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New extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EEN INNOS (New extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia)

Période du rapport: 2017-01-01 au 2018-12-31

Lack of innovation management capacity is an important barrier for creating an economic impact (competitiveness, growth and jobs) from innovation activities in SMEs in Serbia. Innovation is widely recognised as a mean for companies to become more competitive and successful. Therefore, the general objective of the project EEN InnoS is to increase the overall market performance of the selected, high innovative Serbian SMEs, through enhancing their innovation performances.

Taking into account that EEN Serbia had experience in implementing Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network“(acronym EEN Inno)2 in 2014, but also the project “Extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbiа)” in 2016. Project for 2017-2018 envisages that the group of 30 the most eligible SMEs regarding innovation performancewill be selected, among the nearly 180 firms in the databases available from the previous EU funded projects, Innovation fund beneficiaries and other relevant resources.Also the experience in the last Action indicated that one of the key successful factors of the Action is commitment of the companies to work with KAM and innovation experts. Therefore, pre-selected companies will be asked for the fully commitment in working with the KAM, coaches and innovation experts.
During the reporting period, partners finished three KAM cases, two from 2016 and one from 2017. All three cases were SME Instrument beneficiaries for the Phase1. They covered three sectors: ICT,specialized constructions and renewable energy. Also, one KAM service is still in the on-going phase for the beneficiary of the phase 2 with the innovation in the sector of medical devices and diagnostics.
Two cases that started in 2016 and ware finished in Q1 and Q2 of 2017 were singposted to the COSME.

During the reporting period, partners provided EIMC sevice to 17 companies (ICMF finished 4 companies, IMP 6 companies and BINS 7 companies). They covered 7 sectors: metal industry (2 companies); agriculture industry (6 companies); mechanical industry (3 companies); ICT industry (2 companies); textile industry; construction industry; fishing industry; and gaming industry. Fifteen of 17 companies have incremental innovations, mostly in product and process.
"Direct impact as ""significantly enhanced growth and profitability” were made: 4 out of 17 companies have achieved growth and profitability .
Potential impact on job creation or maintains were made: 7 out of 17 companies have impact on job creation.
The socio-economic impact and wider societal implications of the action were established by 7 out of 17 companies."
Technological sectors covered in 2017 through EIMC service