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Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MONICA (Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications)

Reporting period: 2018-07-01 to 2020-03-31

The MONICA project addressed municipalities and event organizers dealing with crowd management, security and sound and noise challenges during large scale open-air events.
As sports events, fun fairs and music festivals are an integral part in Europes cultural heritage and urban life today, MONICA aimed to make use of multiple Internet of Things technologies to improve public health and safety during large open air events
The MONICA project has successfully demonstrated its sound and security technologies at 22 planned life open-air cultural and sports events and at four replication settings, in six major cities across Europe: Copenhagen, Bonn, Hamburg, Leeds, Lyon and Torino. More than 100.000 users in total were involved during the three years project period.
During the first year, efforts were put into retrieving relevant issues and needs from all the pilot events in order to convert these into initial requirements. From the gathered information user scenarios have been formulated and then reviewed by the pilot partners. Once confirmed they have been converted to generic use cases. The requirements management process, allowed a contiuous refinement and the transfer from use cases to solutions by the technical partners.
From the technical point of view during the first two years the integration of MONICA closed loop systems (IoT Platform & Devies - WP3, Audio - WP4, Security - WP5, Decision Support & Applications - WP6) was our main focus. The MONICA platform is designed to deal with large IoT deployments, capable of integration heterogeneous types of devices including wristbands, IoT sound level meters, blimps, sensors, mobile apps, cameras, etc. The MONICA architecture is based on LinkSmart® IoT Platform and SCRAL framework on the IoT layer and follows the OGC SensorThings API. During the second year additional IoT-tracking devices were introduced and ongoing integration happened, as the platform had to fit with all the need of each event.
From month 17, the MONICA platform was deployed during a total of 24 live large scale events in the following 1,5 years. This lead to a contiuous refinement of requirements, testing of the solutions in various combinations and improvement of the solutions.
The MONICA data security, privacy and trust framework assumes components of Encryption, Authentication & Authorisation, Identity & Access Management, anti-Malware Protection, and IT Security Baselines. Ethical analyses were performed before each pilot with the help of an ethics questionnaire. Data Management Plan templates have been created and updated for each pilot. Furthermore for each pilot extensive Data Privacy Acknowledgement forms were signed by all involved parties to define responsible roles and people in each partner organisation.
Visitors feedback surveys as well as MONICA technologies usability surveys have been undertaken to further improve the solutions. In 2018 and 2019 demonstrations, have taken place during DOM and Port Anniversary in Hamburg, Nuits Sonores and Fête des Lumières in Lyon, Kappa FuturFestival and Movida in Torino, Friday Rock in Copenhagen, sports matches in Leeds and Puetzchens Markt and Rhein in Flammen in Bonn. Replication Events have been organised in 2019 in Lyon [Woodstower Festival] and in Denmark [Roskilde SoundSummit, IoT Week Conference and during a Copenhagen Street Festival].
3 Hackathons have been organised in Leeds, Turin, and Roskilde. Hackathon winners and participants were allowed to entrepreneurial trainings and activities by project partners.
Dissemination material has been produced both on the general project level and on pilot-specific level including press releases, brochures, and scientific papers. Media coverage of pilots demonstrations has been massive with print, TV, radio, and online coverage alike.
The MONICA Project has even created interest in the US, where the NPSTC in Washington D.C. received two presentations of specific IoT aspects from the project. There is a scope for the joint TIA-ETSI cooperation on the development of a High Quality IoT device with minimum Latency and Jitter characteristics.
Furthermore MONICA contributed to regulatory issues. Together with Live DMA workshops and
relevant publications have been organized (for example, MONICA has also reached out to WHO regarding noise current regulations). MONICA also worked with the NPSTC in the US, a specification body serving police and safety organizations. Specifically, on the sound monitoring research, MONICA has been contributing to the identification of standard gaps; for example, in Europe there is not a standardized interface for environmental sensors, and this is an area where MONICA lead
some developments.
The innovations in MONICA comprise six main solutions: Sound Level Monitoring, Adaptive Sound Field Control, Crowd and Capacity Monitoring, Crowd Management and Communication, Visitor Experience and Collective Awareness Platform. The strength of MONICA lies in the comprehensiveness of the solutions in terms of features and integration capabilities, being combined and customised according to the actual needs and being founded on the ecosystems which consider technical, financial, regulatory and human aspects to ensure a wider uptake and acceptance of IoT.

Progress beyond state of the art was made in:
- taking the Adaptive Sound Field Control System from the lab to the field including integration with the MONICA IoT Platform and the newly developed IoT Sound Level Meters (noise reduction of 11DB)
- incorportating IoT devices & wearables such as smart wristbands with camera-based crowd monitoring algorithms into a closed loop security ecosystem
- the deployment of 6200 IoT wristbands in the field at demonstration during an ongoing large scale event

It has demonstrated to many stakeholders, both from the supply side and the demand side of the value chain, how a large scale IoT ecosystem using innovative wearables, IoT sensors and actuators, can be integrated into an interoperable, cloud-based solution with closed-loop services that are capable of offering a multitude of targeted applications for event organisers and smart city operators.

Security and privacy enhancing features in a trust federation scheme allow all solutions to protect personal data and privacy in compliance with the GDPR regulations. Both event participants and ordinary citizens were involved in validation activities to investigate privacy, security, collective awareness and co-creation.

Moreover, a set of software tools and technical guidelines for developers and system integrators complete the package of results from the MONICA project together with a range of new business model proposals based on new value propositions for involved actors to explore. All are available on Github.

Dissemination material has been produced both on the general project level and on pilot-specific level including press releases, brochures, and scientific papers. Media coverage of the first pilot demonstrations has been massive with print, TV, radio, and online coverage alike.

The MONICA Project has even created interest in the US, where the NPSTC in Washington D.C. received two presentations of specific IoT aspects from the project. There is a scope for the joint TIA-ETSI cooperation on the development of a High Quality IoT device with minimum Latency and Jitter characteristics