Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AgedLGBT (Ageing Diversity: LGBT* – Housing and Long-term Care)
Reporting period: 2017-09-01 to 2019-08-31
The outcome on the first Agent-based Model (ABM) about older LGBT people in need of care (WP3) has been published in open access paper (fourth paper) based on interrelated work of WP1, 2 and 3. In contrast to the plan of WP II to interviews key experts in the field the conceptional outline of the ABM made it necessary to reorganise the feedback process with the experts, but the secondment, as part of WP2, has been useful for developing practise-oriented scenarios of the ABM. It allows a new form to illustrate social simulations of dependencies on formal care services – differentiated by sexual and gender diversity and cohorts over the next 70 years.
The social simulation model (WP3) for cohorts of the recent and future LGBT* elders based on the analysis of data in WP I provided new ways to hypothesize and understand the issue. The open access publication used a Model on LGBT People and Long-term Care that involves a Social Network Dependency Index (SNDI) score that illustrates in what way older LGBT people are reliant on formal services and shows what effort would be necessary in order to provide an inclusive care infrastructure that can meet the needs of older LGBT people based on preferences regarding different types of care.
The training in Agent-Based Modelling has been useful for the researcher’s prospects and his applications for becoming a professor with a broader methodological portfolio. Focussing a topic on service use of older LGBT people as a practise-oriented has turned out to be an extraordinary basis for improving care infrastructure in European countries. It provided and excellent basis for scientific network discussing and publicly relevant actions as radio interviews , articles in health service institutions, policy papers and edited volumes in English and German.