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Transforming Cellular Network Data Into the Next Generation of Mobility Management Platform

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TrafficWise (Transforming Cellular Network Data Into the Next Generation of Mobility Management Platform)

Reporting period: 2017-09-01 to 2019-03-31

Transportation authorities use real-time traffic data for everyday urban transport management, and analyse commuters’ origin and destination points for infrastructure and transit planning. However, intelligent transport systems that provide real-time data cost millions of euros for road sensors deployment. GPS data is inexpensive but can miss up to 50% of real time traffic jams, and does not have enough sample rate from all population segments to provide statistical significance. Cellular network location data is now ubiquitous and cheap, but it is imprecise due to the range of cellular antenna coverage, the limited triangulation data available passively from the network and limitation on how much burden can be placed on the network to generate more precise location information.

Cellint uses state of the art method and algorithms to process cellular network location data. Our patented technology tracks phones on a mobile network, pinpointing their locations on any mode of transportation. The result is a virtual sensor network that provides real-time sensor-quality traffic data at a fraction of the cost of sensor systems.

In this project we will upgrade and integrate our current solutions into a single automated transportation information platform with advanced analysis and visualization features, automating many of the interfaces and analysis processes, with results provided in minutes instead of months. We will enable comprehensive and effective real-time traffic management, ongoing transportation management and near real-time crowd management based on our data, as well as quick answers for transportation planning analysis and congestion mitigation queries. Some of the features in the system include, among others, data for traffic light tuning, traffic impact studies, home travel surveys, virtual counting stations, micro analysis of routing decisions, congestion mitigation analysis.

TrafficWise will be the first holistic, low-cost, highly accurate transportation information platform in the world.
The architecture and specifications for the servers were defined in the cloud domain to match the required performance level to the future customers.
The Real time Traffic Management has been completed, the system processes and analyses network data and generated the database tables required.
Cellint prepared and tested algorithms and procedures to: analyse the timetable of traffic congestions, to distinguish recurrent and non-recurrent congestions and identify if the public transportation solutions are adequate, identifying home and work neighbourhood and OD pair contribution to the congestion, detect passengers using different modes of transportation,
The Cellular coverage area Segmentation tool (AKA partitioning tool) was developed.
A system for measuring traffic in and around junctions and improving stop light delays was implemented and tested.

The functional and technical requirements of the Expert Visualization module have been defined. The specifications for the Traffic manager viewer and for the Transport planner viewer are closed.
The Traffic Manager Viewer design and implementation was completed and went through testing.
Transport Planner Viewer designand implementation was completed and went through testing. % analysis types were generated and tested. The Transportation Planner was built as an extendable template to enable customization of analyses and addition of new analyses.

Modules for network data capture, processing, anonymization and storage in the database were developed were tested.
The mobile GPS mapper was developed based on Android standard phones and tested.
Cellint finished the development algorithms and procedures that correlate the collected test drive data (GPS and cellular events) with the network data collected from the 2G 3G and 4G networks in order to resolve ambiguities and generate the correct GPS mapper output, these procedures were also tested.

During the integration stage several integration of the system components were performed:
1. Cellint Integration of new GPS mapper with Cellint’s existing tool that turns the GPS mapper output into road signatures was done.
2. Cellint have defined the interfaces for interconnecting the modules with Cellint’s database.
3. Cellint have implemented connectivity to Rogers and Vodafone Ziggo network feeds.
4. Cellint integrated the Segmentation tool with the Transportation planner

Cellint have finalised the details of the pilot in Winnipeg. Cellint have supplied congestion reports and average speed reports using the traffic viewer to Winnipeg. Cellint has also submitted to Winnipeg a Congestion root cause analysis using the transportation viewer tool.
The 2nd pilot was switched from Santander, Spain to Utrecht, the Netherlands. This pilot was performed based on the cellular network data of Vodafone Ziggo, and required a long time for verification of compliance to the new GDPR requirements. Finally the GDPR compliance was approved by Vodafone Ziggo only in February 2019 and this delayed the Utrecht pilot significantly. So it started only in March 2019.

Cellint performed the technology and market watch study and prepared a market watch report, performed an IPR survey and prepared the IPR report. The financial plan is prepared and the final business plan is prepared.

Cellint have created a project web site and is maintaining it.
We participated in the following conferences: Smart city Barcelona, ITS European congress, ITS Canada, TAC Canada, Mobile World Congress (twice), ITS World congress, Salon des Maires et des Collectivites Locales 2017 in France, Green cities conference in Spain, congress "Les rencontres de la mobilite" 2018 in France, Alstom Israel innovation day 2019 in France, Transportation Research Board and ITS regional workshops in Canada.
We also participated in webinar meetings of TAC and ITS,
We made various visits and customer meetings in France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada and US and also met several international parties in Israel.

As conclusion In general the project is completed according to plan, except the Utrecht beta site which is still ongoing due to switching from Santander to Utrecht and then the Vodafone Ziggo delays.
1. Monitoring of public transportation travellers and separation from private vehicles and other transportation modes based on cellular data and additional information for:
a. Separation of transportation modes, to enable analysis of a single transportation mode
b. Overall transportation planning, answering question such as where to locate the stations, which routes should be serviced more than others, what capacity and frequency should transit line have during different days/hours, etc.
c. Congestion mitigation analysis
2. Monitoring passengers using a Combination of several transport modes based on cellular data and additional information for:
a. Route planning.
b. Overall transportation planning, answering question such as where to locate the stations, which routes should be serviced more than others, what capacity and frequency should transit line have during different days/hours, etc. .
c. Congestion mitigation analysis
3. Detection of OD of travellers based on pattern matching to road signatures, critical for:
a. Congestion mitigation.
b. Accurate and directional volume counting.
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