Project Categorization in database
Press releases (9) and dedicated publications (3)Maintenance reports
Period maintenance reports in M12, M24 and M36.
Brokerage eventsReport on Brokerage, Partnering, Investment and networking events M20, M36
Guidelines on monitoring and evaluationRecommendations and guidelines on monitoring and evaluation
Data entryData entry and tagging
Second evaluation roundProject database after second evaluation round
QuestionnairesWeb Questionnaires operational
Market assessment reportsReport on market assessment of research projects M12, M24, M36
Completion ecosystem modelSetting up an Ethics Advisory Board
An Ethics Advisory Board will be set up, consisting of legal professionals specialised in data and IP protection aspects. It shall follow up and ensure that all concerns raised in the Ethics Screening Report are addressed.
Enlargement of the MSACEnlargement of the Market & Stakeholder Advisory Committee (MSAC)
Benchmarking UTILE MarketplaceBenchmarking UTILE Marketplace completed
Half-yearly newslettersHalf-yearly newsletters M6, M12, M18, M24, M30, M36
Training ServicesReport on Training Services M16, M32
Appointing Data Protection OfficerTo ensure data will be shared, protected and used according to laws, legislation and EC policies, a data protection officer will be appointed.
First evaluation roundProject database after first evaluation round
Inception reportDelivery of a Inception report
Initial review ecosystem modelsFinalized dissemination and communication plan
Technical documentation
Delivery of technical documentation
Sustainability and exploitation planSustainability and exploitation plan (including monetization strategy)
Creation of a toolboxToolbox created
Brochures & leafletsBrochures & leaflets available
Benchmarking best practicesBenchmarking best practices completed
Data collectionData collection (continuous process)
Data management planDelivery of a data management plan
EU recommendation on Health R&D valorisationBusiness Support Vouchers
Business Support Vouchers report M21, M36
Interviews ecosystem expertsQuestionnaire data
Questionnaire data collected
Workshops & round tables (12) organised
International eventsInternational events organised on a yearly basis M10, M22, M34
UTILE Marketplace releaseUTILE market place released
Social media (bi-monthly)Presentations at (at least) 30 events/fairs/conferences
Project website
Project website launched
Chiara Zocchi, Marina Dora Tavano
Published in:
Materials Today: Proceedings, Issue 7, 2019, Page(s) 463-469, ISSN 2214-7853
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