CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Linked with task 43 Report on the recyclability of the new solutions and recommendations for managing the end of life of the new products
Report on Events: workshops, conferences, stands in exhibition fairs, trainingsLinked with task 94 Summary of events Description and achievements including an intermediate control report on M24
EU Raw material supply scenarioLinked with Task 2.3. Analysis of feedstock, products and characteristics of the processes and generated waste at European level. Results of surveys and implications for the dissemination plan
Reference framework for the circular economy modelsCorresponding with Task 3.2. Description of the whole value chain in each industrial symbiosis scenario
Guidelines for the implementation of the Circular Economy models.Linked with task 73 Document to foster the replication of the circular models including lessons learnt
Sustainability improvements evaluationLinked with task 61 The Results of the final comparative LCSA of any product It will include a first control report on M14
Circularity improvement evaluation: Results of the MCI of developed productsLinked with task 62 Conclusions of the circularity assessment of each solution Intermediate control reports on months 14 and 32
Communication and dissemination strategy and planLinked with task 9.1. Key factors and description of the C&D plan
Comprehensive analysis of the existing and emerging approaches of circular economy models in pulp and paper industryCorresponding with Task 3.1. Report on the innovation challenges regarding circular economy models for the PPI and the selected sectors
Baseline Report:PPI waste streams valorisation potentialLinked with Task 2.1. An assessment of volumes and current managing procedures of targeted wastes of each involved industrial partners
Integrated report on demonstration activitiesLinked with all tasks included in WP5 Executive summary of demonstration activities general conclusions on aspects influencing the demonstrators implementation and their performance
Linked with task 5.5. Description of the demonstration activities and preliminary conclusions of the soil cover built at Boliden´s facilities.
Performance of Circular Case 2. Road applicationsLinked with task 52 Results for the midterm assessment of technical and environmental performance subtask 523
Performance of Circular Case 4. Chemical industryLinked with task 54 Preliminary results of the sinthesys of the Bermocoll production linked with subtask 543
Implementation of Circular Case 2. Road applicationsLinked with task 5.2. Description of the demonstration activities and preliminary conclusions of the pilot implementation (linked with subtask 5.2.1) as well as the integrated report of the initial results of the monitoring obtained for the stabilized soil layers (linked with subtask 5.2.2).
Implementation of Circular Case 1. Asphalt and concrete applicationsLinked with task 51 Description of the demonstration activities and preliminary conclusions of the pilot implementation linked with subtask 511 including the initial results of the monitoring obtained for the asphalt application and the concrete structure linked with subtask 512
Implementation of Circular Case 4. Chemical industryLinked with task 5.4. Description of the demonstration activities and preliminary conclusions of the intensification of the ethanol production (linked with subtask 5.4.1)and integrated report of the initial results of the continuous synthesis of ethyl chloride (linked with subtask 5.4.2)
Performance of Circular Case 3. Railway applicationsLinked with task 53 Results for the midterm assessment of technical and environmental performance subtask 533
Performance of Circular Case 1. Asphalt and concrete applicationsLinked with task 51 Results of the midterm assessment of technical and environmental performance linked with subtask 513 and final conclusions of the implementation
Performance of Circular Case 5. Mining sectorLinked with task 55 Integrated report of the initial results of the monitoring obtained for the new covers linked with subtask 552 and results for the midterm assessment of technical and environmental performance subtask 553
Implementation of Circular Case 3. Railway applicationsLinked with task 5.3. Description of the demonstration activities and preliminary conclusions of the pilot implementation (linked with subtask 5.3.1) and integrated report of the initial results of the monitoring obtained for the new composite material (linked with subtask 5.3.2)
Linked with tasks 9.1 and 9.2. Description of already prepared and projected materials, including the web tools and templates
The final version of the data management plan including all potential updates due to changes in the data management
Data Management PlanFirst deliverable. Linked with all tasks
Amaia Sopelana, Camille Auriault, Anurag Bansal, Karmen Fifer, Helena Paiva, Christian Maurice, Gunnar Westin, Javier Rios, Asier Oleaga, Antonio Cañas
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue 13/18, 2021, Page(s) 10285, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Barbara Likar, Stanislav Lenart
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue 13/2, 2021, Page(s) 979, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Hani Baloochi, Diego Aponte, Marilda Barra
Published in:
Applied Sciences, Issue 10/23, 2020, Page(s) 8750, ISSN 2076-3417
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech),
Aponte, D.; Baloochi, H.; Barra, M.; Martınez, A.; Miro, R.; Cepria, J.; Orejana, R.
Published in:
Waste and Byproducts in cement-based materials: Innovative sustainable materials for a circular economy, Issue Innovative Sustainable Materials for a Circular Economy A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering Book • 2021, 2021, Page(s) pages 635-657, ISBN 9780128205495
Anna Virolainen, Christian Maurice, Thomas Pabst
Published in:
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, Issue 231/2, 2020, Page(s) 231:60, ISSN 0049-6979
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Ida Kronsell, Susanne Nigéus, Anna Virolainen, Yu Jia, Thomas Pabst, Christian Marurice
Published in:
E3S Web of Conferences, Issue 195, 2020, Page(s) 06006, ISSN 2267-1242
E3S Web Conf. Volume 195, 2020 4th European Conference on Unsaturated Soils (E-UNSAT 2020)
LIKAR, Barbara, VOVČKO, Laura.
Published in:
2nd International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy: Conference Proceedings, Issue 2020, 2020, Page(s) pp 1-10, ISBN 9789612863531
University of Maribor, University Press
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