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Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - NET-Tools (Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel CellTechnology)

Reporting period: 2020-06-01 to 2020-11-30

All content within e-laboratory and e-learning was tested on a technical basis according its functionality. All programmed e-tools were further verified related its correctness of results. The usability of e-tools and e-learning content became tested within two technical schools and further webinars to get feedback from external participants about the practicability and potential improvements of content.
The e-laboratory is structured into two sections, which contain different e-tools. One part of the e-laboratory is dedicated to a so-called “e-science” whilst the other is dedicated to a so-called “e-engineering” [3].
In accordance to the complete set of e-tools (33 e-tools), the set of e-tools became completed past period which leads to the result, that the e-laboratory includes finally 38 e-tools, each of them in operation and full functionality. At least 5 additional e-tools became programmed as originally planned.
The set of 38 e-tools are subdivided in e-engineering tools and e-science tools. Meanwhile the e-engineering section of the e-laboratory includes 21 e-tools while e-science includes 17 e-tools. However, due to the fact that also e-science and e-engineering e-tools subdivided further (under specific aspects of results), the total number of single e-tools programmed sums up to 32 single e-tools included in e-engineering and 15 single e-tools included in e-science. This mirrors a total number of 47 single e-tools.
To set the difference was necessary due to the facts that the engineering e-tools, used simply for calculating engineering issues, the e-science e-tools appear usable for scientific issues. The engineering e-tools programmed as “stand-alone version”, the e-science e-tools usable with additional software only. Software downloads provided by links within the specific e-tool as well as specific guidelines on “how to use”. The overall structure and interconnections as well as interrelations reflected by figure [4].
A series of deliverables supports the understanding of all e-tools and handle of e-laboratory. All public deliverables can be found at the project webpage.
Apart from the technical development of the NET-Tools e-infrastructure, dissemination and exploitation continuously executed. Important events of the project were the “expert workshop” (first reporting period), the first educational school (second reporting period executed physically) and the second educational school (third reporting period executed as webinar).
The project dissemination will go beyond the project by circulating newsletters to the network and interesting persons. Contributions to to workshops, conferences and projects envisaged.
The main objective of the project was to develop a unique European e-infrastructure to support higher education in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies and businesses leveraging existing knowledge and enabling the development of future novel educational training to tackle the arising demands of future education and training generated by the growth of fuel cell and hydrogen markets worldwide.
The e-infrastructure was developed and implemented and is in operation. The project websites provides the specific links and supports the interconnection and access to both work spaces, the e-laboratory and the e-learning. Additional information and guidelines provide by the project webpage. An open source LMS (Learning Management System) arranged as PAAS under “open-EDX”. This solution offers best in class functionalities to develop and use e-learning and e-education content different ways, constituting a reference worldwide. To be robust as possible to future evolution and upgrades, the workspace as well as websites programmed and developed as a non-server based realisation (PAAS and SAS). This guarantees an appropriate technical maintenance and compatibility to other software’s and digital instrumentation.
Thus it can be also guaranteed that NET-Tools e-infrastructure will make the addition of valuable content easy, either by establishing connections and repositories with existing digital based knowledge (e.g. WIKIs, MOOCs, Project websites, etc.) or by supporting the development of various educational materials, from interactive lessons to more statics presentations.
The primary target of NET-Tools has a professional focus. NET-Tools developed and delivered user interfaces offering specific content, navigation possibilities and certification process. Demands and needs concerning professionals arising from industry and academia discussed continuously. The outcome of workshops and executed first and second educational school taken into consolidation.

NET-Tools developed a unique digital e-laboratory including new methods based on figurative language and representations to explain detailed physical and mathematical principles and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technique in its complex structure. The e-engineering toolbox contains e-tools for technology and safety design of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen systems and technical infrastructures to underpin “learning by solving” education principle, and provide hydrogen industry by the state-of-the-art free access European-made tool for engineering design. The e-science toolbox dedicated to modelling and simulations of physical and mathematical phenomena underlying Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies, including CFD tools HyFOAM for technological safety. A special database at project website supports the e-Science toolbox by providing experimental data for verification and validation.
The added value of the e-Infrastructure built under NET tools can be found in terms of training and development. The rapidly increasing demand for trained personnel in industry and science can no longer be met without multi-layered training. To this end, colleges and universities are called upon to provide education and training. But industrial companies are also called upon to train and further educate their staff.
However, industrial companies in particular lack the training materials and application aspects to address special issues in specific areas of hydrogen technology and fuel cells. The implemented e-infrastructure offers everyone interested the opportunity to participate both as a developer of new and/or special e-learning content, or to use existing e-learning content. The content can be used (and will be used in the future) in various forms, such as learning videos, slide sets, presentations, etc. The e-infrastructure also offers the possibility of creating new and/or special e-learning content. A specially developed e-lab also allows students to experience the problems within the topic independently through simple applications with the help of numerous e-tools. This kind of approach and support for education and training is currently unique. The further development of all contents as well as e-tools is not completed or technically limited and can be implemented without major difficulties if required.
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