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Big Data Value ecosystem

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - BDVe (Big Data Value ecosystem)

Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2020-12-31

The mission of the BDVe (Big Data Value ecosystem) coordination and support is to support the implementation of the Big Data Value PPP in realising a vibrant data-driven EU economy. Led by SAP supported by Atos, our consortium includes partners committed and dedicated to the success of the PPP ( BDVA/Answare/ITI, EIT Digital, Insight, Ogilvy, Paluno/UDE, Siemens, Tilde, TNO, UPM).
To achieve that mission, multiple challenging goals were pursued (1) achieving a more competitive landscape of European Big Data providers, leading to more significant market share; (2) creating the context for a more competitive EU industry in the advent of a data-driven revolution; (3) ensuring the sustainability of investments and actions triggered by the PPP, (4) contributing to strengthening European skills and educational offerings.
The Big Data Value PPP comprised over 65 projects with 40+ projects running concurrently. These projects represent overall an investment of 500 M€ with more than 700 partners and an estimated workforce of 1500-2000 persons. Exchanging best-practices, finding synergies across projects or domains is an exciting but difficult challenge for the project as interactions grow exponentially. Keys actions to strengthen the Big Data Value PPP community across Europe during these four years included onboarding projects, advertising BDVe services, informing regularly leveraging intranet, social network (1843 followers on LinkedIn and 3206 on Twitter), newsletters (1200 subscribers), coordinating and fostering exchanges at governance, technical or communication level with regular committees, and the organisation of central, large events, in particular the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF).
Activities were complemented by regular conference calls involving BDVA and the EC, and the participation to events from adjacent communities (e.g. IoT, ECSO, AI4EU, euRobotics, and AI) where Big Data is needed as part of their innovation chain. The involvement of major industrials and practitioners in our flagship events complemented our global vision; and were instrumental for the enhancement of the SRIA, the set of documents published – including a series on policies - but also the contribution to the launch of the AI, Data and Robotics PPP activity in Fall 2018.
We extended the reach of the BDV PPP ecosystem to other communities and actively participated to the launch of activities related to Data-driven AI. Collaboration with other initiatives has been part of the DNA of the BDV PPP: formal agreements have been signed with relevant PPP and industrial associations like ETP4HPC, ECSO, EFFRA, 5G, and soon with standardisation bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. These collaborations materialised in sound activities, like joint sessions in major events such as ICT2018 but also the presence in other initiatives (e.g. IoT week, European Robotics Forum); equally, we have used our community events (EBDVF and Summit) to invite them to talk to the BDV PPP ecosystem. Standardisation effort was also an important avenue for creating the BDVA Roadmap for Big Data Standards.
To stimulate the adoption of Big Data across all Europe, we organised the BDV PPP Summit where our ecosystem has a lower footprint incl. Bulgaria, Latvia and virtual Portugal, involving high-level keynotes such as Commissioner Mariya Gabriel (European Commission), Ms Melbārde (Member of European Parliament), Mr Beļskis (Deputy State Secretary ICT, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development). Within EBDVF, our flagship event with 800 attendees per year organised in Versailles (2017), Vienna (2018) and Helsinki (2019) and 2000 participants to our virtual Berlin in 2020. We secured the participation of prestigious representatives from government (e.g. Ministers, Secretaries of State, or representatives from the European Commission), from industry with C-level executives (e.g. Airbus, EDF, Microsoft, SAP, Siemens, Vodafone) and the research and innovation communities (e.g. INRIA, VTT, Max Planck Institute) that gave a unique flavour of expertise, research insights and real-life usage of Big Data technology. We organised sessions dedicated to regional and European strategy with speakers from almost all European Countries. In the skill-building and education area we engaged withthe Ideal-IST network of National Contact Points for ICT and the BDV Education Hub with training programmes in Big Data and AI was recognised as a pledge by the European Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition.
Finally, the involvement of SMEs and start-ups was polymorph: we participated in several events involving companies from the BDV PPP ecosystem and dedicated an EBDVF2020 track on “Market uptake: Bringing AI and Data Sciences to Practice“ including a DDI workshop and a pitch contest organised with EDI and Data Market Services. Finally, to promote start-ups and SMEs we decided to add a category “Start-up and SME” to the best Success Story Award.
Bilateral discussions and periodic interactions with other initiatives were instrumental to create awareness about our actions and reduce fragmentation of discussions about the data economy such as Research for Data Alliance and the Center for Data Innovation. INSIGHT played a leading role in the development of the Network of Centres of Excellence, with studies and publication of best practices, inclusion of AI topics, the case studies of 3 Centres of Excellence and the interviews of 15+ CoE managers to provide a comprehensive vade-mecum. The GATE CoE - the first Big Data CoE in Bulgaria, with INSIGHT serving on the Advisory Board - formally established in 2019 highlights BDVe role. For the first year of its operation, we co-organised the annual GATE Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Forum.
To enable our community to be a central actor in the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programmes, we identified different initiatives where Big Data technologies are fundamental. BDVA joined as a formal party the newly created Joint Undertaking on HPC, EuroHPC, working together with ETP4HPC. Complementary to this vision of the BDV PPP as providers of leading scientific and industrial applications, we have also identified the fundamental role that data management is playing in the area of Machine and Deep Learning; the MoU signed with euRobotics to boost AI progress in Europe signed at ICT2018. Key stakeholder associations such as AIOTI, NESSI, HumaneAI, AENEAS, ECS, 5G IA, Artemis, AI4EU project were directly and heavily involved in the development of the Strategic Research Innovation & Deployment Agenda (SRIDA) with more than 400 contributions. The draft proposal for the European Partnership in AI, Data and Robotics co-developed with euRobotics, and also ELLIS, EurAI and CLAIRE was released in September 2020. This SRIDA will guide the activities of the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership from January 2021 onwards and will ensure that this initiative achieves its vision “to boost European competitiveness, societal wellbeing and environmental aspects to lead the world in researching, developing and deploying value-driven trustworthy AI, Data and Robotics based on fundamental European rights, principles and values”. Facilitating access to the assets developed by the BDV PPP community using BDVe tools, such as the Big Data Landscape, the Education Hub or the Innovation Marketplace, was a constant concern during the project and we dedicate time to secure their transfer.
BDV PPP Goverance Structure
Map of collaborations BDVA / BDV cPPP
European Partnership on AI, Data and Robotics mini site
Key achievements of BDVe
Benchmarking Centres of Excellence