Periodic Reporting for period 4 - FUN-NOTCH (Fundamentals of the Nonlinear Optical Channel)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-06-30
The specific results obtained in the project are the following:
In WP1 and WP2, different mathematical models were developed. These include data-driven models based on first-order perturbation theory (WP1 and WP2) and nonlinear interference models for dual-polarization (four-dimensional) formats (WP1).
In WP3, maximum transmission rates (or bounds thereof) of soliton-based communication systems have been performed. Multiuser information theory was also used to develope inner and outer capacity bounds. These results were based on the models developed in WP2.
In WP4, multiple contributions to the areas of channel coding and signal shaping were made. We pioneered the use of low-complexity (finite-blocklength) probabilstic shaping based on the idea of enumerative sphere shaping. We also developed new algorithms that combine soft and hard decisions from the optical channel and developed novel four-dimensional modulation formats. These algorithms and modulation formats have the potential to be used in next-generation ultra-high speed optical transponders.
In WP5, we experimentally validated multiple transceiver designs from WP4.
The project generated 35 journal papers, 11 Invited Talks/Conference papers, and 27 conference papers. The project also generated IP in the form of three patents. The results of the project were disseminated via presentation on workshops and conferences as well as through the website of the project that included all scientific publications in the project. We also used social media (twitter and linkedin) to engage with a broader audience.