.

MAP-DB (version 1)

D2.3 is connected with task 2.2 (mapping of marginal land in M-AEZ). D2.3 is the first version of the task MAGIC-MAPS that will be delivered by month 5.

Seeds or plant material of advance breeding material to be used in WP4

This deliverable is related with the described work of work package 4 and more specifically the new established field trials of task 4.3. Seeds or plant material of advance breeding material will be provided by WU to partners of task 4.3 for the fields establishment.

Release of the Bio2Match tool user interface and documentation

The Release of the Bio2Match tool user is related to task 53The possible industrial crop conversion technology combinations will be elaborated based on the Bio2Match tool developed in the S2Biom project This computerized tool will guide the user in selecting the optimal match of the available biomass resources with the conversion technologies

MAP-DB (version 2)

D2.4 is the second version of MAGIC-MAPS that had initially developed in Task 2.2 and month 5. This deliverable will be the second version of the MAGIC-DB.

MAP-DB (version 3)

D25 is the third version of MAGICMAPS that have been initially developed in task 22 month 5 This third version will be availably by month 36

First version of MAGIC-CROPS

This deliverable is referring to task 1.2 (Set-up the MAGIC-CROPS database). The MAGIC-CROPS database will include: crop morphological description, pedo-climatic, water and nutrient requirements, yield, harvesting, qualitative traits, current and alternative uses. The first version of this database will be realized in month 12.

First prototype of the decision support tool (MAGIC-DSS)

This deliverable is connected with task 1.4 (Development of the MAGIC-DSS). It will be the first version of the Decision Support System (MAGIC-DSS) and will be ready by month 24. It will be improved in month 36 (prototype 2, deliverable 1.8) and will formed its final shape in month 48 (deliverable 1.10).

High-resolution maps of potential biomass supply from marginal land around a biorefinery

This deliverable is related to task 5.2. High-resolution maps of potential biomass supply from marginal land around a bio refinery unit will be obtained by overlapping the maps of marginal land (WP2) with the yield data base in relation to different types of land availability (WP4). Biomass supply will be characterized in terms of quantities, quality and timing.

Final version of the MAGIC-DS available on the website

D1.10 is the final version of MAGIC-DSS that will be developed in task 1.4. This DSS will be created by month 24, it will be updated by month 36 and will take its final form by month 48. From month 24 till month 48 the drafts of DSS will be disseminated in the project events, while its final version will be uploaded in the project website and will remain there at least 5 years after the project completion.

Update and testing of the decision support tool (prototype 2) (MAGIC-DSS)

This deliverable is connected with task 14 Actually this deliverable will be the updated and improved version of D16 Decision Support System This deliverable will be further updated and will be formed in its final DSS by month 48 D110

New lines of industrial crops with improved quality adapted to marginal land

This deliverable is related to the work described in task 3.3. The subtask 3.3.1 is referring to new lines of lignocellulosic/carbohydrate crops, while the sub-task 3.3.2 is referring to new lines of oil/specialty crops.

Final version of MAGIC-CROPS and uploading in the project website

D1.9 is the final version of the MAGIC-CROPS database that will be developed in task 1.2. It final version will be uploaded in project website and will remain there at least 5 years after the project completion. It will be disseminated throughout the project lifetime with the two previous versions (D1.4 & D1.7).

Final MAP-DB

D26 is the final version of MAGICMAPS and is related to the work that have been described in task 22

A new logistics model and report on its application to the case-study value-chains

This deliverable will develop a new logistics model and report on its application to the casestudy valuechains on marginal land and is connected with the described work in Task 54 The demand driven casestudies will be based on existing operational biorefineries the ARKEMA biorefinery for oil crops and the EMPYRO BTG pyrolysis plant for lignocellulosic crops

Final setting of MAGIC-CROPS entries

This deliverable (setting of MAGIC-CROPS entries) is connected with task 1.1 (Inventory of the data sources on industrial crops). The entries that will be collected and used will be at least 70 EU projects, 250 national projects and 500 other sources (such as international literature, position papers, project or web reports, patents, etc.). This deliverable will be used by task 1.2 and the development of the set-up of MAGIC-CROPS database.


The Impact of Soil Water Content on Yield, Composition, Energy, and Water Indicators of the Bioenergy Grass Saccharum spontaneum ssp. aegyptiacum under Three-Growing Seasons

Author(s): Danilo Scordia, Silvio Calcagno, Alessandra Piccitto, Cristina Patanè, Salvatore Luciano Cosentino
Published in: Agronomy, Issue 10/8, 2020, Page(s) 1105, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: Agronomy by MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10081105

Long-Term Productivity of Thirteen Lowland and Upland Switchgrass Ecotypes in the Mediterranean Region

Author(s): Efthymia Alexopoulou, Federica Zanetti, Eleni G. Papazoglou, Konstantinos Iordanoglou, Andrea Monti
Published in: Agronomy, Issue 10/7, 2020, Page(s) 923, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10070923

How to Generate Yield in the First Year—A Three-Year Experiment on Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus (Greef et Deuter)) Establishment under Maize (Zea mays L.)

Author(s): Moritz von Cossel, Anja Mangold, Yasir Iqbal, Jens Hartung, Iris Lewandowski, Andreas Kiesel
Published in: Agronomy, Issue 9/5, 2019, Page(s) 237, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy9050237

Adapting Syntropic Permaculture for Renaturation of a Former Quarry Area in the Temperate Zone

Author(s): Moritz von Cossel; Heike Ludwig; Jedrzej Cichocki; Sofia Fesani; Ronja Guenther; Magnus Thormaehlen; Jule Angenendt; Isabell Braunstein; Marie-Luise Buck; Maria Kunle; Magnus Bihlmeier; David Cutura; AnnSophie Bernhard; Felicitas Ow-Wachendorf; Federico Erpenbach; Simone Melder; Meike Boob; Bastian Winkler
Published in: agriculture 2020(10) 603, Issue 10, 2020, ISSN 2077-0472
Publisher: Agriculture Magazin
DOI: 10.3390/agriculture10120603

Prospects of Bioenergy Cropping Systems for A More Social-Ecologically Sound Bioeconomy

Author(s): Von Cossel, Wagner, Lask, Magenau, Bauerle, Von Cossel, Warrach-Sagi, Elbersen, Staritsky, Van Eupen, Iqbal, Jablonowski, Happe, Fernando, Scordia, Cosentino, Wulfmeyer, Lewandowski, Winkler
Published in: Agronomy, Issue 9/10, 2019, Page(s) 605, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy9100605

Raccolta della canapa da fibra – Esperienze in Emilia Romagna con prototipo Billeter

Author(s): L. Pari; A. Scarfone; V. Alfano; S. Bergonzoli; S. Lanzar; R. Gobbo; S. Vecchi; A. Zatta
Published in: Ricerca e Innovazione per l’Economia Circolare, Issue 3, 2019, ISSN 1590-7805
Publisher: Sherwood
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4030422

Marginal Lands to Grow Novel Bio-Based Crops: A Plant Breeding Perspective

Author(s): Francesco Pancaldi, Luisa M. Trindade
Published in: Frontiers in Plant Science, Issue 11, 2020, ISSN 1664-462X
Publisher: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00227

Methane Yield Potential of Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus (Greef et Deuter)) Established under Maize (Zea mays L.)

Author(s): Moritz von Cossel, Anja Mangold, Yasir Iqbal, Iris Lewandowski
Published in: Energies, Issue 12/24, 2019, Page(s) 4680, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12244680

Herbaceous Oil Crops, a Review on Mechanical Harvesting State of the Art

Author(s): Luigi Pari; Francesco Latterini; Walter Stefanoni
Published in: Agriculture, Issue 4, 2020, ISSN 2077-0472
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4085135

Long-Term Yield and Quality Performance of Perennial Energy Grasses (Agropyron spp.) on Marginal Land

Author(s): Ciria, C. S.; Barro, R.; Sanz, M.; Ciria, P.
Published in: Agronomy, Issue 10, 2020, Page(s) 1051, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4032399

Identification of Arable Marginal Lands under Rainfed Conditions for Bioenergy Purposes in Spain

Author(s): Carlos Ciria, Marina Sanz, Juan Carrasco, Pilar Ciria
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 11/7, 2019, Page(s) 1833, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su11071833

How to Generate Yield in the First Year—A Three-Year Experiment on Miscanthus

Author(s): M. von Cossel; A. Mangold; J. Hartung; I. Lewandowski; A. Kiesel
Published in: "Agronomy 9(237) Special Issue ""Bioenergy Crops: Current Status and Future Prospects""", Issue 9, 2019, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI

Deciphering Substrate-Specific Methane Yields of Perennial Herbaceous Wild Plant Species

Author(s): Moritz von Cossel; Lorena Agra Pereira; Iris Lewandowski
Published in: Agronomy Volume 11 (2021), Issue 4, 2021, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11030451

Herbaceous Oil Crops, a Review on Mechanical Harvesting State of the Art

Author(s): Luigi Pari; Francesco Latterini; Walter Stefanoni
Published in: Agriculture Special Issue Innovations and Perspectives of Industrial and Bioenergy Crops for Bioeconomy Development), Issue Special Issue, 2020, ISSN 2077-0472
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5718654

Marginal Agricultural Land Low-Input Systems for Biomass Production

Author(s): Moritz Von Cossel, Iris Lewandowski, Berien Elbersen, Igor Staritsky, Michiel Van Eupen, Yasir Iqbal, Stefan Mantel, Danilo Scordia, Giorgio Testa, Salvatore Luciano Cosentino, Oksana Maliarenko, Ioannis Eleftheriadis, Federica Zanetti, Andrea Monti, Dagnija Lazdina, Santa Neimane, Isabelle Lamy, Lisa Ciadamidaro, Marina Sanz, Juan Esteban Carrasco, Pilar Ciria, Ian McCallum, Luisa M. Trindade, Ei
Published in: Energies, Issue 12/16, 2019, Page(s) 3123, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12163123

Transcriptional response of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) low ecotype to long-term salt stress by unigene-based RNAseq.

Author(s): Angelo Sicilia; Danilo Fabrizio Santoro; Giorgio Testa; Salvatore Cosentino; Angela Roberta Lo Piero
Published in: Phytochemstry Volume 177, Issue Volume 177 September 2020 112436, 2020, ISSN 0031-9422
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2020.112436

Camelina, an ancient oilseed crop actively contributing to the rural renaissance in Europe. A review

Author(s): Federica Zanetti; Barbara Alberghini; Ana Marjanović Jeromela; Nada Grahovac; Dragana Rajković; Biljana Kiprovski; Andrea Monti
Published in: Agronomy for sustainable development 2021 v.41 no.1, Issue 41, 2021, Page(s) 2ff, ISSN 1774-0746
Publisher: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s13593-020-00663-y

Environmental and Economic Assessment of Castor Oil Supply Chain: A Case Study

Author(s): Luigi Pari; Alessandro Suardi; Walter Stefanoni; Francesco Latterini; Nadia Palmieri
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 1, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4085198

Environmental and Economic Assessment of Castor Oil Supply Chain: A Case Study

Author(s): Pari , Luigi; Suardi, Alessandro; Stefanoni, Walter; Latterini, Francesco; Palmieri, Nadia
Published in: Sustainability Special Issue Agricultural and Food Systems Sustainability: The Complex Challenge of Losses and Waste, Issue 1, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12166339

Additional file 9: of RNASeq analysis of giant cane reveals the leaf transcriptome dynamics under long-term salt stress

Author(s): Sicilia, Angelo; Testa, Giorgio; Santoro, Danilo; Cosentino, Salvatore; Piero, Angela Lo
Published in: BMC Plant Biology, Issue 19 : 355, 2019, Page(s) 2-26, ISSN 1471-2229
Publisher: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9637391

Evaluating the Suitability of a Combine Harvester Equipped with the Sunflower Header to Harvest Cardoon Seeds: A Case Study in Central Italy

Author(s): Francesco Latterini; Walter Stefanoni; Simone Sebastiano; Gian Maria Baldi; Luigi Pari
Published in: Agronomy Journal Volume 10 Issue 12, Issue Volume 10, 2020, ISSN 0002-1962
Publisher: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4956355

Bridging the Gap Between Biofuels and Biodiversity Through Monetizing Environmental Services of Miscanthus Cultivation

Author(s): Moritz von Cossel; Bastian Winkler; Anja Mangold; Jan Lask; Moritz Wagner; Iris Lewandowski; Berien Elbersen; Michiel van Eupen; Stephan Mantel; Andreas Kiesel
Published in: Earth's Future 8(10), Issue 8 (10), 2020, ISSN 2328-4277
Publisher: AGU Publications
DOI: 10.1029/2020ef001478

Improving the Ecological Performance of Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deuter) through Intercropping with Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) and Yellow Melilot (Melilotus officinalis L.)

Author(s): Moritz von Cossel, Yasir Iqbal, Iris Lewandowski
Published in: Agriculture, Issue 9/9, 2019, Page(s) 194, ISSN 2077-0472
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agriculture9090194

Global mycorrhizal plants distribution linked to terrestrial carbon stocks

Author(s): Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia; Peter M. van Bodegom; Cesar Terrer Moreno; Maarten van 't Zelfde; Ian McCallum; Joshua B. Fisher; Luke M McCormack; Mark Brundrett; Nuno Cesar de Sa; Leho Tedersoo
Published in: Nature Communications Volume 10, Issue 10, 2019, ISSN 2041-1723
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1101/331884

Biomass Yield of Selected Herbaceous and Woody Industrial Crops across Marginal Agricultural Sites with Shallow Soil

Author(s): Jana Reinhardt; Pia Hilgert; Moritz von Cossel
Published in: Agronomy, Vol 11, Iss 1296, p 1296 (2021), Issue 11 Special Issue Innovations and Perspectives of Industrial and Bioenergy Crops for Bioeconomy Development, 2021, ISSN 2077-0472
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11071296

Long-Term Yield and Quality Performance of Perennial Energy Grasses (Agropyron spp.) on Marginal Land

Author(s): Carlos S. Ciria; R. Barro; Marina Sanz; P. Ciria
Published in: Agronomy, Vol 10, Iss 1051, p 1051 (2020), Issue 10, 2020, Page(s) p1051ff, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4032398

RNASeq analysis of giant cane reveals the leaf transcriptome dynamics under long-term salt stress

Author(s): Sicilia, Angelo; Testa, Giorgio; Santoro, Danilo Fabrizio; Cosentino, Salvatore Luciano; Lo Piero, Angela Roberta
Published in: BMC Plant Biology, Vol 19, Iss 1, Pp 1-24 (2019), Issue 19, 2020, Page(s) 1-24, ISSN 1471-2229
Publisher: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-1964-y

Tolerance to Drought andWater Stress Resistance Mechanism of Castor Bean

Author(s): Papazoglou, Eleni G.; Alexopoulou, Efthymia; Papadopoulos, George K.; Economou-Antonaka, Garifalia
Published in: Argronomy, Issue 10, 2020, Page(s) 1580, ISSN 2073-4395
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4269600


Author(s): Stefanoni, Walter; Suardi, Alessandro; Palmieri, Nadia; Bergonzoli, Simone; Alfano, Vincenzo; Lazar, Sandu; Pari, Luigi
Published in: 29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 26-29 April 2021, Online, Issue 29th, 2021
Publisher: EUBCE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5710681

Combining harvest date and cutting height to optimize the sustainability of miscanthus production for energy in the mediterranean region

Author(s): Ana Luisa Fernando
Published in: Combining harvest date and cutting height to optimize the sustainability of miscanthus production for energy in the mediterranean region, Issue 25th, 2021
Publisher: Elsevier

Seed losses evaluation during hemp harvesting with a modified combine header

Author(s): Pari, Luigi; Alfano, Vincenzo; Magagnini, Gianmaria; Grassi, Gianpaolo
Published in: 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 July 2020, Virtual, Issue 28th, 2020
Publisher: EUBCE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5710666

Pennycress (Thlaspi Arvense) a New Non-Food Crop for Oil-Based Biofuel Production in Europe and USA

Author(s): Federica Zanetti, Terry A. Isbell, EfthymiaAlexopoulou, Roque Evangelista, Russ W. Gesch, Bryan Moser, Andrea Monti
Published in: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 2018, Page(s) 123 - 126, ISBN 978-88-89407-18-9
Publisher: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
DOI: 10.5071/26theubce2018-1co.5.1

Effect of seeding rate on pennycress agronomic performances across contrasting environments

Author(s): Federica Zanetti; Andrea Monti; Russ Gesch; Efthymia Alexopoulou; Terry Isbell; Roque Evangelista
Published in: Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops 30th Annual Meeting – Pathway to Commercialisation of Industrial Crops, Issue 30, 2018
Publisher: Todd J. and M. Berti
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2595077

A toolbox to tackle the technological and environmental constraints associated with the use of biomass for energy from marginal land

Author(s): Leandro Gomes; Ana Luísa Fernando; Fernando Santos
Published in: Proceedings of ECOS 2018 – The 31th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost Optimization and Environmental Impact Of Energy Systems, Issue 31, 2018
Publisher: ECOS 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2586806


Author(s): Fernando; Barbosa; Boléro; Duarte; Sidella; Costa; Cosentino
Published in: 26th EUBCE – 2018 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, Issue 26, 2018, Page(s) 136 -139, ISBN 978-88-89407-18-9
Publisher: EUBCE
DOI: 10.5071/26thEUBCE2018-1CO.9.2


Author(s): Fernando
Published in: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, Issue 25, 2017, Page(s) 280-282, ISBN 978-88-89407-17-2
Publisher: EUBCE
DOI: 10.5071/25thEUBCE2017-1DV.2.21

Camelina seeds harvesting: evaluation of work performance of a combine harvester in two experimental fields in Italy and Spain

Author(s): Stefanoni, Walter; Bergonzoli, Simone; Latterini, Francesco; Alfano, Vincenzo; Suardi, Alessandro; Palmieri, Nadia; Lazar, Sandu; Pari, Luigi
Published in: 29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 26-29 April 2021, Online conference proceedings, Issue 29th, 2021
Publisher: EUBCE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5710718


Author(s): Šēnhofa;, S.; Lazdiņa;, D.; Jansons;, A.
Published in: Issue 3, 2019, Page(s) 978-9984-14-882-3
Publisher: Latvijas Valsts mežzinātnes institūts «Silava»
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3567766


Author(s): Daugaviete, Mudrīte; Bambe, Baiba; Lazdiņš, Andis; Lazdiņa, Dagnija
Published in: Issue 1, 2017, ISBN 978-9984-14-822-9
Publisher: "Latvijas Valsts mežzinātnes institūts ""Silava"", Salaspils, Daugavpils, Latvija"
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2636497

Plants suitable for biomass production in a sustainable bioeconomy

Author(s): Lewandowski I., Von Cossel M.
Published in: Rundgespräche Forum Ökologie, Issue Band 48, 2020
Publisher: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil

Plantation Forests: A Guarantee of Sustainable Management of Abandoned and Marginal Farmlands

Author(s): Mudrite Daugaviete, Dagnija Lazdina, Baiba Bambe, Andis Lazdins, Kristaps Makovskis, Uldis Daugavietis
Published in: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Lighting - a Bet for the Future, 2020, ISBN 978-1-78985-959-1
Publisher: IntechOpen
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88373

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