Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SIMPLE (Spacefibre IMPLementation design test Equipment (SIMPLE))
Reporting period: 2018-02-01 to 2019-01-31
The ambitious goal of SIMPLE is to bring IngeniArs SpFi advanced prototype (TRL6, outcome of SME-INST-1 project) to TRL9 with the industrialisation of three products:
- SpFi IP-core: a macro-cell to be integrated into customer’s FPGA/ASIC designs;
- SpFi Analyser Box: a standalone ground equipment to test and validate SpFi-based systems;
- SpFi Analyser PXI: an embedded module to be integrated in customer’s ground equipment featuring PXI interface.
This way, Aerospace industries will be provided with all the necessary off-the-shelf products to speed-up the development and testing of aerospace systems with high-speed communication requirements. This will be beneficial also for a larger group of stakeholders such as the EC, EU member state governments and their space agencies, the scientific and industrial space community, leading to an advancement of Europe in this strategic aerospace field.
As part of SIMPLE dissemination and exploitation strategy, the SpFi IP-core, the SpFi Analyser Box and the SpFi Analyser PXI have been advertised in all IngeniArs dissemination and exploitation activities. Face to face meetings with prime companies in the Aerospace field were organised over the 2 years of the project to present IngeniArs SIMPLE outcome and the company developments in terms of products portfolio. Feedbacks received from potential customers have been taken into account and evaluated in terms of effective implementation on IngeniArs solutions. In addition, IngeniArs organized on 24th April 2018 an international Workshop in Pisa titled “The present and the future of high-speed interfaces for satellite on-board data systems”. The aim of the workshop was to promote SIMPLE project, SpaceFibre diffusion over Europe and demonstrate IngeniArs commitment to SpaceFibre technology. Several institutions, such as ASI and ESA, and big players of the aerospace market joined the workshop.
All the specific objectives foreseen by SIMPLE project were successfully achieved.
SIMPLE project contributes also to a general advancement of the European technology for the aerospace sector, which has always been considered strategic by stakeholders such as the European Commission, European governments and their space agencies, the scientific and industrial space communities.