First version at M18 Description of the circular design strategies resulting from T22 and T 24 with iinput from WP8 business models overview of key aspects enabling reuse refurbishment and recycling based on insights manufacturing and recycling partners explicitly including the enabling opportunities through emerging technologies eg InternetofThingsbig data additive manufacturing design framework taking the key aspects into account design strategies for reuse refurbishment and recycling of composite materials continued in T22 towards M42 deliverable and applied in T24 and WP4 Final version at M42 cases of studies for the products in the selected sectors resulting from T22 and T 24 and input from WP4 demonstrators and WP8 business models apply design strategies to case studies both in current manufacturing as well as in prototyping of new circular products task 24 use case studies to derive product category specific design guidelines including the findings of tasks 24 on prototyping and Task 25 on fasteners validate cases through implementation task 24 and WP4 and assessment WP7 feed data into T63
Report on Baseline descriptionDescription of current design considerations, materials choices, value chain, employment, cooperation and information exchange obtained in Task 2.1. The report will include the principles of the baseline of social, environmental and economic indicators which are identified (MS2); the information to be delivered to T2.3 for comparison against material/manufacturing technology selection for circularity; the information to be delivered to T2.4 as a baseline (benchmark) against circular design concepts; the information to support data requirements for database in WP6, WP7 (LCA).
Dissemination and Communication PlanMonth 6 and for every periodic and final report this will detail all proposed dissemination and communication activities and all activities that have taken place The objective of the Dissemination and Communication Plan is to identify and organize the activities to be performed in order to promote the commercial exploitation of the projects results and the widest dissemination of knowledge from the project The plan is expanded in two directions towards the marketing activities in order to enhance the commercial potential of the system and towards the notification of projects results in the scientific EC and general RTD sector Hence it will include the communication needs objectives and goals target audiences key message sources communication channels barriers action plan products and evaluation
Report on additional funding opportunitiesFirst version at M24 final version at M54 Private and public additional funding sources opportunities to apply the result obtained from the project will be presented and the next steps described
Report on material conditioning processesDescription of the processes to enhance recovered material stream. The deliverable will be based on the material (samples, solvents, equipment for separation) and methods (chemical separation with DMSO) for fibres and plastic cleaning; and the materials (samples, DBD plasma equipment and microbiological material) and methods (DoE of DBD plasma treatment, contact angle measurement and microbiological methods) for the surface activation for reuse.
Report on (re-)manufacture of the innovative composite products.This report will collect all the relevant aspects related to the manufacture and re-manufacture after N-cycles of the composite-based products in the three industrial lines. The report includes: feeds from Task3.1 as the it will provide the materials required for the manufacture and re-manufacture of the intermediate materials; feeds forward to WP6 (mainly T6.3) in relation to the re-manufacture data that will be used for the circular economy business modelling; feeds forward to WP7 in relation to the life cycle of designed products covering environmental, cost, health and regulatory aspects; feeds forward to WP8 in relation to defining business cases and exploitation potential.
Environmental technology verification (ETV).Initial version at M32 Final version by M45 Results from the ETV This report will include an introduction to the Environmental Technology Verification tool presentation of the company in charge of the verification the Verification Body results of the eligibility assessment for the selected technologyVerification Protocol applied and Conclusions annexes i Statement of Verification ii Verification Report Document provided by the Verification Body
Sustainable procurement, retail and product tracking and labelling systemIncludes the analysis of the current situation, the future vision, the identification of the risks and barriers as well as the evaluation of the potential commercial value of the eco-innovative products
Design and optimisation of the whole Circular Supply ChainFirst version at M32 and final version at month 45 This report will describe the industrial ecology system approach including the mass and energy flows and the waste hierarchy analysis and compare with the current situation
Review of material and manufacturing process selection criteria.Development of material/process selection for modularity, durability, remanufacturing and recycling. The deliverable is based on the work undertaken in T2.3 (data/information collection) and it will include: the information about the materials to select for circular products (MS3); the information to be delivered to T2.4 for design of modular products and the inputs to T4.1, T4.2, T5.2 and T5.3; the supporting of the collection of information for database in WP6.
Final conferenceAll the material and main results from the projects final conference
Legal and Regulatory, Environmental, and Health and Safety Requirements.First version at M32 Final version at M45 Identification assessment and suggestions for the requirements to enable and facilitate a broader transition to a circular economy in the EU
Report on collection and reverse logistics optimization.Description of the optimization of the collection activities and reverse logistics for ECOBULK project along the supply chains.
Report on the contribution to standardisationFirst version at M36 Final version at M48 The developed activities and the reached advances of subtask 872 will be reported Initial version by M36 It will contain firstly the actions performed to approach the project to the relevant standardization technical committees communications attending to TC meetings etc the effectiveness of such dissemination and the feedback obtained Secondly it will include the results achieved in promoting the inclusion of the project results and approach in standardization works with the consequent contribution to its exploitation This D 86 will not serve as input for other WP or Tasks since it will contain the achievements in the integration of the project results in the standardization system
Report on user and system requirements and reference architecture.This report will gather and illustrate all the main operations and services carried out by the systems developed throughout the WP6 as well as their interaction and the definition of the roles and users for their subsequent integration. A back-log system will be used.
Solutions for the final sorting of Bulky WasteDescription of the technologies utilised for the wooden, fibre and plastic fraction of the municipal bulky waste.
Report on (re-)manufacture of the innovative wood based products.This report will collect all the relevant aspects related to the manufacture and re-manufacture after N-cycles of the wood based products in the furniture and building. The report will include the screening wood-based materials (type of wood, treatment, characteristics, contaminants and sorting); materials pretreatment prior to manufacturing (removing of foreing substances, crushing, downsizing into particle level, equipment according to type and energy); manufacturing and remanufacturing processes and characterisitics; and new innovative products (typologies, sizing and dimensioning, layer configurations, applications, and manufactured product costs, among others).
Report on the standardisation landscape and applicable standardsReport the results of the subtask 8.7.1. it will gather an analysis of the current standards and the applicable standards and the necessary bodies to be involved in the ECOBULK project to be applicable. It will contain an analysis identifying the existing and under-development standard documents relevant for the project. The level of relevance and the status will be highlighted. The areas to be covered will be iteratively set according to the interests of the consortium (normally the core activities). The report will also include the key information about standardization technical committees responsible for such projects. According to the above objective of this D 8.5 it will serve as input material for those WP and Tasks related to the areas covered, that’s why it will be delivered at the beginning of the project.
Socio-economic, ethical and cultural repercussions study.First version at M32 Final version at M45Results from the socioeconomic assessment It will include the impact of the ECOBULK project on the society including economic and practise impacts as well as the implementation of the circular solutions This deliverable will include introduction to the concept of Social Life Cycle Assessment SLCA and Social Return on Investment as well as the reasons to apply it to the EcoBulk project definition of the functional unit and system boundaries applied list of the stakeholders and the impact categories associated KPI Key Performance Indicators and data used results of the analysis interpretation and recommendations final conclusions
Report on Design Circular framework settingDescription of the design methodology and its implementation for the circular designed products selected.
Report on (re-)manufacture of the innovative nonwoven products.This report will collect all the relevant aspects related to the manufacture and remanufacture after Ncycles of the nonwoven products in the three industrial lines
Solutions of the final sorting of End-of-Life Vehicle Shredder Light Fraction.Description of the technologies utilised for the fibre and plastic fraction of the ELVs. A blueprint (Post) Shredder system will be described, where non-metallic and invaluable fractions are further separated and prepared for next application as raw material e.g. for construction, furniture or automotive applications.
Characterization and Selection of materials from MBW and ELV for recycling.Identification and selection of material from the recovered flows from BELLVER, TOMRA and other PST and bulky waste plants collected and characterized. The following information will be collected: details on the identification and selection of material from the recovered flows from BELLVER, TOMRA and other post shredder technology (PST) and bulky waste plants; results of the characterization of the above listed materials (composition including water content and quantification of organic and inorganic fractions, presence and quantification of harmful substances); analysis of the composition of the above listed materials taking into account their origin and the sorting technologies used for their recovery; selection of the waste materials for their remanufacturing and their recycling
This report will gather the strategies to be applied in the different DEMO sites for the three product lines and how to engage the end-users. This report will include the definition of the user needs and preferences for each DEMO site and three product lines within the project scope along with the description of Business as Usual; the transference of user needs and preferences to project context for each DEMO site and three product lines within the project scope, the applicability to EU- and national standards, building codes, etc., and resolving possible arising conflicts; the planning of the targeted DEMO sites with their owners with the definition of the new concept for each DEMO, the detailed criteria of acceptance and the decision making for each DEMO site and the product lines; the product strategy; the demonstration plans; and the timing and responsibilities of all activities.
Dismantling methods and protocols.Description of the established dismantling and disassembly methods for each ECOBULK product Current recycling systems for ELVs are designed to valorise the metallic content Given the ongoing surge in nonmetallic low value and complex materials in the vehicle and future ELV in the vehicle body components and structure a radical different approach might be required to a avoid harm to existing post shredder technologies to remain compliant to 95 vehicle recycling and c capture potential valuable material content In this task a modern vehicle will be dismantled manually an analysed on their material content and dismantlingrecycling behaviour timing value etc
Demonstration results of the furniture and building productsResults on the furniture and building products from the DEMO sites including the upgrading reusing recycling and recovery set strategies and the main outcomes This report will present the project DEMO activities achievements and results the feedback collected from DEMO site owners public bodies and interest groups the noted needs for future developments and other integration activities all dissemination and communication material generated within the project such as presentations publications etc and wider societal implications of the project in connection with the communications towards other actors
A data management will outline how the research data collected or generated will be handled during and after a research project describing what data have been collected generated and following which methodology and standards whether and how this data will be shared andor made open and how it will be curated and preserved
This will augment the existing business modelproduct designprocess design case study selector with specific and detailed case study information on the three exemplars a range of other tools can be envisaged including a closedloop barriers and solutions demonstrator as well as specific tools from other work packages
Massive Open Online Courses and other training materialsAll the training material and the main outcomes from the MOOCs and other related activities First version at M36 and final version at M48
Project videoAudiovisual material of the ECOBULK project Target audience will be defined during the project execution First video at M18 and final video at M42
Project Website operativeWebsite platform. This deliverable will include the webpage structure and how the internal and external servers are set as well as how the information is shown
Project newsletterFirst version at M6 update each 6 months It collects all the news related to the ECOBULK project including but not limited to the project progress and updates and the potential events and other synergies within the projects scope
First version at M24 and final version at M39 The deliverable will describe the approach adopted for the development of the enduser and stakeholder platform as well as the validation strategies at the different stages of the development The enduser and stakeholder platform will consider a modular architecture that allows for addressing different user profiles and needs The foreseen modules will cover design platform repairupgrade service collection systems reuse secondlife platform information and training hub among othersThe system will be implemented through the installation of all the components and manual and automatic procedures associated with each information system involved information loading validation of the infrastructure and the network of technical services of the suppliers the connection of the publication loading system and informationtotheuser system by the month 24 Likewise it will put into circulation the mobile application obtained in the phase of System Construction and Testing on real users selected for validation and realtime operation Once the initial loading and migration of data validation of the services and of the performance and operability of the application and web page are completed they will be published on the different download platforms Play Store App Store Microsoft Stores by the month 39 The deliverable will cover the main steps in the development process Conceptual design of the platform Modules description PlatformModules architecture Users profiles definition Functional and nonfunctional requirements Backend middleware and Frontend description Validation strategy Enduser experience
Jelle Joustra, Bas Flipsen, Ruud Balkenende
Published in:
Composites Part C: Open Access, Issue 5, 2021, Page(s) 100137, ISSN 2666-6820
Elsevier Ltd
Jelle Joustra, Bas Flipsen, Ruud Balkenende
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue 13(13), 7223, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Ajith Kularathna Aluvihare Gedara, Iva Chianella, Jose Luis Endrino, Qi Zhang
Published in:
BioResources, Issue Vol 16, No 3, 2021, Page(s) 6448-6470, ISSN 1930-2126
North Carolina University
Ajith Kularathna Aluvihare Gedara, Iva Chianella, Debabrata Bhattacharyya, Josè Luis Endrino, Qi Zhang
Published in:
BioResources, Issue Vol 16, No 4, 2021, Page(s) 7916-7934, ISSN 1930-2126
North Carolina University
Jelle Joustra, Bas Flipsen, Ruud Balkenende
Published in:
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Issue 167, 2021, Page(s) 105393, ISSN 0921-3449
Elsevier BV
Intellectual Property Rights
Application/Publication number:
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