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New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Recommendations for regulators using the integrated hazard framework

This deliverable will be a synthetic document providing recommendations for the regulators and describing best practice and identified deficiencies in the current methodologies for hazard assessment see task 15 for details

Use of E-BEPU for evaluation of Design Extension Conditions

This deliverable will present the applicability of E-BEPU methodology for DEC analysis and possible benefits it might bring for future NPPs' design (results from sub-task 3.4.3).

PhD narrative on the seismic structural response of corroded RC components

This deliverable will present the results of seismic testing on simple reinforcedconcrete structural elements at various corrosion states ongoing PhD thesis at CEA in order to improve existing numerical simplified and refined models useful to quantify the impact of different stages of ageing due to corrosion on the seismic integrity of concrete elements in NPP see subtask 221

Reactor safety analysis results useful for Severe Accident analysis, considering deterministic and probabilistic approaches

This deliverable will present the Reactor safety analysis eg estimation of the potential radioactive releases conducted in task 43 on the simplified NPP PWR model defined in task 41 considering scenarios and models derived in previous WPs

Improved methodologies for extreme earthquake hazard assessment

This deliverable will present the implementation of the conditional spectra approach (so-called risk-targeted hazard), as proposed in sub-task 1.2.4.

Methodologies to constrain uncertainties in the components’ modelling (causes and consequences)

This deliverable will present the adaptation of advanced uncertainty assessment approaches to identify and priorize most influential sources of uncertainty in the parameters (external threats, etc.) and NPP elements' modelling, so that uncertainty on modelling results can be constrained before integration within the BBN (cf. sub-task 3.2.2).

Review of state-of-the art for hazard and multi-hazard characterisation

This deliverable will present the extensive review of existing multi-hazard approaches and procedures for natural hazard assessment with respect to nuclear hazard and safety, as proposed in task1.1.

Methods to incorporate human factors within a multi-hazard approach

This deliverable will present the method developed to enable integration of human aspects into fragility functions and to investigate their impact on them (cf. task 2.4).

PhD narrative on the hazard integration and risk analysis for NPPs through a Bayesian approach

This deliverable is linked to the PhD works that will be launched for BBN developments foreseen in task 32 and supervised by TU Delft

Definition of hazard-induced damage states and development of state-specific APETs for demonstration purposes

This deliverable will provide a map of the key decisions identified in task 5.2, to be made during the implementation of EOP/EDMG/SAMG in response to the considered hazard damage state into the logic of corresponding state-specific APET, developed based on the experience and knowledge from the Level-2 PSA studies (cf. task 5.3).

Methodology to account for soil-structure interactions in the fragility assessment

This deliverable will first present a new simplified modelling technique for seismic SSI with a reduced computation time, hence useful within the framework of PSA process. Second, the proposed model will be compared to existing tools (e.g. SASSI) on well-known NPP case studies, e.g. derived from international benchmarks (see sub-task 2.2.2 for details).

Applicability of model reduction strategies in safety analyses

This deliverable will deal with the applicability of the model reduction strategies proposed in subtasks 421 422 for safety analysis of the the theoretical NPP model proposed in task 41 results from subtask 423

Description of a meta-modelling strategy for probabilistic analyses

This deliverable will present some model reduction strategies applicable for assessing the impact of external hazards (e.g. earthquakes, flooding) on NPPs from a probabilistic perspective (outputs from sub-task 4.2.1).

Derivation of hazard-harmonized fragility models

This deliverable will present the results of task23 regarding the fragility analyses performed on the main set of critical NPPs elements as identified in task 21

Use of E-BEPU for evaluation of Defence-in-Depth

This deliverable will present the systematic application of E-BEPU methodology for Defence-in-Depth implementation (results from sub-task 3.4.2).

Methodology to account for cumulative effects in the fragility assessment: theoretical aspects

This deliverable will present the adaptation and development of the approach used to account for cumulative effects of the solicitations to derive adhoc fragility curves for NPPs elements see subtask 221

Development of single and secondary effect hazard assessment methodologies including uncertainty quantification and comparison

This deliverable will provide methods to analyse extreme hazards using multi-varied statistics and to account for secondary hazards associated with each NPP component separately using physical approaches. On the other hand, it will present a stochastic approach to scenario development, allowing characterization of the hazard curve to integrate all possible uncertainty, temporal and spatial combinations for Design Basis Events (see task 1.3 for details).

Production of an integrated hazard framework for combined hazard scenarios for Safety Assessment

This deliverable presents the systematic framework for combination of hazard scenarios in order to provide an integration of the various single and cascade internalexternal hazards that are possible at a site The multihazard and multirisk methodology of the FP7 MATRIX project will be adapted and further developed so that the risk metric refers to the performance goals for the NPPs and in order to use novel approaches for sensitivity analysis for complex systems see details in task 14

Methodology to account for ageing mechanisms in the fragility assessment

The delivrable will provide methods to quantify the impact of different stages of ageing eg damaging phenomena corrosion on the integrity of NPPs structural elements in case of a seismic event see subtask 221 for details

Improved methodologies for tsunami hazard assessment

This deliverable will present the use and implications of fast GPU computations for PHA on one hand, and on the other hand, the general probabilistic hazard assessment approach to be developed for earthquake-triggered tsunamis (see sub-task 1.2.1 for details).

Use of the E-BEPU method for SAMG

This deliverable will present the application of the E-BEPU method for the development and V&V of SAMG on the LB LOCA reclassification (results of sub-task 5.4.7).

Awareness and wider societal implication

This report will present proposed measures to raise awareness and societal implication about the challenges and the potential solutions provided by the project for a better safety culture

Methodology to derive vector-based fragility functions I: theoretical aspects

This deliverable will present the general methodology proposed in task 2.3, to design and check elaborate fragility models with respect to multiple intensity measures (i.e. vector-valued), thus harmonizing the response of the NPP SSC to multi-hazard solicitations.

PhD narrative on a model reduction strategy for complex, highly nonlinear and dynamic systems, based on the Proper Generalized Decomposition and LATIN approaches

This deliverable will present the PhD works dedicated to developping a model reduction strategy for complex highly nonlinear and dynamic systems as proposed in subtask 422

Publication of the project handbook

Project handbook of the project cf task 65

Project presentation brochure

The project brochure will present the main information on the NARSIS project: aims and main expected outcomes, consortium, ...

Improvements of flexible approaches and procedures relying on expert-based information

This deliverable will present the proposed improvement of the current practices in terms of flexible approaches / procedures and uncertainty propagation in relation with expert-based information and knowledge modelling, using recent advanced procedures and tools (cf. task 3.3 for details).

Flooding impact on industrial facilities via advanced numerical modelling

This deliverable will present the results of SPH simulations of a realistic coastal NPP platform for selected flooding event scenarios (tsunami, storm). These results will be analyzed with respect to the requirements of nuclear engineering (see details in sub-task 1.2.3).

Risk integration methods for high risk industries

This deliverable will present a review and comparison of risk integration methods from high risk industries (e.g. aviation, chemical and nuclear industries), with particular emphasis on methods able to incorporate low probability events, multi-hazards, and integration of human, social/organizational and technical aspects (cf. task 3.1). It will also review the deterministic & probabilistic methods for identification of latent weaknesses in complex industrial facilities. Hence, this deliverable merges the contents of former deliverables D3.1 (due on M12) and D3.6 (initially due on M18, but now suppressed).

Description of the approach for integration of individual sub-networks and risk interdependency

This deliverable will describe the integration process of risk subnetworks developed in subtasks 321 with a special attention on interdependency of subsystems and probabilistic characterization cf subtask 323

Constraining the uncertainties in the components modelling (causes and consequences) – Application to Station Blackout event

The development of the Bayesian Network model (task 3.2) requires a specific analysis to identify, classify and analyze the main sources of uncertainties that affect the progression and consequences for the major event of Station Blackout (SBO). This deliverable will present this dedicated analysis in addition to the existing deliverable D3.3, more related to the development of advanced methodologies for fulfilling this objective.

Improved methodologies for extreme weather and flooding hazard assessment

This deliverable will first report on proposed methods and related uncertainties, to address combination of phenomena in the framework of flooding hazard curves assessment. The probabilistic assessment of failures for some geotechnical safety structures by external hydraulic effects will also be addressed in this deliverable (see details in sub-task 1.2.2).

Final plan for use and dissemination of results

This deliverable will constitute the final update of the Communication and Dissemination plan

Communication and Dissemination Plan report

Communication and Dissemination Plan report of the project.

Development of risk sub-networks for technical and social/organizational aspects

This deliverable will first present the probabilistic description of fault and consequence for technical aspects, compatible with a non-parametric dynamic BBN approach. Then, it will present the works related to the implementation of the risk sub-network for social/organizational and human aspects (cf. sub-task 3.2.1).

Project Newsletter (e-mailing) - M12
Project Newsletter (e-mailing) - M18
Project Newsletter (e-mailing) - M6

The NARSIS Newsletter will be produced every six months, starting on Month 6.

Project website (activation)

This deliverable is directly linked to task 6.1. The website will serve for public dissemination of project information and deliverables, as well as for the team working area and exchanges.

External Project Newsletter (e-mailing) - M25
External Project Newsletter (e-mailing) - M37
External Project Newsletter (e-mailing) - M54

Final external Newsletter meant to communicate widely on the final results and last internation workshop of the NARSIS Project

Proceedings of an international scientific workshop related to the main outcomes of NARSIS WPs 1-4 (Poland)

First international workshop of the project (cf. task 6.3). Digital-type proceedings distribution (web, CDROM).

Proceedings of the Final Workshop (France)

Final international workshop of the project (cf. task 6.3). Digital-type proceedings distribution (web, CDROM).

Education and training materials

Education & Training materials will be ready on Month 24, as lectures will be taught at Master level, between Month 24 and Month 48.

An open-source generic software tool for understanding combined hazard scenarios

This deliverable is an opensource generic software tool that allows the application of the multihazard methodology developed for users as described in deliverable D17 task 14


A numerical model to predict the effect of corrosion on the dynamic behavior of reinforced concrete beams

Author(s): Chaymaa Lejouad, Sophie Capdevielle, Benjamin Richard, Frédéric Ragueneau
Published in: Proc. CCEE 2019 - 12th Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Issue 1, 2019
Publisher: CCEE

Preliminary Analysis of Creep and Ageing Influence During SBO

Author(s): Cancemi, Salvatore Angelo; Lo Frano, Rosa; Ciolini, Riccardo; Piotr, Darnowski
Published in: Proc. NENE2020 - 29th Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Study of the seismic behaviour of GEN III plant: the influence of ageing

Author(s): Lo Frano, R.; Cancemi, S. A.; Gehl, P.; Foerster, E.
Published in: Proc. NENE2021 - 30th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe, NARSIS Special Session, Issue 1, 2021
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

SEVERA Decision Support Tool Development in Project NARSIS

Author(s): Luka Štrubelj, Klemen Debelak, Marko Bohanec, Ivica Bašić, Ivan Vrbanić
Published in: Proc. NENE2021 - 30th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe, NARSIS Special Session, Issue 1, 2021
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

A European-scale Multi-Hazard Screening Process for the selection of decommissioned Nuclear Power Plants

Author(s): Ann-Kathrin Edrich, James Daniell, Eric Haecker, Andreas Schaefer, and Friedemann Wenzel
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2019, Issue 21, 2019, Page(s) EGU2019-10806
Publisher: Geophysical Research Abstracts

Vector intensity measures for a more accurate reliability assessment of NPP sub-systems

Author(s): Gehl, Pierre; Rohmer, Jeremy
Published in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Technological Innovations in Nuclear Civil Engineering, TINCE 2018, Issue 2, 2018
Publisher: SFEN

Multi-hazard and singular hazard screening review for European nuclear power plants: analysis and lessons learned

Author(s): Eric Haecker, James Daniell, Friedemann Wenzel, Andreas Schaefer
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2019, Issue 21, 2019, Page(s) EGU2019-14643
Publisher: Geophysical Research Abstracts

Quantification of initiating events probability based on fragility functions and Bayesian network applied for multi-hazard

Author(s): Aleksej Kaszko, Karol Kowal, Sławomir Potempski
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) EGU2020-21900
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2020
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-21900

A European multi-hazard assessment for Nuclear Power Plants with applications to other infrastructure types with operational time windows

Author(s): James Daniell, Andreas Schaefer, Hugo Winter, Pierre Gehl, Phil Vardon, Varenya Mohan, Cor Molenaar, Venkat Natarajan, Evelyne Foerster, Florence Ragon
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) EGU2020-8829
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2020
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8829

A multi-hazard assessment of Europe’s power plants

Author(s): Andreas Schaefer, James Daniell, Friedmann Wenzel
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) EGU2020-13108
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2020
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13108

Severe Accident Simulations Dedicated to the SAMG Decision-Making Tool Demonstration

Author(s): Darnowski, P., Mazgaj, P., Bašić, I., Vrbanic, I., Skrzypek, M., Malesa, J., Silde, A., Hiittenkivi, J., Štrubelj
Published in: Proc. NENE2020 - 29th Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Global Probabilistic Tsunami Risk Modelling – Methods and first results

Author(s): Andreas Schaefer, James Daniell, and Friedemann Wenzel
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2018, Issue 20, 2018, Page(s) EGU2018-11995-1
Publisher: Geophysical Research Abstracts

Multi-hazard open access software package review with the potential for conducting sectoral risk assessments on a European or local scale

Author(s): James Daniell, Andreas Schaefer, Marleen de Ruiter, Evelyne Foerster, Philip Ward, Johannes Brand, Bijan Khazai, Trevor Girard, Friedemann Wenzel
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue 1, 2022, Page(s) EGU22-12982
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2022
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12982

Experimental Study Of The Seismic Behavior Of Corroded RC Beams

Author(s): Chaymaa Lejouad, Benjamin Richard, Philippe Mongabure, Sophie Capdevielle, Frédéric Ragueneau
Published in: Proc. SMIRT25, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) II_837
Publisher: IASMIRT

Demonstration of the E-BEPU Methodology for LB-LOCA in NPP with PWR Reactor

Author(s): Mazgaj, P., Darnowski, P., Kaszko, A., Hortal, J., Dusic, M., Mendizábal, R., Pelayo, F.
Published in: Proc. NENE2020 - 29th Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Issue 1, 2020
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

A global volcanic eruption source parameter database with application to determination of ashfall risk to infrastructure

Author(s): Anna Neuweiler, James Daniell, Andreas Schaefer, Friedemann Wenzel
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) EGU2020-13896
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2020
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13896

Rapid Earthquake Impact Modelling – GPU-powered intensity modellingcartography in social media

Author(s): Andreas Schaefer, James Daniell, Friedemann Wenzel, and Andreas Rietbrock
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2018, Issue 20, 2018, Page(s) EGU2018-11981
Publisher: Geophysical Research Abstracts

The Goal of the New Approach to Reactor Safety Improvements (NARSIS) Project

Author(s): Štrubelj, L., Foerster, E., Rastiello, G., Daniell, J., Bazargan-Sabet, B., Gehl, P., Pierre Gehl, Vardon, P. J., Duvvuru Mohan, V. K.
Published in: Proc. 12th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society, Issue 1, 2018
Publisher: International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society

Non incremental LATIN-PGD solver for non-linear vibratoric dynamics problems

Author(s): S. Rodriguez, David Néron, P.-E. Charbonnel, Pierre Ladevèze, G. Nahas
Published in: Proc. CSMA 2019 - 14ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Issue 1, 2019
Publisher: CSMA 2019 - 14ième Colloque National en Calcul des Structures

Identifying uncertainty contributions to the seismic fragility assessment of a nuclear reactor steam line

Author(s): Gehl, Pierre; Macilhac-Fradin, Marine; Rohmer, Jeremy; Guigueno, Yves; Rahni, Nadia; Clément, Julien
Published in: Proc. COMPDYN 2019, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) 47-68
Publisher: COMPDYN 2019 - 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Improving the performance of Success Likelihood Index Model (SLIM) using Bayesian Network

Author(s): Shokoufeh Abrishami, Nima Khakzad, Pieter van Gelder, Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini
Published in: Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 2019, Page(s) 309-315, ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3
Publisher: Research Publishing Services
DOI: 10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3_0248-cd

Conceptual Design of a Decision Support Tool for Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power Plants

Author(s): Bohanec, M., Vrbanić, I., Bašić, I., Debelak, K., Štrubelj, L.
Published in: Proc. IS 2019 - 22nd International Multiconference Information Society, Volume A - Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) 5-8
Publisher: Information Society

Seismic performance of fuel assemblies based on intensity-compatible sets of recorded ground motion time histories

Author(s): Pellissetti, M., Kessler, H., Schmidl, J., Nykyforchyn, A., Staeuble-Akcay, S.
Published in: Proc. SMiRT25, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) IV_861
Publisher: IASMiRT

Uncertainty Tracking and Geotechnical Reliability Updating Using Bayesian Networks

Author(s): Duvvuru Mohan, V.K.; Vardon, P.J.; Hicks, M.A.; van Gelder, P.H.A.J.M.; Ching, Jianye; Li, Dian-Qing; Zhang, Jie
Published in: Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR 2019), 2019, Page(s) 631-636, ISBN 978-981-11-2725-0
Publisher: Research Publishing

Constraining Input Uncertainty Sources of PSA by Sensitivity Analysis Using FFTBM-SM

Author(s): Andrej Prošek, Andrija Volkanovski
Published in: Proc. NENE2019 - 28th Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) pp. 201.1-201.8, ISBN 978-961-6207-47-8
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Progression of Station Blackout Event in PWR Plant

Author(s): Andrija Volkanovski, Andrej Prošek
Published in: Proc. NENE2019 - 28th Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) pp. 1013.1-1013.7, ISBN 978-961-6207-47-8
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

MELCOR Simulations of the SBO in Gen III PWR with EVMR

Author(s): Darnowski P., Mazgaj P., Skrzypek E.
Published in: Proc. NENE2019 - 28th Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Issue 1, 2019, Page(s) 411.1-411.8, ISBN 978-961-6207-47-8
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Application of Bayesian Networks in Multi-Hazard Safety Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants

Author(s): Varenya Kumar D. Mohan, Philip Vardon, James Daniell, Pierre Gehl, Andreas Schafer, Pieter van Gelder, Venkat Natarajan, Cor Molenaar, Evelyne Foerster, Florence Ragon
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) EGU2020-21036
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2020
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-21036

New trends in Multihazards Probabilistic Safety Assessment for nuclear installations: the H2020-NARSIS Project

Author(s): Evelyne Foerster, Behrooz Bazargan-Sabet, James Daniell, Pierre Gehl, Philip J. Vardon, Varenya K. Duvvuru Mohan, Giuseppe Rastiello, Luka Štrubelj, Florence Ragon
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2020, Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) EGU2020-5860
Publisher: EGU General Assembly 2020
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5860

Seismic Fragility Analysis Based On Vector-Valued Intensity Measures; Theory And Application To Fuel Assembly Grids

Author(s): Pellissetti M., Robin-Boudaoud M.-C., Gehl P.
Published in: Proc. NENE2021 - 30th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe, NARSIS Special Session, Issue 1, 2021
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Internal and External Events/European projects H2020-NARSIS and FP7-ASAMPSA_E

Author(s): Foerster, E., Raimond, E., Guigueno, Y.
Published in: Proc. FISA2019 - 9th European Commission Conferences on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems, Issue 1, 2019
Publisher: European Commission
DOI: 10.2777/522041

Multiple Hazard Modelling Utilizing Traditional PSA Tools

Author(s): Kaszko A., Potempski S.
Published in: Proc. NENE2021 - 30th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe, NARSIS Special Session, Issue 1, 2021
Publisher: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Study of the ageing effects on the lower head failure in a PWR reactor

Author(s): Lo Frano R., Paci S., Darnowski P., Mazgaj P.
Published in: Proc. ICONE28-POWER2020 - 28th Conf. on Nuclear Engineering Joint collocated with the ASME 2020 Power Conf., Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) 16664.1 - 16664.9, ISBN 978-0-7918-8376-1
Publisher: ASME - ICONE
DOI: 10.1115/icone2020-16664

Seismic fragility analysis with artificial neural networks: Application to nuclear power plant equipment

Author(s): Zhiyi Wang, Nicola Pedroni, Irmela Zentner, Enrico Zio
Published in: Engineering Structures, Issue 162, 2018, Page(s) 213-225, ISSN 0141-0296
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.02.024

Assessment of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete elements affected by corrosion: An objective comparison between quasi-static and dynamic tests

Author(s): Chaymaa Lejouad, Benjamin Richard, Philippe Mongabure, Sophie Capdevielle, Frédéric Ragueneau
Published in: Structures, Issue 39, 2022, Page(s) 653-666, ISSN 2352-0124
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.istruc.2022.03.058

Efficient methodology for seismic fragility curves estimation by active learning on Support Vector Machines

Author(s): Rémi Sainct, Cyril Feau, Jean-Marc Martinez, Josselin Garnier
Published in: Structural Safety, Issue 86, 2020, Page(s) 101972, ISSN 0167-4730
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2020.101972

Seismic performance of fuel assemblies and impact force correlations with intensity-compatible sets of recorded ground motion time histories

Author(s): Manuel Pellissetti, Hannes Kessler, Johannes Schmidl, Andrii Nykyforchyn, Sunay Staeuble-Akcay
Published in: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Issue 375, 2021, Page(s) 111052, ISSN 0029-5493
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111052

Preliminary Analysis of an Aged RPV Subjected to Station Blackout

Author(s): Rosa Lo Frano; Salvatore Angelo Cancemi; Piotr Darnowski; Riccardo Ciolini; Sandro Paci
Published in: Energies, Issue 14(15), 2021, Page(s) 4394, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14154394

Global Megathrust Earthquake Hazard—Maximum Magnitude Assessment Using Multi-Variate Machine Learning

Author(s): Andreas M. Schäfer, Friedemann Wenzel
Published in: Frontiers in Earth Science, Issue 7, 2019, ISSN 2296-6463
Publisher: Frontiers Open Science Platform - Geohazards and Georisks
DOI: 10.3389/feart.2019.00136

Probabilistic safety assessment for internal and external events/European projects H2020-NARSIS and FP7-ASAMPSA_E

Author(s): Evelyne Foerster, Emmanuel Raimond, Yves Guigueno
Published in: EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies, Issue 6, 2020, Page(s) 38, ISSN 2491-9292
Publisher: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjn/2019012

Forecast of environment systems using expert judgements: performance comparison between the possibilistic and the classical model

Author(s): Jeremy Rohmer; Eric Chojnacki
Published in: Environment Systems and Decisions, Issue 41, 2021, Page(s) 7279 (131-146), ISSN 2194-5411
Publisher: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10669-020-09794-9

Experimental study of corroded RC beams: dissipation and equivalent viscous damping ratio identification

Author(s): Chaymaa Lejouad, Benjamin Richard, Philippe Mongabure, Sophie Capdevielle, Frédéric Ragueneau
Published in: Materials and Structures, Issue 55, 2022, Page(s) 73, ISSN 1871-6873
Publisher: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1617/s11527-022-01906-y

A Decision-Support Approach to Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power Plants

Author(s): Bohanec M., Vrbanić I., Bašić I., Debelak K., Štrubelj L.
Published in: Journal of Decision Systems (from Proc. IFIP DS 2020), Issue 29(sup1), 2020, Page(s) 438-449, ISSN 2116-7052
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2020.1854426

Demonstration of the E-BEPU methodology for SL-LOCA in a Gen-III PWR reactor

Author(s): Piotr Mazgaj, Piotr Darnowski, Aleksej Kaszko, Javier Hortal, Milorad Dusic, Rafael Mendizabal, Fernando Pelayo
Published in: Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Issue 226, 2022, Page(s) 108707, ISSN 0951-8320
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2022.108707

Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of the In-Vessel Hydrogen Generation for Gen-III PWR and Phebus FPT-1 with MELCOR 2.2

Author(s): Piotr Darnowski; Piotr Mazgaj; Mateusz Włostowski
Published in: Energies, Issue 14(16), 2021, Page(s) 4884, ISSN 1996-1073
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14164884

Preliminary Analysis of Long-Term Performance of a Piping: Aging and Creep Effects.

Author(s): Salvatore Angelo Cancemi; Rosa Lo Frano
Published in: Materials, Issue 14(7), 2021, Page(s) 1703, ISSN 1996-1944
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma14071703

Non-stationary extreme value analysis applied to seismic fragility assessment for nuclear safety analysis

Author(s): Jeremy Rohmer; Pierre Gehl; Marine Marcilhac-Fradin; Yves Guigueno; Nadia Rahni; Julien Clément
Published in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (from Proc. EVAn2019), Issue 20(5), 2020, Page(s) 1267-1285, ISSN 1684-9981
Publisher: Göttingen: Copernicus Publ.
DOI: 10.5194/nhess-2019-400

A Bayesian framework for estimating fragility curves based on seismic damage data and numerical simulations by adaptive neural networks

Author(s): Zhiyi Wang, Irmela Zentner, Enrico Zio
Published in: Nuclear Engineering and Design, Issue 338, 2018, Page(s) 232-246, ISSN 0029-5493
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.08.016

BN-SLIM: A Bayesian Network methodology for human reliability assessment based on Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM)

Author(s): Shokoufeh Abrishami, Nima Khakzad, Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini, Pieter van Gelder
Published in: Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Issue 193, 2020, Page(s) 106647, ISSN 0951-8320
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2019.106647

An integration of human factors into quantitative risk analysis using Bayesian Belief Networks towards developing a ‘QRA+’

Author(s): W.M.P. Steijn, J.N. Van Kampen, D. Van der Beek, J. Groeneweg, P.H.A.J.M. Van Gelder
Published in: Safety Science, Issue 122, 2020, Page(s) 104514, ISSN 0925-7535
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.104514

Uncertainties in conditional probability tables of discrete Bayesian Belief Networks: A comprehensive review

Author(s): Jeremy Rohmer
Published in: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Issue 88, 2020, Page(s) 103384, ISSN 0952-1976
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2019.103384

Sensitivity analysis of Bayesian networks to parameters of the conditional probability model using a Beta regression approach

Author(s): Jeremy Rohmer, Pierre Gehl
Published in: Expert Systems with Applications, Issue 145, 2020, Page(s) 113130, ISSN 0957-4174
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2019.113130

Deterministic and Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Loads on Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals Including Nonlinear Effects

Author(s): Johannes Schmidl, Manuel Pellissetti, Eugen Fuetterer, Roland Hilpert, Andrii Nykyforchyn, Sunay Staeuble-Akcay
Published in: Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Issue 144, 2022, Page(s) 031902-1, ISSN 1528-8978
Publisher: ASME Digital Collection
DOI: 10.1115/1.4053753

Fast High-Resolution S-PTHA Along the Western Mediterranean Sea Coastlines. Application to the Bay of Cannes

Author(s): Viviane Souty, Audrey Gailler
Published in: Frontiers in Earth Science, Issue 9, 2021, Page(s) 765610, ISSN 2296-6463
Publisher: Frontiers Open Science Platform - Geohazards and Georisks
DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.765610

Preliminary study of the effects of ageing on the long-term performance of NPP pipe

Author(s): Salvatore Angelo Cancemi; Rosa Lo Frano
Published in: Progress in Nuclear Energy, Issue 131, 2021, Page(s) 103573, ISSN 0149-1970
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.pnucene.2020.103573

Machine Learning Approaches for Performance Assessment of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies Subject to Seismic-Induced Impacts

Author(s): Domenico Altieri, Marie-Cécile Robin-Boudaoud, Hannes Kessler, Manuel Pellissetti, Edoardo Patelli
Published in: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B, Issue 6(4), 2020, Page(s) 041002, ISSN 2332-9025
Publisher: ASME Digital Collection
DOI: 10.1115/1.4046926

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