CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable describes the intermediate version of the architecture of DECIDE ADAPT tool providing a comprehensive overview of the system using different architectural views to represent different aspect of the system (e.g. Use Case View, Logical View, Process View, Deployment View, and Implementation View).
ACSmI requirements and technical designRequirements analysis, technical detailed design and initial mock-ups of the Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI). This document will also present the prioritization of the functionalities that will be implemented in each version of the ACSmI based on the requirements and needs expressed in the DECIDE use case validations in WP6. This deliverable is the result of T5.1 – T5.6.
Detailed requirements specification v2This document will contain an update in the technical functional, non-functional and technical requirements of DECIDE DevOps Framework and all the components to be developed in the context of WP3, WP4 and WP5. This update will be done based on the feedback received from the different stakeholders (end-users, technology providers, interest groups) with respect to the first versions of the components/tools/frameworks.
Initial multi-cloud application helpersThe deliverable reports the most relevant technical details of the helpers specifically developed for applications or parts of applications.This is the initial version of the deliverable.
Detailed architecture v2This is the second release of the detailed design of the DECIDE framework including its components, modules, interfaces updated according to the comments received from the user cases implementation.
Dissemination, communication and networking report period 1This deliverable will explain the dissemination and communication activities followed during the reporting periods as well as the results from these activities and will update project’s dissemination and communication plan respectively. This report will also contain the relevant activities executed to foster a close collaboration with projects related to DECIDE, as well as future networking plans. This deliverable corresponds to period 1 (M1-M18)
Initial DECIDE ADAPT ArchitectureThis deliverable describes the initial version of the architecture of DECIDE ADAPT tool providing a comprehensive overview of the system using different architectural views to represent different aspect of the system (e.g. Use Case View, Logical View, Process View, Deployment View, and Implementation View).
Initial architectural patterns for implementation, deployment and optimizationThis report will detail the architectural patterns that comprise DECIDE ARCHITECT. It will define the description format and usage for those pattern together with an initial pattern set.
Final DECIDE ADAPT ArchitectureThis deliverable describes the final version of the architecture of DECIDE ADAPT tool providing a comprehensive overview of the system using different architectural views to represent different aspect of the system (e.g. Use Case View, Logical View, Process View, Deployment View, and Implementation View).
Dissemination, communication and networking report period 2This deliverable will explain the dissemination and communication activities followed during the reporting periods as well as the results from these activities and will update project’s dissemination and communication plan respectively. This report will also contain the relevant activities executed to foster a close collaboration with projects related to DECIDE, as well as future networking plans. This deliverable corresponds to period 2 (M19-M36).
Integration and validation strategyThis document will detail the strategy and steps to be followed for integrating and validating the DECIDE DevOps Framework.
Final Market, Innovation and Applicability AnalysisThis document will report the surveys and analysis about solutions, trends, and initiatives in the fields relevant for DECIDE. The report will update future trends and competence analysis in every version. This is the final version of the deliverable.
Communication Plan, Networking Plan and Dissemination StrategyThis deliverable has a threefold goal. Firstly, it will define the way in which the different communities (scientific, commercial, general public) will be targeted, as well as the social media will be used. Secondly, it will detail the specific plan for networking activities with external entities, including the specific working group this project will participate. Finally, it will describe the project dissemination strategy to be adopted throughout the project lifetime. The release of the respective report is considered one of the key milestones of the project.
Final architectural patterns for implementation, deployment and optimizationThis report will provide the final architectural patterns that comprises DECIDE ARCHITECT extending and updating previous reports according to lessons learned during the use case validation (WP6).
Detailed requirements specification v1This document will contain all the technical functional, non-functional and technical requirements of DECIDE DevOps Framework and all the components to be developed in the context of WP3, WP4 and WP5.
Intermediate architectural patterns for implementation, deployment and optimizationThis report will extend and update the set of patterns according to lessons learned during the use case validation (WP6).
Final IPR RegistryThe IPR registry will be released in a second version at M36 and updated to include updated licenses of the final environment.
Initial IPR RegistryThe IPR registry will be released in a first version at M18 and updated every period to include updated licenses of the final environment.
Initial Market, Innovation and Applicability AnalysisThis document will report the surveys and analysis about solutions, trends, and initiatives in the fields relevant for DECIDE. The report will update future trends and competence analysis in every version. This is the initial version of the deliverable.
Intermediate Market, Innovation and Applicability AnalysisThis document will report the surveys and analysis about solutions, trends, and initiatives in the fields relevant for DECIDE. The report will update future trends and competence analysis in every version. This is the intermediate version of the deliverable.
Detailed architecture v1This deliverable will contain the first version of the detailed design of DECIDE framework: its components, modules, interfaces.
"This deliverable will provide the integrated DECIDE DevOps Framework. The initial version will be an initial prototype with the core functionalities implemented. The software will be accompanied by a Technical Specification Report."" "
Final multi-cloud native application composite CSLA definitionThis software deliverable will comprise the final version of a tool to derive composite SLAs from elementary ones. For this, a description formalism will be defined (based, e.g., on ISO 19944) and extended if needed. Range definition for SLA metric values, composition and matching rules will be defined and implemented.
Initial multi-cloud application deployment and adaptationThis initial version of the deliverable analyses the methods and the tools for implementing the automatic deployment and adaptation of multi-cloud applications and provides the technical description of the workflow manager implemented for supporting those activities.
Final multi-cloud application deployment and adaptationThis final version of the deliverable analyses the methods and the tools for implementing the automatic deployment and adaptation of multi-cloud applications and provides the technical description of the workflow manager implemented for supporting those activities. This document will include the finalversion of the helpers developed as part of ADAPT (Deployment orchestrator).
Intermediate Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI)This deliverable contains the intermediate version of the implementation of the Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI). This deliverable is the result of T5.1 – T5.6. The software will be accompanied by a Technical Specification Report.
Initial DECIDE OPTIMUSThis software deliverable comprises the initial OPTIMUS simulation engine. The initial version will realize basic features that will be extended in the subsequent versions.
Intermediate multi-cloud native application controllerThis software deliverable comprises the intermediate multi-cloud native application controller. It extends the set of supported cloud systems and standards with respect to previous versions.
Initial multi-cloud application monitoringThis deliverable describes the initial version of the technical details of the engine implemented for continuously monitoring multi-cloud applications enumerating the off-shelf software products selected for the implementation, how they are integrated and the implemented interfaces.
Initial multi-cloud native application controllerThis software deliverable comprises the initial multi-cloud native application controller This initial version will concentrate on a specific programming language (e.g., GO), cloud technology (e.g., OpenStack) and standard (e.g. OCCI).
Final DECIDE OPTIMUSThis software deliverable comprises the final OPTIMUS simulation engine extended with the feedback of the relevant stakeholders (uses cases, technology providers, interest groups)
Intermediate DECIDE OPTIMUSThis software deliverable comprises the intermediate OPTIMUS simulation engine extended with the feedback of the relevant stakeholders (uses cases, technology providers, interest groups).
Intermediate multi-cloud native application composite CSLA definitionThis software deliverable will comprise the intermediate version of a tool to derive composite SLAs from elementary ones. For this, a description formalism will be defined (based, e.g., on ISO 19944) and extended if needed. Range definition for SLA metric values, composition and matching rules will be defined and implemented.
Intermediate DECIDE DevOps Framework IntegrationThis deliverable will provide an intermediate version of the integrated DECIDE DevOps Framework.This intermediate version will augment the initial version functionalities taking into consideration the feedback coming for the use cases. The software will be accompanied by aTechnical Specification Report.
Final multi-cloud application monitoringThis deliverable describes the final version of the technical details of the engine implemented for continuously monitoring multi-cloud applications enumerating the off-shelf software products selected for the implementation, how they are integrated and the implemented interfaces.
Final multi-cloud native application controllerThis software deliverable comprises the final multi-cloud native application controller. It extends the set of supported cloud systems and standards with respect to previous versions.
Final DECIDE DevOps Framework IntegrationThis deliverable will provide the final version of the integrated DECIDE DevOps Framework.The final version will include corrections and feedback coming from the implementation of the use cases. The software will be accompanied by a Technical Specification Report.
Intermediate multi-cloud application monitoringThis deliverable describes the intermediate version of the technical details of the engine implemented for continuously monitoring multi-cloud applications enumerating the off-shelf software products selected for the implementation, how they are integrated and the implemented interfaces.
Final Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI)This deliverable contains the final version of the implementation of the Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI). This deliverable is the result of T5.1 – T5.6. The software will be accompanied by a Technical Specification Report.
Initial Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI)This deliverable contains the initial version of the implementation of the Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator (ACSmI). This deliverable is the result of T5.1 – T5.6. The software will be accompanied by a Technical Specification Report.
Initial multi-cloud native application composite CSLA definitionThis software deliverable will comprise the initial version of a tool to derive composite SLAs from elementary ones. For this, a description formalism will be defined (based, e.g., on ISO 19944) and extended if needed. Range definition for SLA metric values, composition and matching rules will be defined and implemented.
Intermediate multi-cloud application deployment and adaptationThis intermediate version of the deliverable analyses the methods and the tools for implementing the automatic deployment and adaptation of multi-cloud applications and provides the technical description of the workflow manager implemented for supporting those activities. This document will include the intermediate version of the helpers developed as part of ADAPT (Deployment orchestrator).
This deliverable comprises the actual models for CSPs, topology/configuration models using TOSCA, and models for prototypical application components. The selection of items considered in the intermediate version of the deliverable will be guided by the use cases defined and validated in WP6.
Final profiling and classification techniquesThis deliverable comprises the actual models for CSPs, topology/configuration models using TOSCA, and models for prototypical application components. The selection of items considered in the final version of the deliverable will be guided by the use cases defined and validated in WP6.
Initial profiling and classification techniquesThis deliverable comprises the actual models for CSPs, topology/configuration models using TOSCA, and models for prototypical application components. The selection of items considered in the initial version the deliverable will be guided by the use cases defined and validated in WP6.
The initial version of the brochure and project website will include at least project objectives and contact details. DECIDE website will be set-up by the Project Leader TECNALIA and continuously enhanced by all partners to include public downloadable results and links to related news and initiatives.
Plan detailing what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved. This report will be produced in T1.1.
Juncal Alonso Ibarra, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Marisa Escalante, Gorka Benguria, Gorka Echevarria
Published in:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 384-391, ISBN 978-989-758-243-1
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
Juncal Alonso, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Marisa Escalante, Gorka Benguria
Published in:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 397-404, ISBN 978-989-758-243-1
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
Juncal Alonso, Kyriakos Stefanidis, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Lorenzo Blasi, Michael Walker, Marisa Escalante, María José López, Simon Dutkowski
Published in:
Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing - ICCBDC 2019, Issue 2019, 2019, Page(s) 43-48, ISBN 9781-450371650
ACM Press
Juncal Alonso, Marisa Escalante, Lena Farid, Maria Jose Lopez, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Simon Dutkowski
Published in:
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies, Issue 2018, 2018, Page(s) 813-823, ISBN 978-989-758-320-9
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
Leire Orue-Echevarria, Juncal Alonso, Marisa Escalante, Kyriakos Stefanidis, Lorenzo Blasi
Published in:
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-35333-9
Juncal Alonso, Leire Orue-Echevarria and Marisa Escalante
Published in:
Geir Horn, Leire Orue-Echevarria Arrieta, Beniamino Di Martino, Paweł Skrzypek, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in:
Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2019), Issue 96, 2020, Page(s) 626-637, ISBN 978-3-030-33508-3
Springer International Publishing
Gorka Benguria, Juncal Alonso, Iñaki Etxaniz, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Marisa Escalante
Published in:
Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 25th European Conference, EuroSPI 2018, Bilbao, Spain, September 5-7, 2018, Proceedings, Issue 896, 2018, Page(s) 15-27, ISBN 978-3-319-97924-3
Springer International Publishing
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