CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Creation of a set of dissemination and communication material: brochure, poster, leaflet, online banners, headletter and presentation template and other visual elements.
Event program published, with related activities and accompanying eventsDetailed event programme will be published with all related activities and accompanying events.
Conference agenda publishedDetailed agenda of the conference will be published.
Final conference papersThe partners will prepare and promote the final conference report. It will be printed and available for participants. The report will be published in both Slovak and English languages and will be accessible through the website of the project for wider public use in all member states of the EU. It will be distributed to relevant stakeholders.
Communication and Dissemination ReportCommunication and Dissemination Report with qualitative and quantitative data of the communication actions, including supporting data (photos, video, lists, etc.). Available as electronic document.
Launch and maintenance of the website and social media. Will include design, programming, maintenance and updating of the project website, including the registration system and preparation and updating of the social media channels and profiles of the event (YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn).
Pavol Szalai, Jan Vitásek, Adéla Denková, Samuel Goda, Andrej Misech, Tomáš Madleňák
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