Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PRO-METROFOOD (Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI)
Reporting period: 2017-01-01 to 2017-12-31
The conceptual management model the RI was developed. In particular, the Consortia were strengthen both at National and EU level (D3.1) up to the signature of a GCA for METROFOOD-RI (D3.3). The governance structure was defined considering different schemes along the different phases (D3.6) and the final legal structure was selected as an ERIC (D3.4). The Quality Documentation System has been designed and planned (D3.5). The DMP (D3.2) has been developed considering all research data generated and/or collected by the RI and all the phases. The technical implementation for the Physical- and e-RI was developed. In particular, a detailed inventory of all the facilities was performed (D4.1 and D5.1) and a first service chart for both the services delivered by the Physical- and the e-RI was defined (D4.2 and D5.2). The linkages between the two Physical- and e-sections were also studied and the plans for their better integration defined (D5.3). Finally the technical implementation plan was defined (D4.3 D5.4). In order to demonstrate the actual capability to provide services and test the inter-operability, two pilot services were implemented: development of new Multipurpose-RMs (D4.4); implementation of a pilot e- infrastructure (D5.5). In order to position in a right and effective way METROFOOD-RI, an in-depth and systematic examination of the landscape has been performed, first of all in the field of Food and Nutrition, but also in some other potentially related fields (D6.1). The possibilities of including METROFOOD in the national roadmaps and/or national and regional RIS3 were studied as well (D6.2). Then, the potential added value in joining forces and develop collaborations with existing networks and other national and ESFRI listed RIs was evaluated and dedicated actions put in place (D6.3). Finally, the inter-links with global initiatives and the positioning at a global level were considered (D6.4). The plans for communication (D7.2) training (D7.3) dissemination and exploitation (D7.6) of METROFOOD-RI were designed. A systematic analysis of stakeholders was performed defining guidelines for mapping (D7.1) and finally setting up the procedure to develop the user database (D7.5). Also, the PRO-METROFOOD website and the METROFOOD-RI one were updated and improved (D7.4). The project and its outcomes were communicated with many different initiatives at both National and EU level, and some national and international open events were organised.
Expected impacts of PRO-METROFOOD can be grouped as follows: 1) strengthening the technological development capacity and effectiveness, as well as the scientific performance, efficiency and attractiveness of the ERA; 2) organisation of a first-class RI providing transnational access and cutting-edge services; 3) impacts on scientific and knowledge development, European research capacity, competitiveness, economy and society. PRO-METROFOOD at first and then more widely METROFOOD-RI operated/will operate though merit base to promote competitiveness, growth and jobs, economic and social cohesion. In particular, the RI will constitute a useful tool for promoting the competitiveness and the market expansion. In fact the Market Globalization requires, as essential prerequisite, a System of Measurements traceable to basic SI units such that the results become reliable and mutually recognized. An economic return will be produced in terms of industrial development, Technological Transfer, occupation and training. Furthermore METROFOOD-RI, through the wide involvement of stakeholders, makes possible to apply the principles of RRI tackling the research in the agrifood sector in a holistic way, by integrating the issues related to Safety, Sustainability and Competitiveness of the Agro-Industrial System, aiming towards convergent objectives and aligning research and innovation with the values, needs and expectations of the whole Society.