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CORDIS - EU research results

Support and Coordination of the Partnering Environment for FET Flagships


Terms of reference and proposal for a structure of the External Division of Graphene Flagship and first report on Graphene Partnering Projects added value with recommendations

The terms of reference and structure of the External Division will be the result of a consultation workshop, with the participation of PPs, AMs and the Graphene Flagship Core Project. It will pay particular attention to the selection of the Head of the External Division and the functioning of the Division to guarantee the information flow between the Head of the External Division, the PPs and the AMs. This deliverable will also include a first report on Graphene Partnering Projects added value with recommendations.

Interim report on communication and dissemination activities

It will include a description of all the activities regarding the communication and dissemination WP.

Interim report of the second period and minutes of Advisory Committee and good practice for PPs integration and participation

In month 39, as the previous presented in month 18, a report will be facilitated with an assessment of the evaluation of the activities performed, including the added value and outcome of the PPs meetings. It will also include the minutes of the meetings of the Advisory Group and a summary of the best practices for the integration and participation of PPs in the Core Projects.

Report on PPs status and future needs

The report will assess the status of PPs in terms of research areas, number and composition and map them with respect to the Core Project activity. It will also assess and reinforce the participation of PPs in the governance, public and outreach activities.

Report on HBP PPs added value with recommendations

This report will summarise the policy recommendations for public administrations at National and Regional level, with the aim of improving the HBP Partnering Projects environment.

Report on PP status and future needs

The report will assess the status of PPs in terms of research areas, number and composition and map them with respect to the Core Project activity. It will also include their needs for an increase in their participation in HBP.

Report on Graphene PPs added value with recommendations

The report, based on the efficiency of interactions between Core and Partnering Projects, will provide recommendations to the Graphene Flagship management and governance bodies to ammeliorate integration and further develop integration mechanisms.

Interim report of the first period, including the assessment and evaluation of the activities perfomed, and minutes of Advisory Committee

In month 18, a report of the first period will be facilitated. It will include the assessment and evaluation of the activities undertaken, including the added value and outcome of the PPs meetings. It will also include the minutes of the meetings of the Advisory Group.

First Report on HBP PPs added value with recommendations

The report will seek to provide policy recommendations for improving the HBP Partnering Projects environment, directed towards public administrations at National and Regional levels.

Scientific publishing information, material and public relations activities

At the end of the project a dossier with all the publishing materials; news; articles and information specifically prepared for the disemmination of SCOPE's activities, as well as information relevant to the Partnering Projects and the FET Flagships.

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