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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ReadyToSail (ReadyToSail)

Reporting period: 2016-11-01 to 2017-04-30

Nowadays, there exist a huge variety of devices focused either in positioning (based on GNSS and/or beacons),communications (based on satellite or radio frequency) or monitoring (i.e. CAN bus or RS485) of vessels. These three solutions are rarely or never found in a single device providing an integrated solution. Moreover, the prices of at least the positioning and communications devices are high (>3 k€) when medium accuracies are needed. For instance, the cost of positioning devices with errors below 2 meters in position and 3 degrees in attitude, in‐all‐conditions, is about ten thousands of euros. This prevents a significant amount of potential customers from acquiring these products.
The integration of these three subsystems in a single product, while keeping the prices low enough to be easily affordable by recreational users, will improve significantly the security on marine navigation and transportation (i.e. retransmitting the vessel’s status and positioning through satellite communications to a control/rescue centre).Its modular design will allow the user to pay only for what is needed. Its internet connectivity will give the user real time information about the sea weather conditions and will allow the use of cloud based services (i.e. nautical charts).

The ATMOSFERIAOSFERIA proposal, READYTOSAIL, pursues to engage SMEs in space research and development by providing a new concept on positioning, global communication and monitoring platforms. It aims directly to use the new European systems and services such as Galileo especially the Search and Rescue Service (SAR), taking advantage of the ability of their new features to offer significant advantages to their users.
The main objective of the idea behind READYTOSAIL is the development and commercialization of a wireless real-time positioning, global communication and monitoring platform, focused on marine environments. It includes some additional features like autopiloting and emergency calls. READYTOSAIL will rely on the Galileo constellation and its most relevant service: Search and Rescue. The READYTOSAIL platform will be a device based on a modular architecture offering new user‐oriented services in constant evolution, such as remote monitoring and alert management. Moreover, the proposed solution will be designed to be easily integrated with current SAT‐AIS

The READYTOSAIL platform will offer to its users an extremely accurate positioning solution (error <0.5 meters the 99.9% of time, whenever SBAS systems are accessible). Integrated with a satellite‐based heading system and some new generation inertial sensors, the platform will be able to compute an attitude solution with an error of only few degrees. Thus, it fits perfectly with commercial navigators, which need the best positioning an attitude solution possible to ensure a safe behaviour. READYTOSAIL is particularly designed for ports, navigable rivers and marine channels driving, where errors over a meter are not allowed for safety reasons. Its broad communication capabilities (multiple systems accepted, such as Wi‐Fi) and its monitoring service will give support to the previously mentioned functions and offer new security possibilities to the customer.
A special effort in radio‐frequency communications capabilities for the READYTOSAIL system has been done. The design includes some of the most used wireless systems, easily accessible for the general public, such as Wi‐Fi, GSM and 3G, Bluetooth®… and some of the newest communications systems, not limited to the previously mentioned (i.e. LoRa). Through an exhaustive integration development, the system will be able to be connected and use RF communications systems such as SAT‐AIS, LoRa and Iridium. Based on the newest Galileo’s capabilities, it will also implement the SAR service, once available. These systems will considerably improve inter‐vessels direct communication (i.e. LoRa voice call) and emergency calls. These communication systems will be responsible for receiving and reporting navigation critical information.
The monitoring capabilities of READYTOSAIL are based on a huge variety of connectivity interfaces and will implement the most common interfaces and communication protocols used by the main manufacturers (i.e. CAN bus and NMEA) in order to connect existing or new systems and sensors to the READYTOSAIL platform.
Furthermore, the interconnectivity with already existing systems from other companies will give the user the option of working with his own system without having to acquire new ones, for example for the auto piloting or radio communications purpose. The monitoring of some parameters will reduce vessel’s maintenance costs while helping the autopilot or navigation decision support systems. All those tasks will be available remotely, allowing the user to look for its vessels status from anywhere and at any time. Everything will be controllable through a simple and easy to use visual interface installed on a smartphone (or similar) or through the acquisition of a dedicated visual interface, robust to hard marine environments. On the other hand,
An interface application located on the READYTOSAIL server and on the cloud‐based data manager demonstrator is able to handle significant amounts of sensor data (i.e: sensors for measuring temperature, position, fire and flooding). In the particular case of detection by the platform of an anomalous behaviour of any sensed data, an alarm will be automatically triggered, warning the crew, captain and stakeholders on land. In addition, the communications protocol will be openly accessible. embracing new emerging standards (i.e: Signalk) to allow each user to adapt and develop their own solutions. The Internet community will be one of the boosters of the integration capabilities of the system, but always with a proactive support from the company.

The main key benefits for READYTOSAIL users are clearly related to the information access and safety of their ships, the goods they are transporting and people on-board.
Specific economic benefits for READYTOSAIL users are:
1. A GNSS reliable system, based on Galileo, providing sub-metrical precision and less than 3º in attitude, 99,9% availability, including integrity service offered by SBAS systems.

2. less occurrences/casualties, meaning less insurance-related costs (SAR (Search and Rescue) service offered by Galileo).
3. less accidents, meaning less goods lost at sea & less environmental cleaning operations and fines. New services are becoming available through European cooperation programs, like Galileo, whose improvements in the quality of positioning solutions may be critical for some security issues (like higher positioning accuracy, especially useful for collision avoidance).
4. Business and navigation decision support system, (less maneuvering, fuel saving, condition based maintenance),
5. The use of the most optimal communication technology according to available infrastructure translating into a reduction of communication costs.
6. modular and affordable system.

The goal of the feasibility study of READYTOSAIL is to assess the novel, commercial uses of the Galileo service not yet available in the leisure marine sector. Several bottlenecks have already been identified such as delays on the full deployment of Galileo constellation and poor brand identification. An initial business plan was defined, but the complete, detailed business plan is part of the output feasibility study.
ATMOSFERIA is willing to work in the space R&D field and this proposal is the mechanism for this company to get involved in this field.
The work performed during the period of project has been:

1. To study the technical viability of the READYTOSAIL platform
2. To study the economic viability of the product
and 3. Develop a Business plan.

The overall results of this work are:
ATMOSFERIA studied the technical viability of the platform and positive outcomes were found.
A modular prototype based on commercial modules has been assembled. The purpose of this prototype has been to evaluate the previously described objectives and to guaranty the technical viability and feasibility.
Main technical results achieved are:
A. Accurate positioning. The system attitude rely on satellite heading system (multiple antennas) and inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes). Results achieved are: Horizontal Position error less than 0,7m, Vertical position error less than 2,2m, Attitude error less than 2,5º
B. RF communications. Radio-frequency communications capabilities integration, results achieved are: Wifi (IP communications), Bluetooth (BLE Transparent mode), GSM and 3G (Basic Data messages and link), Lo-Ra (>1Km data transmission ), Iridium (Short messages)
C. Monitoring. Integration the most common communications interfaces and protocols to connect any sensor to the platform. Results achieved are: NMEA0183 electrical interface (RS-422) and protocol (basic GNSS Sentences,GGL, GSA, GSV, PPP), NMEA2000 electrical interface (CAN bus) and protocol (basic GNSS pgn’s) and sin/cos (Rudder angle test).
We have demonstrated the viability of the electronic platform in relevant environment, and the potential performance of the satellite compass. The next step must be to design, implement and manufacture a real platform prototype.

ATMOSFERIA has considered and analysed the financial forecast taking into account the market size, the sales forecast, the cost estimation and the revenues generated by selling the solution (profit and loss). ATMOSFERIA has also determined the expected turnover, evaluated the interest of the costumers in this market and evaluated the necessary investment to run the prototyping.

Finally a Business plan has been developed.

As part of the dissemination of the project, we organized several events inviting to research centers, university experts, academic institutions and students to present the Ready To Sail idea. Also we have met with a large amount of stakeholders, including ship owners, maritime captains (pleasure crafts and commercial vessels), crew including engine room staff, provision master, port authorities, terminal operators, maritime companies, ship agents and cargo forwarders.
All of them have provided us an interesting feedback concerning the market needs and to know the market opportunities and trends.
In recent years, advances in information and communication technologies have created a demand for new forms of surveillance and information management systems; these are increasingly driven by policy and governance addressing safety, security, and sustainability.
Most of those services are related to the precise geographical position or the communication infrastructures available in order to be connected anywhere at any time. Such ubiquitous connectivity and network services enable real-time and extended visibility across the entire waterborne transport, logistics supply chain and leisure sectors.
Passenger ship safety needs to be proactively addressed. SafeSeaNet will become the core of all relevant maritime information tools supporting maritime transport safety and security, as well as the protection of the environment from ship-source pollution. One of the main users targeted by READYTOSAIL are cruises/ferries.

In maritime, the EU should strive, in cooperation with IMO, for universal application and enforcement of high standards of safety, security, environmental protection and working conditions. ReadyToSail aims the enforcement of high productivity and safety standards by means providing a fully connected and ruggedized platform which can execute IT software applications i.e.: anti-collision and stability systems as well as safer and better working conditions by means of its man-over-board system. Minimization of accidents at sea, will consequently achieve higher environmental protection.

There is a need to integrate the use of monitoring tools by all relevant authorities, ensure the full interoperability between ICT systems in waterborne sectors, guarantee the monitoring of vessels and freight (blue belt) and set up appropriate port facilities. READYTOSAIL aims full interoperability between ICT systems in the waterborne sectors; this will be discussed with EMSA (SafeSeaNet representatives and other national authorities, including port authorities as well. READYTOSAIL systems involves (1) in-vessel data; (2) vessel-to-vessel(s) data and (3) vessel-land-vessel data.

The ATMOSFERIA challenge is to create solutions for connected and automated maritime transport that address future requirements and have a significant impact across a broad range of stakeholders, ship, port and logistic operators
The READYTOSAIL core vision is to enable a seamless information exchange in the maritime and boating sector to streamline transport operations, increase safety, improve competitiveness and reduce the environmental impact.
The use of advanced information and communication technologies in the maritime activities is not a new concept and although many of the existing systems are effective, most are not interoperable or not accessible everywhere.
Connected and automated maritime transport is the present and future for the European maritime industry. Digitalisation, communication technologies and the Big amount of Data will create new value added services and business opportunities to support: the maritime, leisure and shipping sector and logistic chain, intermodal transport, data on vessel traffic, and ship operation, becoming more integrated for all modes of transport and activities; enhancing operational efficiency, optimisation and automating of operations and processes, more efficient use of fuel, reduction in human errors leading to improved safety and quality of service, improving safety of life at sea and security, reducing fuel consumption and environmental pollution.
The improved maritime connectivity will have a significant effect on how the maritime industry manages information. Most ship systems, shore based support centres, ports, and integrated transport systems will be linked to the Internet. This will enable data streams from multiple sources to be combined for real-time decision-making.
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