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Noise Abatement FMS with Tactile Interface

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - NAFTI (Noise Abatement FMS with Tactile Interface)

Période du rapport: 2021-12-01 au 2023-03-31

In May 2015 and as part of Clean Sky (CS1), Airbus Helicopters (AH) demonstrated with a H175 helicopter a noise footprint reduction of up to 30 per cent by using low noise helicopter Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) approaches to the heliport. This demonstration was based on the noise optimized flight paths for conventional helicopters. This was one of the Clean Sky (CS) initiative’s high-level goals. Through NAFTI Airbus Helicopters aimed at achieving similar noise reduction objectives for the RACER compound aircraft demonstrator as well as reducing the crew workload to enhance safety.

A Low Noise Procedure has been specified, implemented and delivered with Safe For Flight (SFF) paperwork. CMC has developed a new capability in an existing flight management system, helping to optimize the trajectory of aircraft in order to reduce the noise impact (target reduction of 20-50%). The updated FMS software allows flight plans to be prepared in a laboratory environment, and then flight tested to measure the acoustic footprint of aircraft flying these adapted/optimized trajectories.
Bench testing of the FMS with noise abatement was completed by Airbus Helicopters. AH acoustic specialists have analyzed and simulated the RACER noise footprint. The trajectory and the attitude of the RACER shows the noise footprint can be significantly reduced.
Due to some delays in the RACER flight test program, the flight testing of the FMS with noise abatement was not performed within the duration of the NAFTI program.

A second main NAFTI objective was to develop, manufacture, test a 5"x4" Touchscreen Control Unit (TSCU) to demonstrate the benefit of a tactile interface and further integration of aircraft functions and control panels into a single equipment. The TSCU was developed and demonstrated with home page, virtual control panel and moving map applications. The TSCU underwent and passed environmental, EMI and power testing to demonstrate its potential. Such integration showed potential to contribute to the reduction of cost and weight (and thus fuel consumption and emissions) and to the increase of RACER aircraft dispatchability (thanks to higher overall system reliability). Reduced weight ultimately reduces fuel burn and as a result reduces the environmental impact & operational cost.

The development of the TSCU and the FMS with noise abatement enables the RACER (and more generally other rotorcrafts) to operate with reduced pilot workload and a lower noise profile.
Prototype 4"x5" Touchscreen Control Units (TSCU) designed and manufactured. Preliminary environmental, EMI and power testing performed. TSCU validated for installation on the RACER aircraft. TSCU has demonstrated high performance processing, high performance graphical processing and large quantity of electrical interfaces including video in and out is possible within a small geometric volume. The TSCU is an incredibly versatile unit. The TSCU has also maintained it's backwards compatibility with the CMA-9000 FMS incl. a 13% (0.5kg) weight reduction.

Preliminary FMS HMI evaluation completed with Airbus Helicopters.

Control panel virtualization also demonstrated showing the potential to virtualize 5 or 6 center pedestal control panels thanks to the processing power, A653 partitioning and large quantity of TSCU physical Interfaces. This demonstrates a potential aircraft weight saving and cost of ownership reduction.

Dissemination activities were performed including Le Bourget airshow, trade shows and social network and website posts.

The final noise abatement specification and implementation has been performed and delivered.
Control panel virtualization also demonstrated showing the potential to virtualize 5 or 6 center pedestal control panels thanks to the processing power, A653 partitioning and large quantity of TSCU physical Interfaces. This demonstrates a potential aircraft weight saving and cost of ownership reduction. A unit weight reduction of 13% (0.5kg) achieved also leading to overall aircraft weight reduction. Total weight saving including control panel virtualization shows aircraft level weight reduction of 5kg.

The implementation of the noise abatement shows potential for a significant noise reduction. flight trials are still to be performed to confirm the quantitative bennefit.