CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
All participating partners, members and RPIGs rate, rank, review and vote for the best practice per topic that are consolidated by WP's 2-5. The winning best practice per challenge are, if permissible/appropriate, appointed as EU PIG Ambassadors (8 in total per year). The EU PIG Ambassadors will be showcased in the knowledge basecamp via a ‘story map’ – a GIS application which combines authoritative maps with narrative text, images and associated multimedia content.
Best practice abstracts for each health management topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 3Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each Precision Production topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 2Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each Precision Production topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 4Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Technical reports for each welfare topic addressed (one stand alone report per Welfare topic addressed) Year 4The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each meat quality topic addressed (one stand alone report per Meat Quality topic addressed) Year 4The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each Precision Production topic addressed (one stand alone report per Precision Production topic addressed) Year 2The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each meat quality topic addressed (one stand alone report per Meat Quality topic addressed) Year 1The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Best practice abstracts for each welfare topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 1Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each meat quality topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 4Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each health management topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 4Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Technical reports for each meat quality topic addressed (one stand alone report per Meat Quality topic addressed) Year 2The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Best practice abstracts for each welfare topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 2Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Technical reports for each health management topic addressed (one stand alone report per Health Management topic addressed) Year 2The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each welfare topic addressed (one stand alone report per Welfare topic addressed) Year 2The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each health management topic addressed (one stand alone report per Health Management topic addressed) Year 4The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each Precision Production topic addressed (one stand alone report per Precision Production topic addressed) Year 1The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Reporting of project abstract development and submission (Reporting period 1)The delivery of practice abstracts will start at early stages of the project and continue during the project duration. At the end of each reporting period, a report will be submitted outlining the status of practice abstract submission.
Best practice abstracts for each health management topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 2Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Technical reports for each Precision Production topic addressed (one stand alone report per Precision Production topic addressed) Year 4The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Best practice abstracts for each health management topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 1Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Reporting of project abstract development and submission (Reporting period 3)The delivery of practice abstracts will start at early stages of the project and continue during the project duration. At the end of each reporting period, a report will be submitted outlining the status of practice abstract submission.
Technical reports for each health management topic addressed (one stand alone report per Health Management topic addressed) Year 1The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Technical reports for each meat quality topic addressed (one stand alone report per Meat Quality topic addressed) Year 3The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Best practice abstracts for each meat quality topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 3Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Technical reports for each welfare topic addressed (one stand alone report per Welfare topic addressed) Year 3The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Best practice abstracts for each meat quality topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per Meat Quality topic addressed) Year 1Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each meat quality topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 2Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each Precision Production topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 1Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Best practice abstracts for each welfare topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 3Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Reporting of project abstract development and submission (Reporting period 2)The delivery of practice abstracts will start at early stages of the project and continue during the project duration. At the end of each reporting period, a report will be submitted outlining the status of practice abstract submission.
Technical reports for each welfare topic addressed (one stand alone report per Welfare topic addressed) Year 1The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Report detailing lessons learnt from the EU PiG project and supporting case studiesKey messages from the project will be developed, including the detail of the best practice and lessons learnt from the knowledge transfer activity as well as impacts the EU PIG network have had at a social and economic level. Each RPIG will be asked to identify at least inspirational one case study from their region where it can be demonstrated that the producer has implemented and benefited from the adoption of best practice.
Technical reports for each Precision Production topic addressed (one stand alone report per Precision Production topic addressed) Year 3The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Annual list of EU PiG Ambassadors Year 2All participating partners, members and RPIGs rate, rank, review and vote for the best practice per topic that are consolidated by WP's 2-5. The winning best practice per challenge are, if permissible/appropriate, appointed as EU PIG Ambassadors (8 in total per year). The EU PIG Ambassadors will be showcased in the knowledge basecamp via a ‘story map’ – a GIS application which combines authoritative maps with narrative text, images and associated multimedia content.
Annual list of EU PiG Ambassadors Year 3All participating partners, members and RPIGs rate, rank, review and vote for the best practice per topic that are consolidated by WP's 2-5. The winning best practice per challenge are, if permissible/appropriate, appointed as EU PIG Ambassadors (8 in total per year). The EU PIG Ambassadors will be showcased in the knowledge basecamp via a ‘story map’ – a GIS application which combines authoritative maps with narrative text, images and associated multimedia content.
Best practice abstracts for each Precision Production topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 3Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
Technical reports for each health management topic addressed (one stand alone report per Health Management topic addressed) Year 3The information and analysis collected from literature reviews, validation of on farm best practice and economic evaluation and will be used to generate one technical report per challenge addressed. The technical reports will also not only report on the overall status of each challenge addressed, but take into account variations across the EU and gaps in existing knowledge. The technical reports will be made available to the consortium via the knowledge basecamp and the content used to develop end user dissemination tools such as leaflets, videos and infographics (WP6).
Annual list of EU PiG Ambassadors Year 1All participating partners, members and RPIGs rate, rank, review and vote for the best practice per topic that are consolidated by WP's 2-5. The winning best practice per challenge are, if permissible/appropriate, appointed as EU PIG Ambassadors (8 in total per year). The EU PIG Ambassadors will be showcased in the knowledge basecamp via a ‘story map’ – a GIS application which combines authoritative maps with narrative text, images and associated multimedia content.
Analysis of knowledge exchange methodology (impact assessment)A monitoring tool (Coosto) will be used by each RPiG to monitor and evaluate the take up of best practice by pig producers in their region and the effectiveness of changing practice on farm. All results will be reported in the communications plan and will include case studies
Best practice abstracts for each welfare topic addressed (at least one best practice abstract per topic addressed) Year 4Best practice abstracts will be generated from the content of the technical reports in the EIP format, for wider dissemination
The website will be updated at least monthly and will act as the external platform for the promotion of the EU PIG project, dissemination of end user materials and project impacts. The website will be ‘user friendly’ to pig producers in particular and all the other various stakeholder groups, with clear entry points to information relevant to each group. Development of other promotional material/tools including the following: Regular press releases and media engagement detailing project activity/progress; Social media activity detailing project activity/progress; Publications about the project (leaflet); Regular newsletters to report on project progress.
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