Periodic Reporting for period 4 - SMel (Electric field imaging of single molecular charges by a quantum sensor)
Reporting period: 2022-02-01 to 2022-07-31
To improve electric field sensitivity, the grantee was also investigating quantum systems in other host materials like silicon carbide that, like diamond defects, carries a spin and do show optically detected spin resonance. Those spins can be used for quantum sensing, albeit with less sensitivity due to the lower signal contrast. This is in part, especially for electric field sensing, compensated by a larger susceptibility to electric fields. The grantee has investigated its quantum properties and derived optimum parameters for quantum sensing experiments. These results pave the way for an integrated quantum device based on SiC which is currently explored with leading companies in Europe.
Temperature sensing is an attractive feature of the NV quantum sensor. Its physics is very similar to electric field sensing. However, by dedicated quantum control methods, the impact of temperature changes can be separated from electric field induced level shifts. The beauty of temperature sensing with spin quantum sensors is, that small temperature changes can be measured at very small length scales, e.g. a few nm. This allows to measure temperature gradients in e.g. living cells and this provide insight into biochemical processes in these structures. A major task was to achieve sufficient sensitivity to measure small temperature differences. The applicant was able to demonstrate the so far best temperature sensitivity of a few 10 mK/√Hz.
By improving sample material and developing novel imaging techniques, as well as fabricating we achieved high resolution imaging of nuclear spins using a technique called wide-field nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. In this approach, we combine imaging of diamond defects by a wide field fluorescence microscope with the sensing capabilities of the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center. We were demonstrating a sub 200nm spatial resolution in the detection of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal of a thin layer of CaF2. This is the so far highest achieve spatial resolution achieved with this method and is a further step towards a versatile application of the technique.