Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EDAPOL (The Epistemic and Dynamic Aspects of Polarization.)
Reporting period: 2018-09-01 to 2020-08-31
The first preliminary objective of the EDAPOL project is to model the argumentative knowledge base of individuals and the effect on their opinion of different policies of argument disclosure (more or less transparent) and of belief update (more or less credulous). The second objective is to assess how different combinations of such policies, if held by individuals in a small group of debate, determine polarization of opinions. The subsequent and final step of this research in EDAPOL is to set the ground for implementation of this framework in multi-agent simulations and experimental work in social sciences, by harmonizing it with existent models in the area.
In the second phase, the main effort was directed towards systematizing the initial findings and elaborating a general framework of analysis. This took the form of a general dynamic logic for abstract argumentation, now submitted as a journal paper. An international workshop on the topic of the EDAPOL project was organized in early 2020 and a popular science paper was published. The results were also disseminated through participation at conferences - the 18th International conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) and the European conference on Artificial intelligence (ECAI) - and invited talks at seminars - the Logic and Interactive Rationality seminar (LIRa) of the ILLC and the seminar of the Norms and Networks Cluster (NNC) of the University of Groningen.
The third phase aimed at connecting our theoretical framework with simulative and experimental research in social sciences, so to implement our findings in simulative models of opinion change.