Aluminium production, based on the conventional Hall-Héroult process, is the most carbon intensive process in metallurgy, with 95.5 M t of annual carbon dioxide emissions around the world, which represents 2% of world emissions. Consumable carbon anodes represent 18% of production costs. Furthermore, electricity costs is third of production costs, representing €57M of the annual cost for a 100,000 tpy smelter. Electricity prices in Europe rose by more than 20% since 2007, which reduced the competitiveness of the EU aluminium industry. Thus, Europe is not self-dependent any-more and half of the aluminium is today imported. Contribution to European Challenges of the project is immense since it addresses an industry which employs around 255 thousand people in some 600 companies.
Based on the patented Beck cell concept, Arctus Metals Ltd. (AM) developed the Arctus turn-key modular aluminium smelter, by using a new zero emission production process, which also consumes 25% less electricity.