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Airport Safety Nets

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PJ03b SAFE (Airport Safety Nets)

Reporting period: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31

Safety is aviation’s top priority. To work for even safer airports, Project 03b SAFE defined, consolidated and validated additional safety barriers to mitigate the risks of runway incursion, runway excursion and more generally the risk of incidents and accidents involving aircraft at the airport. They are declined into four Solutions:
• Solution PJ03b-01 ‘Enhanced airport safety support tools for controllers’ provides Tower Air Traffic Controllers with means to prevent the delivery of conflicting clearances and detect non-conformance to clearances on the entire airport.
• Solution PJ03b-03 ‘Conformance monitoring safety net for pilots’ warns pilots when an inconsistency between the aircraft behavior with either ATC Clearance or procedure is detected.
• Solution PJ03b-05 ‘Traffic alerts for pilots for airport operations’ provides pilots with a traffic alert if a risk of collision with another traffic on airport surface has been detected. It is a key feature to significantly improve safety on airport surface.
• Solution PJ03b-06 ‘Safety support tools for avoiding runway excursions’ addresses the most frequent type of runway safety accident. The work focuses on how the risk of runway excursion can be mitigated by on-board and ground systems that can warn pilots, airport operator or both when appropriate.
From 1st November 2016 to 31st of December 2019, the members of the project PJ.03b SAFE ‘Safer Airports and Flights for Europe’, all as members of SESAR Joint Undertaking PPP worked and cooperated together to the best of their abilities with a view of implementing SESAR 2020 in a correct, efficient, open and timely manner and of attaining the objectives as envisaged by the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan. The PJ.03b consortium involves key stakeholders of the Airborne Industry, Ground ATM Industry, Service Provision (ATM and Airports), Aerospace Research and EUROCONTROL hence providing a wide range of expertise covering all aspects of European ATM. It comprises 18 Beneficiaries from 10 Member States of the European Union with a total of 30 active organisations when including linked third parties.
The consortium SAFE has defined and validated 4 new Solutions leading to significant improvements in the airport safety for pilots, tower controllers and airport operators. In the frame of the project action, 18 validation exercises (fast time simulations, real time simulations, flight tests) were completed with the participation of numerous experts and end-users such as air traffic controllers, pilots, airport operators and airlines.
Project results:
For each of these Solutions, the expected benefits have been confirmed and the project has delivered a documentation pack which encompasses a set of specifications, a validation report with results and recommendations for next further developments and a Cost Business Analysis. Additionally a contextual note was delivered to the SESAR JU for each Solution. The targeted maturity level of the Solutions is achieved, respectively V2 level for PJ.03b-01 PJ.03b-03 PJ.03b-06 and V3 for the PJ.03b-05 Solution.
In addition to the Solution packs delivery, the project has updated the European ATM architecture to report on its results and contributed to the update of EUROCONTROL and EUROCAE standards in support to the Pilot common project deployment.
In order to promote the Horizon 2020 PJ.03b action and speed up the dissemination of results towards all ATM stakeholders, including the industry, SAFE Project has used social media to communicate, contributed to press articles, published a movie and organized communication events.
"The Project confirms the following achivements:

Definition and validation of the V2 solution PJ.03b-01 “Enhanced airport safety nets for controllers”
Definition and validation of the V2 Solution PJ.03b-03 “Conformance monitoring safety net for pilots”
Definition and validation of the V3 solution PJ.03b-05 ""Traffic alerts for pilots for airport operations""
Definition and validation of the V2 solution PJ.03b-06 “‘Safety support tools for avoiding runway excursions”

Social Impact:
An improvement of safety through the implementation of safety nets is still expected to reinforce the confidence that EU citizens have on the aviation. Preventing accidents is the main purpose of Air Traffic Control and any failure resulting in accidents will have social impact on travelling public and, consequently, economic impact on the industry.

Economic Impact:
PJ.03b still confirms the following economic impacts highlighted at start of the project:
- PJ03b solutions will have an indirect economic impact as the safety improvement will ultimately reduce the number of accidents and therefore costs of damage to aircraft.
- Several occurrences of incidents/accidents at the same airport could have a very negative impact on the Airport Operator, resulting in a temporary loss of revenue. An improvement of safety will thus contribute to reduce this risk at the level of an airport.
- Incidents or accidents at the airport could block a taxiway or a runway, resulting in a temporary loss of airport capacity, impacting the business of the airlines and airport operator. An improvement of safety will thus contribute to reduce this risk at the level of an airport.

More on SAFE Project:"
More on SAFE Project:
Working Together for Safer Airports and Flights for Europe