Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PhthaloSupra (Exploiting supramolecular interactions in phthalocyanine chemistry)
Reporting period: 2017-10-01 to 2019-09-30
Impact on society: PhthaloSupra was set on an ambitious goal involving the interdisciplinary fields of molecular materials and supramolecular chemistry, encompassing the preparation and study of novel Pc-based functional materials using noncovalent interactions. During my stay in Prof. Torres group, I enjoyed a good relationship with the supervisor and a good research environment, which helps in fulfilment of contractual and legal obligations. I got a chance to supervise a graduate student and an interaction on daily basis with doctoral students and post-doctoral colleagues within the Torres’ group, collaborating on common projects. I also got a chance to attend several workshops organised by IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid. The output of the research gave rise to short-term benefits in terms of a deeper understanding of the relationship between structure, self-organization, morphology and physical (i.e. light-harvesting, electrochemical, charge separation and transport) properties of the molecular and supramolecular systems prepared. Medium- and long-term benefits will stem from the collaboration studies that are still under progress. The study and application of these new materials in the field of photovoltaic technologies such as DSSC, OPV etc, are under progress, hopefully, contributing to advance in one of the most importantly societal challenge such as the production of “Secure, clean and efficient energy”.
The progress and the results of the studies carried out in PhthaloSupra generated a pile of interesting results and soon it will be disseminated to the scientific community through publications in high-level international science. As a further channel of dissemination, I attended two international conferences (12th International Symposium on Supramolecular and Macrocyclic Chemistry (ISMSC), June 2019, Lecce, Italy; and 3rd International Symposium on ''the Synthesis and Application of Curved Organic π-Molecules & Materials (CURO-π³)"", 5–7 September 2018, University of Oxford, United Kingdom) where I got the chance to communicate and discuss the results obtained to some of the best researchers in the fields of Pc and supramolecular chemistry. I also participated in the European Research Night (2018), Madrid, a MSCA action, under the Horizon 2020 specific programme. We strongly believe that such outreach activities are extremely important to fill the gap that sometimes exists between science and technology, and the non-specialized public."
While carrying out the main objectives of Phthalosupra, we decided to explore a novel research line, that is the preparation of CPA dimers, where both CPA units were linked by either one (1TB), two (2TB) or four (4TB) triple bonds. These CPA dimers were expected to form highly conjugated systems due to the acetylenic spacer(s) connecting the two units (Fig. 8-10). A combination of photophysical studies at variable temperature (i.e. UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence, and Raman), and spectroscopic experiments (i.e. 1H-NMR) of these systems in MCH suggesting a transition from a polyyne configuration to a cumulenic one in MCH upon decreasing the temperature (Fig. 11-13). Interestingly, this “cumulenization” process is accompanied by the aggregation of the CPA dimers in MCH as observed by variable-temperature UV-vis spectroscopy. Analysis of the polymerization process showed that it occurs following a cooperative process.