CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Report on the communication activities is the final deliverable, which will be used to report on the communication activities. D5.3 will provide a report and assessment of the communication activities during the previous period (and a complete list of activities for the whole project.)
D2.10 Final Report on User SatisfactionThe satisfaction of the participants in the e-IRG Workshops and the the satisfaction of the e-IRG delegates will be monitored, analysed and reported in this deliverable.
D5.1 Initial Communication PlanDeliverable 5.1 Initial Communication Plan will provide an analysis of audiences and available communication tools and formulate the overall communication goals. It will contain both a strategic and operational communication plan.The communication plan will include the plan for the stakeholder liaison plan. The communication plan will also include the plan for ”Dissemination and Exploitation of results”.
D2.4 First Report on User SatisfactionThe satisfaction of the participants in the e-IRG Workshops and the the satisfaction of the e-IRG delegates will be monitored, analysed and reported in this deliverable.
D5.2 Updated Communication PlanUpdated Communication plan will provide and inventory and results of the communication activities in the previous period and provide an updated version of the communication analysis and plans.
D3.1 First Report on e-IRG Policy Activitiese-IRG produces policy documents taking into account contemporary developments and circumstances in a highly dynamic environment. The production of a policy document is a time consuming endeavour, for the involved e-IRG delegates as well as the support programme members. With respect to the flexible approach and the devoted efforts it is hard to predict the type and the time of delivery of any e-IRG policy documents produced during this project. Therefore the deliverables for WP3 Policy Support will provide an overview on the policy document production in a particular timeframe. e-IRGSP5 will treat published e-IRG policy documents as deliverables and thus submit them to the Commission and the project reviewers.
D1.2 e-IRGSP5 HandbookThe project handbook describes the internal project structure, the quality assurance measures and the risk management in detail and thus provides guidance to new partners in the project. The handbook will also include quality control/quality assessment mechanisms for the output of the project.
D4.2 Report on the retrieval, provision and analysis of cost related policy informationThe deliverable will provide a summary of the work including conclusions and recommendation concerning the analysis of policy information. It will also consist of information about the final classification and methodology of exposing it to stakeholders in open and reusable formats. Feedback will be sought through a public consultation with key stakeholders including the wider audience. Finally, it will provide recommendations on future developments and the evolution of the European e-infrastructures landscape and associated costs.
D4.1 First report on the retrieval and provision of cost related policy informationDeliverable D4.1 presents initial outcome of Task 4.1. In the document the proposed methodology for retrieving and publishing the most relevant policy information (including an inventory with classification of KPIs and costs) will be presented. The deliverable will include associated metrics and properties.
The Data Management Plan will be in line with the template in the Model Grant Agreement and EC guidelines. The main sections will be as follows: • Policy information: the project will identify the basic information that will be collected during the project lifetime, i.e. policy information including KPIs and costs. • Information classification and description: a classification into main categories will be provided based on the work of the e-IRG ‘W’orking Group on the evaluation of e- Infrastructures and the development of related KPIs, along with a description of the information to be generated or collected. • Standards and metadata: The data model for collecting and storing information will be described along with related standard(s), if available. The metadata for the policy information will accompany the primary data to help third party users to understand and reuse it. This will include fields to help people find the data, such as the owner or contributors of the data, title, date of creation, etc. • Data sharing: the sharing policy will be specified. The project will specify the data repository for sharing the information generated, collected or aggregated. It will take measures to use open formats to enable third parties to access, reuse and disseminate the information. In case there is sensitive information (such as costs) the sharing and reuse policy will depend on the license or rights of the owner. In case there is information that cannot be shared, the reasons will be explained (personal information, intellectual property protection, etc.) and aggregation or anonymisation of information will be attempted in agreement with the owner. • Data curation and preservation: The DMP will also specify how the information will be curated and preserved in the future. Some first directions on the DMP are given here: • The data that e-IRGSP5 will collect is mainly produced by others, such as e-Infrastructures presenting their KPIs. • The e-IRG Knowledge Base also contains a lot of data, again mainly produced by others as Open Data. • e-IRGSP5 will combine all this information and present it in an easy accessible way. • The data format used in the Knowledge Base to store and combine information is based on Open Standards. At the core everything is stored and described in XML (a W3C standard). However, at a higher level the information (data) is stored in a graph data base that uses Topic Maps (an ISO standard). For combining and extracting information standard query languages including XSLT and XQUERY (both W3C standards) are used. During the course of the project the data management plan will be monitored regularly and updated if necessary.
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