Periodic Reporting for period 4 - AGEnTh (Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories)
Reporting period: 2022-11-01 to 2023-04-30
Within this framework, the overall objectives of AGEnTh were to provide a new framework to probe quantum simulators, and to theoretically showcase the capabilities of such machines to demonstrate interesting, fundamental physical phenomena within state of the art platforms.
In parallel, we have proposed experiments where such quantum simulators can be used to study the dynamics of ‘gauge theories’ - models that are typically used to describe particle physics, such as the standard model. We have provided theory explanations of Rydberg atom experiments, pointing out their relevance to gauge theories at both qualitative and quantitative level, and clarifying their future potential in terms of enabling discoveries.
Our results have been disseminated both to specialized audiences via publication of more than 50 articles and preprints, and confernence participation, as well as to the general public, via participation to radio programmes and national TV documentaries, and interviews on science popularization journals and websites.
On the gauge theory side, our works have conclusively demonstrated that analog simulation of gauge theories is already at the boundary of classical computational methods, something that has stimulated new approaches at the interface between quantum information and particle physics.