Periodic Reporting for period 3 - EURE-CART (EURopean Endeavour for Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapies)
Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2021-06-30
Submission of the Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier and the Clinical Protocol, through the Voluntary Harmonized Procedure (VHP) was denied. Therefore, the EURE-CART-1 study was submitted to the single National Competent Authorities (NCA) of Italy, Czech Republic, Germany and Spain.
During CTA assessment different /inconsistent concerns were raised leading to the approval only in Italy and Czech Republic (WP2 WP3 WP4). To address the concerns raised by the Spanish NCA, a second CTA submission was made, but the outcome was negative. Since the activities required to address the raised concerns were not compatible with the timelines and budget of the EURE-CART grant, only the Italian and Czech clinical centres were activated to recruit patients in the EURE-CART-1 study.
Until the early termination of the study, 8 MM patients were recruited. Six were excluded from the study due to disease progression, infection or lack of CD44v6 expression by their tumor cells. Two patients underwent treatment with the lowest dose level of EURE-CART cells, produced by MLM (WP2). The infusion was safe and well tolerated. No signs of activity were observed and patients underwent disease progression about 1 month post infusion. The faint and transient amount of CART cells detected in the circulation of 1 of the 2 treated patients, from day 7 to day 14 post-infusion, suggested that the absence of CART cells engraftment, is probably related to the low number of cells infused (WP5).
In parallel with the clinical activities, the studies aimed at the validation of the next-generation EURE-CART cells have obtained the following results (WP06). i) SLAMF7 and Siglec-6 were identified as novel candidate antigens for CART cell therapy of MM and AML, respectively. Their expression is absent or low on healthy tissues, with the exception of B cells and some T cell subpopulation for SLAMF7, and memory B cells and basophils for Siglec-6, thus suggesting the potential for limited on-target/off-tumor reactivity in patients; ii) the validation of a critical improvement in CART cell manufacturing, which through prevention of fratricide by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, increases the scalability and industrial applicability of CART cell products; iii) a successful approach for the early identification of suitable CART target antigens, based on the combined use of gene profiling, qPCR, western blotting and super-resolution microscopy; iv) the setting of pre-clinical in vivo models to support translational development, based on the use of primary AML and autologous patient-derived CART cells; v) the development of strategies to prevent antigen escape and tumor relapse by targeting multiple antigens with bi-specific CART cells or by sensitizing tumors to CART cell attack with deglycosilating agents that decrease CART cell activation threshold and exhaustion.
Concerning the overall management of the EURE-CART project (WP7) and the dissemination and exploitation of EURE-CART results (WP8): i) All the required relevant authorisations for the Project activities were submitted as deliverables to the EU Commission (WP9); ii) Procedures, management methods and tools, to facilitate the fulfilment of contractual duties were set up; iii) Online submission of deliverables was carried out and rules for decision-making processes were made fully operational; iv) A regular update of the WPs activities was ensured by teleconference, and face to face meeting. A total of 6 General Assembly meetings (2 remotely) and 9 Steering Committee meetings were organised; v) Amendments were submitted for a no-cost extension of the project due to COVID emergency and for adjustments of the DoA; vi) A detailed plan of the dissemination and communication was implemented. The public website was set up providing all relevant information about the project. Twitter and Linkedin accounts have been set up and used. Workshops were organised and press releases were published by several partners.