Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PlaN (Vibrational Polariton Nonlinear Optics and Chemistry)
Reporting period: 2017-07-01 to 2019-06-30
The objective of the project was to gain a better understanding of strong coupling between optical resonators and molecular vibrations in order to foster its applications in photonics and chemistry.
In particular, it was targeted to exploit the powerful tool of ultrafast light sources in order to investigate the influence of strong coupling on the nonlinear refraction of strongly coupled nonlinear liquids and to study microscopic changes of vibrational dynamics under strong coupling. To address these objectives, it was essential to develop a widely tuneable ultrafast mid-infrared source which operates in the spectral region of vibrational transitions.
Both studies are expected to benefit from an all mid-infrared pump-probe setup. First, higher polariton populations than in the thermal emission studies could be achieved by laser pumping. Second, the Kerr effect of CS2 could be investigated near resonance where the impact of strong coupling has already been proven for other nonlinearities. A commercial Ti:sapphire amplifier – TOPAS light converter system was used as the basis for the study. Herriot-cell and multi-plate spectral broadening of the TOPAS idler beam at 1900 nm were studied. Best results were obtained with the multi-plate approach, promising self-compressed sub-20 fs pulse with octave-spanning pulses. The multi-plate continuum was used to seed the mid-infrared generation in pump- and probe-arm. Ultrashort pulses tunable from 3.5 to > 14 microns were demonstrated, constituting an ideal basis for time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy in the mid-infrared.
Overview in respect of initially specified working packages (WP):
• WP1: Broadly tuneable ultrafast mid-IR pump-probe setup was developed. Publication in peer-reviewed journal is in preparation.
• WP2: Optical Kerr-gating was performed at the neat liquid CS2 under vibrational ultrastrong coupling. Cavity design led to elimination of parasitic nonlinearities from free carriers generated in the Fabry-Perot cavity mirrors. Afterwards, coupled and uncoupled nonlinear responses of CS2 were comparable.
• WP3: Thermal emission studies were conducted to follow up on earlier indication of polariton nonlinearities. By means of technical development, earlier results could not be confirmed which led to a short journal publication. Another manuscript documenting the performed experiments was sent to peer-review. Work has been presented on an international conference and publication of a revised version is anticipated.