Periodic Reporting for period 4 - BRISK II (Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II)
Reporting period: 2021-11-01 to 2022-10-31
- Consolidation and outreach to stakeholders and potential users by further improvements to the public website content and user interface. Dissemination largely shifted to fully digital media considering the ongoing pandemic (e.g. electronic newsletters and social media channels). After a long delay due to restrictions, BRISK II was involved in at PYRO2022 event with posters and presentations.
- Establishing and populating databases: the publicly available Phyllis-2 database was upgraded to allow new data entries, procedures were established for assimilating data from all work packages to this database in accordance with procedures established; a separate database for BRISK II publications was is established to ensure their availability to the public beyond the lifetime of the project, a total of 69 publications were added to the database with open access.
- Joint Research Activities: specific feedstocks have been identified, tested and analysed troughout the project on in micro-scale and macro-scale settings; enhanced measurement techniques focused on novel sampling methods for various producer gases, incorporating tar analysis along with high-pressure and high-temperature operation; based on the performed studies and experiments, suggestions to upgrade/modify pretreatment and fractionation process as well as biobased intermediates conversion processes were made; the protocols for biochemical and thermochemical conversion were established while tar protocols were improved; based on the performed studies and experiments, suggestions were made in terms of suitable pretreatment and fractionation processes; nw measurement techniques were tested for biochemical and thermochemical conversion, accompanied by the development of related protocols; experiments were conducted in unit operations for downstream processing in advanced biorefineries; technoeconomic data was compiled and integrated for modeling of selected case studies; experiments were conducted in form of two joint gasification campaigns carried out along with analysis round robin; additional feedstocks have been identified and tested; new measurement techniques were tested for biochemical and thermochemical conversion, accompanied by the development of related protocols.
- Virtual biorefinery was developed and its performance was demonstrated for different scenarios and target products, which allows preliminary benchmarking of potential biorefinery strategies.
- Transnational Access (TA): several call rounds of TA applications were implemented and continued until the 15th of Sep 2022 (M65). 225 applications from different countries were submitted out of which all 198 were approved or conditionally approved. The promotion of TA campaigns was held mostly in digital formats due to COVID restrictions during the last few years.