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SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Business canvas model

By using the well-known Business Model Canvas tool to describe and illustrate the potential new business opportunities and business models, which SABINA project opens, the aim of this specific deliverable is to challenge the basic principles of business and end customer behaviour( based on the fact that building owners are reluctant to replace oil and gas burners with heat pumps, because ownership of heat pumps is associated with a perception of a large investment, uncertain operating expenses and technical barriers etc.) and develop and describe a new model which breaks down these market and customer barriers. The success criteria of this specific deliverable will be the full Business Model Canvas description (update) of this new business model, which European Heating Supplier companies are able to evaluate and adopt. All relevant business specifications (e.g. requirements in terms of technical, administrative and business related requirements and investments) must be

SABINA validation report and roadmap

This deliverable will present the comparison between the monitored test site results and the simulation performances in terms of various predefined KPIs and it will propose corrective measures to deal with observed deviations. Additionally, the introduced innovations coupled with the knowledge of systems’ constraints will result in a coherent roadmap for future SABINA system implementation. (T6.3)

Documentation of 1st SABINA workshop (invitation brochure, presentations, feedback)

This deliverable will contain a compilation of the documentation used in the in the 1st Workshop for SMEs. It will include the Workshop brochures, presentations, digests and any other relevant material.

Market-based requirements for the SABINA solution

This first deliverable of the project (associated to T1.1) will be a market analysis and set of associated guiding principles for the SABINA solution. The market analysis is hence aimed at identifying the actors and scenarios in the ‘Pre-SABINA’ market that could benefit from the solution. Specific activities would need to include: market characterisation of the Pre-SABINA landscape; the identification of key market actors, actor capability analysis; elucidation of extant value chain models; interaction of actors with regulatory bodies & frameworks.

Tutorials for energy managers and professionals

This document will contain the summary of the tutorials for energy managers that will be organized in order to achieve specific knowledge in the area of energy flow management and building operation.

Updated business canvas model

By using the well-known Business Model Canvas tool to describe and illustrate the potential new business opportunities and business models, which SABINA project opens, the aim of this specific deliverable is to challenge the basic principles of business and end customer behaviour( based on the fact that building owners are reluctant to replace oil and gas burners with heat pumps, because ownership of heat pumps is associated with a perception of a large investment, uncertain operating expenses and technical barriers etc.) and develop and describe a new model which breaks down these market and customer barriers. The success criteria of this specific deliverable will be the full Business Model Canvas description (update) of this new business model, which European Heating Supplier companies are able to evaluate and adopt. All relevant business specifications (e.g. requirements in terms of technical, administrative and business related requirements and investments) must be described and presented to the project partners.

Standards landscape and ecosystem in the scope of SABINA

This deliverable will provide a compressive description of the standards landscape in the scope of the SABINA project, with emphasis in the European ecosystem. It shall include: • Inventory and description of relevant SDO and active Technical Bodies in the field. • Inventory of current deliverables, deliverables in progress, active Work Items and planned Work Items • Summary report from participation of SABINA delegates in selected Technical Body meetings. • Preliminary recommendations (to be refined in the next phase of gap analysis ) on SDOs and TBs candidate for developing new standards proposed by SABINA.

Documentation of 3rd SABINA workshop (invitation brochure, presentations, feedback)

This deliverable will contain a compilation of the documentation used in the in the 3rd Workshop for SMEs. It will include the Workshop brochures, presentations, digests and any other relevant material.

SABINA deployment on test site description

This deliverable will include a detailed description of the deployment methodology and it will analyze all the technical obstacles faced. D6.1 will evaluate all the knowledge obtained through SABINA deployment on test site and it will present the technical solutions adopted in demo site for the effective deployment of the system. (T6.1)

Updated system monitoring and performance assessment results according to D1.3 with emphasises on maximal possible renewable penetration, self-consumption, power quality, user comfort

This deliverable will present the updated results of system monitoring as well as the assessment of the overall system performance. It will be built upon the results of IPMVP analysis and it will focus on maximal possible renewable penetration, self-consumption, power quality and user comfort

Documentation of 4th SABINA workshop (invitation brochure, presentations, feedback)

This deliverable will contain a compilation of the documentation used in the in the 4th Workshop for SMEs. It will include the Workshop brochures, presentations, digests and any other relevant material.

System monitoring and performance assessment results according to D1.3 with emphasises on maximal possible renewable penetration, self-consumption, power quality, user comfort

This deliverable will present the results of system monitoring as well as the assessment of the overall system performance. It will be built upon the results of IPMVP analysis and it will focus on maximal possible renewable penetration, self-consumption, power quality and user comfort (T6.2)

Summer school for energy managers and professionals

This document will contain the summary of the summer school that will be organized at one of the test sites in the last year of the project and its content will be based on tutorials developed during the course of the project.

Dissemination and Communication strategy document prepared

This document will contain the definition of the dissemination and communication strategy and tools to be used during the life of the project. All possible dissemination routes for the obtained results will be identified and used during the whole course of the project.

Documentation of 2nd SABINA workshop (invitation brochure, presentations, feedback)

This deliverable will contain a compilation of the documentation used in the in the 2nd Workshop for SMEs. It will include the Workshop brochures, presentations, digests and any other relevant material.

Development and maintenance of SABINA webpage

This document will contain the description of the SABINA webpage that will be prepared in the first months of the project.

Final SABINA conference

This document will contain the summary of the SABINA conference that will take place in one of the test sites to show the outcomes of the project in real time conditions



Author(s): Jaume Salom, Paolo Taddeo, LLuc Canals Casals, Ivan Bellanco and Cristina Corchero
Published in: 2020
Publisher: LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia
DOI: 10.34637/cies2020.2.118

Comparison of experimental methodologies to estimate the air infiltration rate in a residential case study for calibration purposes

Author(s): Taddeo, P., Ortiz, J., Salom, J., Segarra, E.L., Vicente, González, G., Ruiz, G., & Bandera, C.F.
Published in: 2018
Publisher: 39th AIVC 2018-Smart Ventilation for Buildings

Sabina: el proyecto que entiende la agregación de la demanda como el camino hacia la transición energética reduciendo las emisiones

Author(s): Lluc Canals Casals, Cristina Corchero
Published in: 2020
Publisher: Congreso Smart Grids

Experimental test on the performance of building and district algorithms to enhance penetration of renewables in residential districts

Author(s): Jaume Salom, Paolo Taddeo, LLuc Canals Casals, Alba Colet, Ivan Bellanco and Cristina Corchero
Published in: 2020
Publisher: Building Simulation and Optimization 2020

Development of a REST API for obtaining site-specific historical and near-future weather data in EPW format

Author(s): Du, H., Jones, P., Segarra, E. L., & Bandera, C. F.
Published in: Building Simulation and Optimization 2018, 2018
Publisher: Building Simulation 2018

Automated quantification of PV hosting capacity in distribution networks under user-defined control and optimisation procedures

Author(s): William Martin, Yves Stauffer, Christophe Ballif, Andreas Hutter, Pierre-Jean Alet
Published in: 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2018
Publisher: IEEE

An empirical methodology for rating building thermal mass as energy storage system

Author(s): A. Peppas, C. Politi, K. Kollias, M. Taxiarchou, D. Mantelis, L. Karalis
Published in: Energy in Buildings 2019 Conference (ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter), 2019
Publisher: ASHRAE

Characterization of Building Foundation in Building Energy Models.

Author(s): Vicente Gutiérrez González , Germán Ramos Ruiz , Eva Lucas Segarra , Germán Campos Gordillo , Carlos Fernandez Bandera
Published in: Building Simulation 2019 Conference, 2019
Publisher: Building Simulation 2019

Real-time experimental connection of an EnergyPlus building model with a real water-to-water heat pump through Functional Mockup Interface

Author(s): Paolo Taddeo, Ivan Bellanco, Elena Fuentes, Joana Ortiz, Jaume Salom
Published in: Building Simulation 2019 Conference, 2019
Publisher: Building Simulation 2019

"EplusLauncher: An API to Perform Complex EnergyPlus Simulations in MATLAB® and C#"

Author(s): Germán Campos Gordillo, Germán Ramos Ruiz, Yves Stauffer, Stephan Dasen, Carlos Fernández Bandera
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 12/2, 2020, Page(s) 672, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12020672

Impact Assessment for Building Energy Models Using Observed vs. Third-Party Weather Data Sets

Author(s): Eva Lucas Segarra, Germán Ramos Ruiz, Vicente Gutiérrez González, Antonis Peppas, Carlos Fernández Bandera
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 12/17, 2020, Page(s) 6788, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12176788

Critical evaluation of European balancing markets to enable the participation of Demand Aggregators

Author(s): Mattia Barbero, Cristina Corchero, Lluc Canals Casals, Lucia Igualada, F.-Javier Heredia
Published in: Applied Energy, Issue 264, 2020, Page(s) 114707, ISSN 0306-2619
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114707

Management and Activation of Energy Flexibility at Building and Market Level: A Residential Case Study

Author(s): Paolo Taddeo, Alba Colet, Rafael E. Carrillo, Lluc Casals Canals, Baptiste Schubnel, Yves Stauffer, Ivan Bellanco, Cristina Corchero Garcia, Jaume Salom
Published in: Energies, Issue 13/5, 2020, Page(s) 1188, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13051188

Comparison between economic and environmental drivers for demand side aggregator

Author(s): Mattia Barbero, Lluc Canals Casals, Cristina Corchero
Published in: Utilities Policy, Issue 65, 2020, Page(s) 101077, ISSN 0957-1787
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jup.2020.101077

State-space models for building control: how deep should you go?

Author(s): Baptiste Schubnel, Rafael E. Carrillo, Paolo Taddeo, Lluc Canal Casals, Jaume Salom, Yves Stauffer, Pierre-Jean Alet
Published in: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Issue 13/6, 2020, Page(s) 707-719, ISSN 1940-1493
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/19401493.2020.1817149

Uncertainy’s Indices Assessment for Calibrated Energy Models

Author(s): Vicente Gutiérrez González, Lissette Álvarez Colmenares, Jesús Fernando López Fidalgo, Germán Ramos Ruiz, Carlos Fernández Bandera
Published in: Energies, Issue 12/11, 2019, Page(s) 2096, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12112096

Methodology for the Quantification of the Impact of Weather Forecasts in Predictive Simulation Models

Author(s): Eva Lucas Segarra, Hu Du, Germán Ramos Ruiz, Carlos Fernández Bandera
Published in: Energies, Issue 12/7, 2019, Page(s) 1309, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12071309

Evaluation of the End-of-Life of Electric Vehicle Batteries According to the State-of-Health

Author(s): Casals, Rodríguez, Corchero, Carrillo
Published in: World Electric Vehicle Journal, Issue 10/4, 2019, Page(s) 63, ISSN 2032-6653
Publisher: The World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA)
DOI: 10.3390/wevj10040063

Empirical and Comparative Validation for a Building Energy Model Calibration Methodology

Author(s): Vicente Gutiérrez González, Germán Ramos Ruiz, Carlos Fernández Bandera
Published in: Sensors, Issue 20/17, 2020, Page(s) 5003, ISSN 1424-8220
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s20175003

Reused second life batteries for aggregated demand response services

Author(s): Lluc Canals Casals, Mattia Barbero, Cristina Corchero
Published in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Issue 212, 2019, Page(s) 99-108, ISSN 0959-6526
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.005

Probabilistic Load Forecasting for Building Energy Models

Author(s): Eva Lucas Segarra, Germán Ramos Ruiz, Carlos Fernández Bandera
Published in: Sensors, Issue 20/22, 2020, Page(s) 6525, ISSN 1424-8220
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s20226525

Photovoltaic Plant Optimization to Leverage Electric Self Consumption by Harnessing Building Thermal Mass

Author(s): Carlos Fernández Bandera, Jose Pachano, Jaume Salom, Antonis Peppas, Germán Ramos Ruiz
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 12/2, 2020, Page(s) 553, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12020553

Intellectual Property Rights


Application/Publication number: 18 179730
Date: 2018-06-26


Application/Publication number: 18 179730
Date: 2018-06-26

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