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The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SmartECG (The world's first universally compatible algorithm and platform for automatic interpretation of electrocardiogram analysis data)

Reporting period: 2018-03-01 to 2019-05-31

SmartECG is a diagnostic tool for cardiologists and general practitioners for analysing long term electrocardiogram (Holter-ECG) records. The main objective of SmartECG is to improve speed and quality in cardiovascular disease (CVD) treatment by offering a cloud service for ECG analysis. The web-browser based user interface and automatic analytics enable easy access to the service.

SmartECG supports a wide range of the Holter-ECG devices. The universally compatible software makes the existing services smarter and enables wider range of people to be analysed faster, more thoroughly and more frequently than with the current solutions.

In order to reach the overall objective, several specific goals had to be met:

• Developing the current prototype SmartECG algorithm and platform to a market-ready service
• Scaling up the system architecture to support any number of users
• Ensuring compatibility with the leading Holter-ECG devices
• Finalising the platform for superb user experience
• Enhancing the ECG analytics for more accurate diagnostics
• Clearing market access barriers
• Achieving official validation by declaration of conformity process
• Preparing for fast market uptake and global commercialisation
• Engaging medical doctors, key-opinion leaders and other stakeholders at targeted markets through our established medical community networks and targeted dissemination
• Piloting the SmartECG with primary care and specialist physicians
Work Package 1: Service capacity: SmartECG architecture scale-up and validation
Work in WP1 was completed during the first project year.
During the first year, we finalized and tested the system architecture scale-up strategy, based on the evaluation done in the feasibility study. As a result of WP1, we are prepared to support 10.000 end-users. Also, we have a specific step-by-step strategy and all contracts in place for activating necessary infrastructure upgrades at the proper expansion stage. During this work package, we also confirmed that the customer identification and data transferring method for SmartECG software are safe and meet the requirements of national, EU and USA standards. We successfully developed a browser-based ECG user interface for tablet mode and ensured that the user interface is compatible with mobile devices.

Work Package 2: Final product: Ensuring SmartECG interface interoperability and algorithm fine-tuning
The work in WP2 concentrated on finalising the system and device interfaces. The end-result of WP2 was that we have successfully developed SmartECG software for healthcare professionals for viewing and analyzing Holter ECG results.

Work Package 3: Validation and piloting: Ensuring SmartECG clearance to the market
This work package concentrated on validation and testing activities – the end goal of the WP was to ensure clearance to global markets. During the second year, we received the CE certification and also put a lot of focus on collaboration with different piloting partners. The piloting negotiations were successful in Finland and Sweden.

Work Package 4: Commercialisation strategy and plan
WP4 was an on-going for the entire project. By the end of the SmartECG project, we can say that commercialisation activities have run well and successful. The main accomplishments from the second year include continuing the promotion of SmartECG via different PR activities and also attending many conferences and workshops to ensure establishing good contacts. We are prepared for a rapid SmartECG commercialisation and roll-out to market.
Our ambition is to provide a simple and scalable solution that enables significant improvement to CVD diagnosis and monitoring in existing medical systems. Web browser based service enables wider and more effective usage of Holter-ECG studies.
SmartECG provides a primary care level effective diagnostic tool and simple specialist consultation platform, to increase their options in treatment decision making. This will improve the healthcare efficiency and fight against the medical specialist shortage.
SmartECG platform enables effective implementation of modern natural language processing and machine learning techniques. RemoteA has extensive database for artificial intelligence development. Millions of hours of ECGs and tens of thousands of specialist reports facilitate continuous improval of the service.
RemoteA vision of the healthcare ecosystem